Friday 30 September 2016

Kanaka Durga Temple Vijayawada

                                                 Vijayawada Kanaka Durga Devi


The beauty of this temple is seen to be believed. The temple is situated on a hill on the banks of the Krishna river. The origin or installation of Kanaka - durga Devi at Vijayawada is unknown. She is said to be Swayambu or selfmanifest. She also takes the aspect of Chandi or destroyer of the demon Durgama who was causing havoc among the peace - loving inhabitants of Dakshinapatha.
 Mother Kanakadurgeswari seated atop the Indrakilaparvatha at Vijayawada is the supreme Goddess of Andhra Pradesh, attracting lakhs of tourists since time immemorial. This temple occupies a covetable place in the scriptures; for several of the Sivalilas and Saktimahimas were enacted on and around it, making the region a place of unparalleled spiritual eminence of everlasting significance.

About Vijayawada:-

Vijayawada is a renowned pilgrim centre, situated between the river Krishna and its tributary Budameru in Andhra Pradesh. Located on the mountain range here are the holy shrines of Kanaka Durga and Malleshwara. Legend has it that Arjuna did penance on the Indrakila Hill and was blessed by Lord Shiva. The antiquity of these temples are well established in Mahabharata and in other holy scriptures. In olden days, it was customary for pilgrims bound for Benares or Rameswaram to halt at Vijayawada and worship at the shrines here. Vijayawada was once the capital of Vengi kings. Later the Cholas ruled from here till Muslim invasion. It was then known as Rajendra Cholapuram. The British rulers called it Bezwada

Legend of Indrakiladri Hill:-

In good olden days a Yaksha named ‘KEELA’ had been performing awful penance about holiest goddess Durga. Goddess Durga was pleased by his penance and appeared to him. She asked him to beg a boon. Keela was so happy by the words of goddess Durga and begged like this, “O holy Mother! you should always be in my heart. This is the one and only my desire”. Listened goddess Durga and gave the boon with showering the lunar lights of smile and said, “My Son! You remain here at this holiest planes of river Krishna in the form of mountain. In Krithayuga, after the assassination of demons, I will remain in your heart”.

All the rivers have to join and merge itselves into the seas. But there was no passage for River Krishna. Indrakeeladri Hill was obstructing the river Krishna. All the gods then prayed to Indrakeela to give way to River Krishnamma to flow into the seas. Indrakeela agreed and gave a small passage. River Krishnamma became naughty and increased its force and with ferocious onrush slit the hill and pulled out a piece of it dragging it four miles (6.4 km) downstream to Yanamalakuduru. Even today that small piece of rock known as Thelukonda still exists there. Thelukonda  means floating rock.

Named Mahishasuramadini:-

As such, by the order of goddess Durga, Keela had been waiting in the form of mountain for goddess Durga. After sometime, in the Krithayuga goddess Durga killed Mahishasura who was a disaster for World. Then goddess Durga shined on the Keela mountain with eight arms in the form of MAHISHASURA MARDINI as she had given boon to keela. On this mountain, goddess Durga had been glowing with the lighting of crores of suns, with golden colour. Since that, Indra and all the deities praised her chanting “KANAKA DURGA” and they had been worshipping her daily. This mountain has attained the name “INDRAKEELADRI” from those times, since all the deities are visiting this mountain. Likewise, since goddess Durga shined on this mountain with golden colour glowing, the name ‘KANAKACHALA’ also attained by this mountain. Holy Indrakeeladri mountain became holiest after prevailing goddess Durga on this.

Siva as Malleswara Swamy:-

 Brahma Deva had a sacred intution that Lord Siva also should prevail on this mountain. For this holy purpose, he had performed ‘Sata Aswamedha Yaga’. By this, lord Maheswara pleased with his devotion and rested in the form of ‘Jyothirlinga’ on this mountain. By the first time, Brama Deva worshipped lord Siva with Jasmin flowers (Mallika) with great devotion. Since Lord Siva was worshipped with Jasmin flowers by Brahma Deva, he has attained the name. ‘MALLIKESA’. After this, in Dwaparayuga Arjuna, middle one of the Pandavas, awfully penanced about Parameswara, seeking ‘Pasupatastra’. Parameswara wanted to test Arjuna and fau,ght with him. Finally Lord Siva pleased with the devotion and dauntlessness of Arjuna and offered him Pasupatastra. From that day ‘MALLIKESA’had attained the name ‘MALLIKESWARA’ since he faught with Arjuna with greatest bravery. Days were passing on and on. In Kaliyuga, Jagadguru Sri Adi Sankaracharya observed that the Malleswara Jyothirlinga was in bad invisible condition and he re­installed Malleswara Swamy at the Northern Part to the temple of Goddess Durga. From that day onwards, Malleswara Swamy also has been worshiping by all the devotees. Since goddess Durga has been prevailing at the Southern direction to Lord Malleswara, this Indrakeeladri renowned in the World as power prominent centre the “KANAKA DURGA KSHETRA”.

Legend of Deities:-

The temple of Kanaka Durga the Goddess of power, riches and benevolence and the presiding deity of Vijayawada, is swarmed by lakhs of pilgrims for worship during the “Navarathri” festival which is celebrated with Religious fervour, pomp and festivity. The small but ancient temple of Kanaka Durga , a top the Indrakeeladri hill on the banks of the Sacred river Krishna in Vijayawada abounds with legends of historical interest.
Indrakeeladri is unique in that it has been the chosen abode of Kanaka Durga and Her consort Malleswara as Swayambhu (the self-existent one). Here Durga is one the right side of Malleswara as against the tradition of Goddesses taking their position on the left of their consorts. This shows that Shakthi is predominant on the Indrakeeladri.

Legend has it that the demons acquired great powers by appeasing the Gods and began harassing the sages on the earth. Goddess Parvathi assumed various forms to kill these demons. It was kausiki to kill Sumbhu and Nisambhu, Mahisasura Mardini to kill Mahishasura and Durga to kill Durgamasura. “Kanaka Durga because she was aglow with golden hues, and prayed Her to stay on earth and bless them. Kanaka Durga asked Keeludu an ardent devotee to take the form of hill to enable Her stay on him. Thus Keeladri became the abode of Durga. She took the form of Mahisasura Mardini with eight arms holding different weapons, riding on a lion and trampling Mahishasura on the hill of Indrakeeladri. Her consort Shiva took his place on an adjacent hillrock as Jyothirlinga. He was worshipped by Lord Brahma with jasmines (Mallelu) whereby he got the name of Malleswara Swamy. As celestial beings like Indra visited the place, the hill came to be called Indrakeeladri.
Here it was according to another legend, that Arjuna performed penance and fought with Lord Shiva, who had appeared in the guise of Kiratha to win pasupathastra, the most powerful weapon. So this place is also called phalguna theertha.

One of these hills is called Indrakila, which is a famous hill mentioned in the Mahabharata as the place where the Pandava hero Arjuna obtained from Lord Siva an important weapon called Pasupatastra. The aspect of Lord Siva who appeared before Arjuna for granting him the boon is Kirata or the hunter. Bharavi in his celebrated Kavya “The Kirtarjuneeya” has immortalized this. The temple of Vijayeswara is attributed to Arjuna to commemorate the event of obtaining Pasupatha. The shrine has the representation of this and many other events of the Mahabharata commemorated in sculpture.

The legend is as follows:-

During their wanderings in the forest, the Pancha Pandavas came to Darukavana, where Vedavyasa met them, and told them that one of them should perform Tapascharya in praise of Lord Siva, and obtain from him, the Pasupatastra as a boon, so that they may easily conquer their enemies. Arjuna was chosen for this task and be betook himself to the top of the Indrakila hill (which is said to be the same as the Indrakila hill of Vijayawada) and was performing intense Tapascharya, with his arms upraised, and standing on one foot, and surrounded by the Pancha Agnis or five fires, with four artificial fires around him, and the fifth being the Sun God himself above him. Being pleased with the great Tapascharya of Arjuna, Lord Siva wanted to further test his sincerity, before granting him the desired boon, and therefore took the form of a Kirata or hunter. Parvati also dressed herself as a huntress and the Sivagana of the Lord also came in several disguises. Accompanied by all these, Lord Siva was hunting on the Indrakila bill, driving a wild boar in front of him.
The wild boar came to the side of Arjuna, and Arjuna being a great warrior, took up his bow, and shot it with a single arrow. At the same time, Lord Siva who was following it also shot it with an arrow, and being struck by both the arrows, the boar fell down dead in the middle. Both the Lord and Arjuna claimed the boar as their kill, and a -controversy arose between them, as to whom the boar should belong. Words led to physical quarrel shortly, and the Lord and Arjuna began to wrestle with each other. An experienced and powerful wrestler though he was, Arjuna was no match before the Lord himself, and was soon exhausted. Even in the midst of that desperate struggle, he never lost his one-pointedness of mind and devotion to the Lord.
To invoke divine aid in his favor, he made a Shivalinga out of the earth, worshipped it, and offered prayers to it. He saw the flowers, with which he worshipped the Linga, as physically falling on the hunter before him and he thereupon realised that the hunter was none other than the Lord himself. The hunter immediately disappeared and the Lord appeared himself before Arjuna, in all his glory. Arjuna prayed to him and his prayer was granted, and Pasupatha was given to him by Lord Siva, As a commemoration of this great event, Arjuna is supposed to have installed the Vijayeswara temple here, in the Indrakila hill.
In the Indrakila there are several rock-cut temples. These were supposed originally to be ancient temples, but during the course of time, they were completely buried under debris. When quarrying for stone and road metal was done, they were revealed, and the rock-out temples were preserved as protected monuments. There is in the temple an excellent stone sculpture, which contains in all its four faces the story of Kiratarjuneeyam.
There are interesting legends about the origin of the Malleswaraswamy temple also. It is stated that, prior to the Kaliyuga, the sage Agasthya had named the Lord at Vijayawada as Jayasena.The Mahabharata hero Arjuna, who was a great wrestler or Mallayoddha, called the Lord as Malleswara. The thus famous Lord Siva so goes the legend, graces with his presence and blesses the town Vijayawada on the banks of the sacred Krishna River.
There is another legend about this in which it is stated that in the Kaliyuga, as early as Saka year 117, there was a king famous on earth by name Madhava Varma. The son, of this Icing once killed by accident the child of a woman who eked her livelihood by selling the fruits of tamarind trees (Intrini-Jeevini). The king, who meted out justice according to the principles of Dharma, sentenced his own son to be banged, in order to uphold the principles of justice. Pleased at this impartial attitude and the adherence to principles of Dharma, of this king, God Malleswara came down and showered gold on him, which brought back to life the deceased prince and the dead child.
Thus the great Lord Malleswara. Established in this world, the name of the great King Madhava Varma. Later on a pious devotee by name Panditharadhya came here, and proclaimed to the world that the devotees of Lord Siva were superior even to the sages. He illustrated the truth of this, by bundling up live, coal in a piece of cloth, with the tender twig of a Sami tree, without burning it. God Malleswara was pleased with it and manifested himself to this devotee. This Lord according to the popular legend, is Mahadeva Malleswara, “the endless one ‘ the lover of his devotees and worshipping whom the lords of the earth prospered of old”.
There is an inscription in the temple, of the 9th century A.D., in the usual Telugu script. The inscription is strangely recorded from bottom upwards. Its purport is to say that a certain Thrikoti Boyi or Trikoti Boyu, the son of Kaliyama-Boy of Pechchevada, set up the pillar as a commemoration of his own fame, in order to secure distinction for his race. The Thrikoti Boyi is identified in the inscription with a Guhyaka Yaksha, who in Dwaparayuga was directed by Indra to direct Arjuna to Indrakila hill, where Arjuna should worship the Lord Siva in order to obtain Pasupatha from him.
Besides being a religious centre, Vijayawada is also the very centre of Andhra culture. The Chalukyas of Kalyani once conquered this place, and the famous Chinese Huin. Tsang had visited this place in 639 A.D. when Buddhism was at its zenith. Vijayawada that is a famous centre of Andhra thus enshrines three important and ancient temples and the temple of Kanakadurga is especially a sacred and powerful one, which attracts a large number of pilgrims even now.

Kanaka durga temple:-

Mallikarjuna or the Malleswara as he is known in the Puranas is said to have been installed by Yudhishthira, the eldest of the Pancha Pandavas, as a token of their victory of the South. Thribhuvana Malla, Western Chalukya King of the 10th century A.D, historically constructed the temple.The installation of Vijayeswara is said to have been done by Arjuna, one of the Pancha Pandavas, to commemorate his victory with Lord Siva in the shape of Kirata or hunter.
The place Vijayawada is surrounded by many hillocks and the most important of them is Seethanagaram, while the less important is called the Kanakadurga or Kanaka konda. On the southern side of the Kanakadurga temple, is a hillock with sculptures bearing inscriptions, indicating the names of Gods and Goddesses cut below them. Most of these figures are forms of the Goddess in her aspect of Durga, which are dealt with in the Mantra Sastras. Traditionally these hills were originally continuous and at the commandof the Lord, they got separated, making enough space for the river Krishna to pass through.

It is located in the midst of the hill. We need not climb to the top. Vijayawada is a big city and people built their houses on Indrakeeladri hill upto the temple. The temple looks very beautiful with gold plated Sikhara.

On entering the temple campus, we first come across Bhavani Mandapam towards left. It is the place where sculptures of Chamunda, Mahakali and some other forms of Chandi are carved on the hill. A building is constructed there covering the sculptures, for the devotees of Kanakadurga who take Durga Mala deeksha and come to Vijayawada to worship Kanakadurga. We can visit it to see the sculptures and to participate in the Pujas done there daily.

Durga kundam:-

The pity of all is about Durga kundam. It's sacredness is described very well in Brahmanda puranam. Bathing in this Koneru (small pond on the hill) gives the results greater than bathing in Ganga. But it is buried while constructing Bhavani Mandapam.

Next comes the main temple of Kanakadurga. Kanakadurgamma looks live in the temple. We can feel it. I can't explain it in words. On the entrance of the Garbhalaya (sanctum), a great Shloka is written in telugu, which tells that she is the mother of all.
An Ashwattha tree is present before temple. Anjaneya who is the Kshetrapalaka of the Kanakadurga temple is present at the root of the tree. Temples of Lord Ganesh, Nataraja swamy, Sivakama sundari and Subrahmanya are also present in the campus. Next comes Addala mandapam. It is a small room covered with glass on all it's inner walls. A small idol of the goddess is present in a swing. Pilgrims move that swing with devotion.
The temple of Lord Malleswara swamy is present beside Addala mandapam. Malleswara swamy is the husband of Kanakadurga. In many temples lord Shiva is worshiped more than Shakti. But in Vijayawada Kanakadurga is worshiped more when compared to Malleswara swamy.

Place of Laksha kumkumarchana:-

It is present near the Dhwaja sthamba of main temple. It is avery big Puja and takes about 2 hrs of time. Very effective to get rid of problems.

Nitya puja sthanam:-

In the olden days the all the important pujas were conducted for Srichakra established in main temple. But, now because of high rush these are being conducted in the near by Prakara mandapa.

Nagendra swamy putta:-

Ant-hill of Nagendra: Nagendara Swamy was shined long years back at the Notheeeern part of Goddess Durga on Indrakeeladi.It is present near Subrahmanya temple. This is very old and powerful ant hill. Devotees believe that by installing Sarpant idol(Nagapratistha) Married women will pour milk in this snake's hole on Nagula chaviti and prąy Nagendra swamy to give good children (Best for Santhana prapthi).This is the place one should visit.

Temple of Subrahmanyeswara:-

 Devasthanam has constructed a beautiful temple for Lord Subrahmaneswara Swamy along with Srivalli and Devasena near by the ant hill of Nagendra. Every day rituals of Ashtothara and Sahasra Namarchana are performed to swamy here. Devotees also can perform these rituals. "SARPA DOSHA NIVASRAQNA POOJA' also performed daily in the premises of the temple only.

Nataraja Temple:-

Temples for Sri Vinayaka, Sivakama Sundari Devi, Nataraja are wide constructed by the way to Malleswara Swamy Temple from Goddess Durga Temple. These temples have beautiful "MUKHA MANDAPA". Every day Astothara and Sahasra Namarchanas are performed here. Adoration to Sri Sivakameswari Devi also will be done along with Goddess Durga on the auspicious days of Dasara.

Malleswara Temple:-

 This is the oldest temple situated at the northern part to Goddess Durga Temple. This is the holy temple which Lord Parameswara, the husband of Goddess Durga Manifested as Malleswara. Everyone should visit this temple after the Darsan of Goddess Durga, otherwise they won't get the result attained by the Darshan of Durga.

Nityannadana bhavanam:-

It is present near Nataraja - Sivakamasundari temple. Daily Annadana will be conducted here for the pilgrims.

Kalyana mandapam:-

Previously Durga kalyanam in Navaratris is conducted here. But, now it is done at Bhavani deeksha mandapam. This Kalyana mandapam is now given for marriages. Devotees of Kanakadurgamma and also people of Vijayawada use it for their marriages.

Idol of Gopikrishna:-

It comes after Nataraja mandiram. Looks very beautiful. A water fountain is also present there.
It is present near to the idol of Gopi krishna.

Shankaracharya mandiram:-

It is present between the Nataraja temple and Malleswara swamy temple. An idol of Adi Shankaracharya is present here.

Chandi homa mandiram:-

It is present beside Shankaracharya mandiram. Daily Chandi homam will be conducted here. We can participate in it by paying some fee.

Santhi kalyana vedika:-

Daily Shiva parvathi kalyanam will be conducted here. Participating in Shiva kalyanam is good for those who are suffering from problems in getting married (Good for Vivaha doshas).


It is present beside Addala mandapam. In a open corridor.

Temples Around Kanaka Durga Temple:-

Kshetrapalka Anjaneya Swamy:-

 For every Kshetra there will be a guardian (Palaka). He is called KSHETRA PALAKA. Lord Sri Anjaneya is the place guardian (Kshetrapalaka) of this Kanaka Durga Kshetra. Sri Anjaneya is visible at the root temple of big fig-tree that is situated in front of Goddess Durga's main temple. One should first bow down to this Kshetrapalaka and then only he should visit the holy mother. This is the saying of elders. If that is not possible, even after the Darsan of Goddess also all the devotees should visit Kshetrapalaka Anjaneyaswamyvaru.

Jammi Doddi:-

 At the foot steps of Indrakeeladri, there is a street tailed Brahmin street. This is only "Jammi Doddi" Ancient stone charters say that Sripathi Panditharadhya had hanged a cloth packet containing fire pieces of charcoal to the "Sami Vriksha"(prosopis spiciqera) of here. He was a great devotee of Lord Siva. Glorious celebrations are held here on the holy eve of Vijaya Dasami. This Jammi Doddi is one place with historical importance everyone should visit.

Akkanna-Madanna Caves : -

There are two cave temples beneath portion of Indrakeeladri of Vijayawada. One is at foot steps o the mountain and the other one is in midst of the mountain. Archeologists say that these caves were carved by the kings of Vishnukundinas who belong to 5-6 centuries. These temples are of the Trimurthys Brahma - Vishnu - Maheswara. Even now-a-days also we can observe those symbols at the premises of these cave temples. These cave temples are most ancient and beautifully carved through Indrakeeladri mountain. All devotees must visit these cave temples.

Mangalagiri Narasimha Swamy Temple:-

The renowned temple of Lord Narasimha, one of the nine avatars of Vishnu, is located on the hillock at Mangalagiri, 12k south of Vijayawada. The unique feature of this temple, according to the devout, is the fact that the deity accepts only half the quantity of Panakam (jaggery dissolved in water) offered by devotees, irrespective of the quantity offered.

Gandhi Hill :-

Gandhi Hill Islampet Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh 520001, Vijayawada, Krishna (Dist), Andhra Pradesh
The Gandhi Hill is a popular hill and a tourist attraction, situated at an elevation of 500 ft (150 m) above the main town of Vijayawada. It is located right behind the Vijayawada railway station in Tarapet area of the city. Gandhi Memorial, built on this hillrock is the first of its kind in the country with seven stupas and hence the hill is also popularly known by the name of Gandhi.

Besant Road :-

Besant Road, which is the busiest trade centre in Vijayawada, is frequently visited by tourists. The road is flanked by modern eateries, including restaurants serving western style cuisines as well as Indian delicacies. This street is a hub of entertainment , as it is flanked by number of cinema halls that play most modern films from all languages.

Mogalarajapuram Caves :-


Mogalarajapuram Caves Krishna District Vijayawada Andra Pradesh, Vijayawada, Krishna (Dist), Andhra Pradesh
The Mogalarajapuram Caves are known for its five rock-cut sanctuaries that date back to around the 5th century. Located about five kilometres away from Vijayawada, these caves are now in ruins. The caves have religious significance due to the presence of the idols of Lord Nataraja and Lord Vinayaka in some of them. Besides the caves, the Mogalarajapuram Temple is also a prominent attraction. This temple is enshrined with the statue of 'Ardhanarisvara' that is believed to be the oldest in South India.

Undavalli Caves :-

Undavalli Caves Krishna District Andra Pradesh, Vijayawada, Krishna (Dist), Andhra Pradesh
Undavalli Caves, located 6 km south-west from Vijayawada, are the caves cut-out in the sandstone hill in the 4th to 5th centuries A.D. Of all the caves, the largest one comprises of four stories and is enshrined with a huge statue of Lord Vishnu. The statue of Lord Vishnu is sculpted in a reclining posture from a single block of granite.

Bhavani Island :-


Bhavani Island Krishna District Andra Pradesh, Vijayawada, Krishna (Dist), Andhra Pradesh
Bhavani Island, which stretches in the Krishna River, is located 4 km upstream from the city of Vijayawada. Sprawling over an area of 538231.904 sq. m, this island is one of the largest river islands. Ideal for picnic, this island has boating facilities, mangroves and manicured gardens.

Kondapalli Fort :-

Kondapalli Kila Kondapalli Khilla (fort) Ghat Rd Kondapalli, Andhra Pradesh 521228, Vijayawada, Krishna (Dist), Andhra Pradesh
The Kondapalli Fort is located to the west of Kondapalli in the Krishna District, near Vijayawada. In the 14th century, Prolaya Vema Reddy of Kondavid built this fort as a recreational and business centre. This fort has three successive entry gates, out of which the main entrance gate is called the Dargha Darwaja.

Prakasam Barrage :-

Prakasam Barrage Krishna District Andra Pradesh, Vijayawada, Krishna (Dist), Andhra Pradesh
Prakasam Barrage is a 1223.5 m long structure across the Krishna River, which connects Krishna and Guntur districts. The construction of the barrage started in 1852 and completed in 1855. Tourists visiting the barrage can get a view of the lake.

Festivals and Poojas:-

Besides regular poojas, archanas, ashtottharas, several festivals are celebrated here at this temple on a grand note. The following Nitya Sevas are performed in the temple Sri Chakranavavarnarchana for Rs.516/- and Lakshakumkumarchana for a cost of Rs.1000/-. Both the sevas are performed from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm. Astotharanamarchana for a cost of Rs.25/- and Sahasranamarchana for a cost of Rs.50/- are performed from 5.00 am to 9.00 pm. For all these sevas only two persons are allowed.

The Navarathri Festival:-

The nine-day festival of Navarathri ends on Vijaya Dasami Day when people worship arms and perform ayudha pooja.


Every day we offer different prasadams to Goddess.The first day halwa and poori are offered to the goddess.


On this day Durga Devi is decorate as bala. Bala means small child. On this day small kids under 2 -10 years will be given new cloths and also some gifts . Payasam is offered today as prasadam


Goddess of food. Anna means food,poorna means full, complete. She is the symbol for the one who grants nourishment on every level. She is the supreme Goddess of Kasi ( well known as Varanasi).Before taking any food Hindus chant the prayer of Annapoorna and distribute food in a large scale. Goddess Annapoorna is described as holding a golden spoon in her right hand and a vessel full of Paramannam(rice pudding) in her left hand.Pongal and minapa garelu (vada) are offered are prasadam.


one of the form of maa durga is worshiped by her devotees. Goddess Gayatri is considered the Veda mata, The mother of Vedas. Vedas are large body of texts, composed in Vedic Sanskrit and they form the oldest layer of Sanskrit Literature, and the oldest sacred text of Hinduism, Goddess Gayatri is the mother of the Vedas.
 The goddess often sits on a red lotus flower and appears with five heads and five pairs of hands and representing the incarnations of the Goddess as parvati, saraswati and she is especially identified with saraswati. Nimmakaya (lemon) pulihora is offered as a prasadam.


She is the Echa, Chaitanya Gnyana shakthi swaroopini. Lalita means ”she who plays”, all creation, manifestation and dissolution, Tripura means the three worlds Svarloka ( heaven) Bhuloka ( Physical world) patala (Hell), Sundari means most beautiful so in full Lalitha Thripura Sundari means” The Most Beautiful Girl in the three Worlds”. She is the Goddess of bliss.
The lalitha Sahasranama is one of the famous prayers of Sri Lalitha Tripura Sundari Devi, details her charms from head to foot, and describes her as a mother to all beings in the World. Lalitha sahasranamam is a very powerful prayer of Sri Lalitha Tripura Sundari Devi especially auspicious to chant this on Fridays.
It is very auspicious to chant Lalitha Sahasranama on this day.Daddojanam (curd rice) or Gudannam (bellapu Annam, jaggery rice) as prasadam. She appears enthroned with her left foot upon the sri chakra, holding her traditional symbols like sugarcane, flower, noose (pasam), goad (amkusam), and right side with Goddess Lakshmi Devi and left side with goddess Saraswathi Devi.


which is the maa Saraswathi s nakshatram (astrological star). She is the goddess of knowledge and music and arts, and also she regarded as Vagdevi Goddess of sound, speech, consciousness and wisdom. Maa Saraswathi appears with white dress, seated on white lotus and with four hands in one hand holding a book, in one hand playing veena (a musical instrument) in one hand japa mala(rosary) this representing the power of meditation and spirituality and in the other hand Kamandalam(A pot with sacred water)representing creative and purificatory powers. Saraswath Devi is also referred as Sharda Devi. A white swan is her vahanam (vehicle) so that she is known as Hamsa vahini. On this navaratri seventh day especially Saraswathi devi is worshipped and all students are traditionally required to study on this day and also start study of something new on the same day. Small children under 5 year’s starts to write there first alphabet which is called Vidyarambham is take part today. Gurus (teachers) are worshipped to day as embodiments of Saraswathi. Offering honey is very important in Saraswathi pooja, as honey represents perfect knowledge. Payasam is offered as parasadam on this day.


She is the Goddess of wealth, prosperity, wisdom and fortune. Goddess Maha lakshmi is believed to protect her devotees from all kinds of money related sorrows. She is the daughter of the king of milky ocean, and later married to Lord Vishnu. She is a form of Shakti.Goddess Lakshmi is described as a fair lady with four arms, standing upon lotus, dressed in fine garments and precious jewels and holding lotus flowers in her two hands. She appears in 8 forms and is well known as Asta Lakshmi. Maha lakshmi devi is especially worshiped on Fridays and Diwali festival day and 6th day of navaratri with red color flowers.she is offeered prasadams like Ksheeraannm and pournalu.


The most powerful goddess she is the mother of the universe, she is the power and she is behind the work of creation, preservation and destruction of the world. Durga Devi is mentioned by Vedas as a supreme power.
The meaning of the Durga in Sanskrit is a fort, or is a place which is very difficult to reach. And one more meaning of durga is Durgatinashini meaning is the one who removes your sufferings. Hindus believe that Durga Devi protects her devotees from the evils of the world and removes there sorrows. She has Simha vaahini means Loin is her vehicle, she is Trinayani means she is a three eyed Goddess. So durga Devi appears on Astami day to kill Mahishasura (an inhumane force/ a demon with buffalo face) with three eyes and eight arms with holding many weapons and red color saree and beautiful jewellery is made by gold and ocean pearls and precious stones. On this Durgastami day people believe in praying Durga Devi with red color flowers, cloths and read Durga saptashati or Devi mahatyam and offers Pulagam or Kadambam Annam as prasadam.


This is the most fiercely form of Maa Durga which is the warrior aspect of divine mother. Mahishasura mardhani is the form of Durga Devi after she killed mahishasura. Mahishasura mardhani means the slayer of Mahishasur. So people celebrate this day as divine mother’s victory on bad evil.
She appears riding on a Lion with ten arms carrying weapons was given by Gods and maintaining a meditative smile on her beautiful face. Today devotees read Mahishasura Mardhini Stotram and offer Pulihora (tamarind rice) Garelu (lentil dumplings) panakam (jaggery juice) vadapappu (moong dal salad).


The final and last day of navaratri Sri Kanakadurga Devi appears as Sri Rajarajeswari.After her victory in the battle with Mahishasura we celebrate Dasami the 10th day as vijayadasami, vijaya means victory dasami means 10th day. She is the mother of the world. she is the form of Lalitha tripura sundari devi.she appears on the 10th day sitting on the throne and holding sugarcane in one hand, and giving blessings to her devotees with a peaceful and beautiful smile.


In Kanaka durga temple (vijayawada) she appears like this in the day time and in the evening there will be a boat festival in Krishna river, they bring the Goddess Kanaka durga utsava vigraham(a small idol of Kanaka durga devi) down, they decorate a beautiful swan shape boat with lights and place the Devi idol on it and make few rounds in the Krishna river and bring back the idol to the main temple this is called Teppotsavam. Dasara is a very important and famous festival in Vijayawada which is celebrated every year. Kanakadurga temple is the synonymous with Vijayawada. Special poojas are performed during dasara and also called durga navaratrulu.

Shakambari Navaratri in Ashada masam:-

Ashada Navarathri  festival, Nine festive nights that falls during the month of ashadam , is on auspicious occasion in the temple. Ashada Navarathri uthsavam is all so called as Shakambari Navarathri. Ashada Navarathri celebrations being on ashada shukla paksha padyami (first day of ashada masam)   and culminated on Dashami

Goddess Kanakadurga As Shakambari Devi:-

 During  Ashada Navarathri, For Tree Days goddess kanaka durga idol (Presiding deity in Durga Malleshvara swamy temple)  is appeared in the Alankar of Shakambari devi. Durga idol is decorated with Vegetables and Fruits and worshiped as Shakambari Maa

Alankarams may change according to Thidis and nakshatrams every year.

Goddess proposes; the cops oppose and suffer the consequences

Local leaders used to celebrate ayudha pooja with great pomp displaying the arms and weapons as part of Vijaya Dashami celebrations. But a police officer fearing law and order problem and trouble with such pompous display of arms and weapons objected to the celebrations and tried to stop it in the name of law and order problem. The devotees were not happy with this. They silently approached the higher authorities. Suddenly this police officer received a cable that his services were terminated. Terrified by the events, the Police Officer permitted the people to celebrate ayudha pooja on Vijaya Dashami but also participated in it. Later he got another cable canceling his dismissal order. Not only this police officer, but the entire police department assumed that Ayudha Pooja on Vijaya Dashami has the divine sanction of Goddess Durga Devi. From then on the entire police department began to participate in these celebrations. On Vijaya Dasami day, the deities are taken out in a procession in a swan-shaped boat on Krishna River popularity known as Theppotsavam.

Opening timings for kanaka durga temple :-

The temple remains open from 4 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Entry fee for Dharma Dharshanam is free, Rs 20 and Rs 100 respectively for Mukha Mandapam and Antaralayam Dharshanam
All days of the week
4:00 AM - 5:45 PM (Dharma Dharshanam & Mukha Mandapam)
6:15 PM - 10:00 PM (Dharma Dharshanam & Mukha Mandapam)
5:00 AM - 5:45 PM (Antaralayam Dharshanam)
6:15 PM - 9:00 PM (Antaralayam Dharshanam).


 10:00am to 1:00pm Antaralaya Darsanam Not allowed)(Private Vehicles also not allowed from 10:00am to 2:00pm

How to reach:-

 By Air:-
 Devotee can hire Taxis from Vijayawada Airport, Temple is about 21 km far.

 By Rail: -
Vijaywada Railway station is well connected with all parts of India and just 1.5 km from temple.

 By Road:-
 Regular buses and taxis are available from all parts of Vijaywada city.


 Vijaywada is a very famous city in AP. There are many dharamshalas, hotels available at very reasonable cost. Visitor or devotee can find all types of food through out city.


Joint Commissioner & Executive Officer
Sri Durga MalleswaraSwamy varla Devastanams
Vijayawada -1
Krishna Dt
Andhra Pradesh
Ph : 0866 - 2423600
Fax : 0866 - 2423800
e-mail :


  1. Nice post. Thank you for the sharing this amazing one.
    Party Hall in Chennai

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm planning to do giripradakshina at this temple. If anyone knows how to do it please provide me some information regarding it to my email Tq

  4. Lot of good inputs thank you
    Jai Sri Kanaka Durga...
