Friday 30 September 2016

Pregnancy Godess - Garbarakshambigai Devi Temple in Thirukarukavur

                                          Garbarakshambigai Devi

 Thirukarukavur is the abode of Goddess Garbharakshambika and Lord Mullaivana Nathar. Garbharakshambika means “The Mother Who Protects the Womb”. The name of the place itself brings out the significance of the temple. A remarkable feature of the temple which distinguishes it from the innumerable other shrines of our land is that the Goddess Sri Garbharakshambika not only protects the unborn child, but also blesses people who long for a child, people who have pregnancy related problems and pregnant women who come to the temple praying for an easy delivery.
The other presiding deity is Lord Mullaivana Nathar (Lord of the Jasmine Garden. Worshiping this God will cure all kinds of skin diseases. People who are afflicted with incurable diseases come to this temple.

About Garbharakshambika Deity:-

Goddess Garbharakshambika is the supreme personality of Motherhood and the sanctum sanctorum (Garba Graha) of her temple is filled with the presence of her beautiful idol of, which is about 7 feet tall and decked in beautiful kanjeevaram sarees and exquisite jewellery. She is adorned with the most beautiful flowers which are offered in abundance to the Goddess increasing her beauty. The Goddess has the most radiant smile on her face depicting positivity and a ray of hope. For the thousands who throng her abode she isn’t an idol, she is their only remaining hope.
Even a casual visitor cannot fail to be thrilled by the motherly grace and the imposing look of the Goddess here.

Story of Goddess Garbharakshambika :-

 Here is the story of Goddess Garbharakshambika (an incarnation of Goddess Parvati) and why she is known as the protector of the womb.
Once there lived a Rishi called Nidhruva who lived with his beautiful wife Vedhika in an Ashram. He spent his life praying to the lord and performing holy rites. They were very happy, except that they didn’t have a child, so they prayed fervently to the lord to be blessed with a child. After many prayers Vedhika became pregnant. Everything was going on well and the couple were eagerly expecting their first born child. One day Nidhruva left to visit Lord Varuna by travelling through the skies. The rishis in those days had many powers. Vedhika was in the third trimester of her pregnancy, When he was gone, Sage Urdhvapada visited the Ashram. Vedhika was alone in the ashram and since she was in an advanced state of pregnancy and very tired after the daily household chores, she was lying down and taking rest. Vedhika didn't notice the Rishi or hear him, therefore, she failed to respond and unwittingly failed to offer, due hospitality to the guest.

 Urdhvapada felt terribly insulted and unaware of her pregnancy got incensed at her conduct and cursed her for not paying due respects to him. He cursed that she should suffer from a disease called “Rayatchu”, as a result of which poor Vedhika was struck with a foul disease, which began to eat into the very vitals of not only herself but also the child in her womb. Vedhika realized the effect of the curse and that the baby in the womb had become disformed because of this curse. The helpless Vedhika fervently prayed for relief to Goddess Parvati who in the plentitude of her mercy appeared before Vedhika, the Goddess offered protection to the embryo by keeping it in a divine pot till it bloomed into a full-fledged child. The foetus that was saved by Goddess Parvathi develops into a beautiful healthy male child called Naidhruvan, who receives blessings from Lord Shiva (Mullaivana Nathar) and Goddess Parvati. The holy cow Kamadhenu gives its milk to the newborn baby thus blessing and nourishing the baby. When sage Nidhruva returned and heard what had happened, he was overwhelmed by the grace of the Almighty. He prayed to Lord Shiva (MullaivanaNathar) and Goddess Parvati (Garbharakshambika) that they should shower their blessings to all devotees praying to them. He fell at the feet of Goddess Parvati and prayed that she should take a permanent abode at the place and continue to offer protection to future generations of women also. Thus we find this prayer being fulfilled even to this day. Since the Goddess Parvathi appeared in the form of a savior to protect Vedhika’s unborn child, she was known as Shri Garbharakshambika (The one who protects the unborn child or the one who protects the womb).

 To this day, pregnant women visiting this temple at Tanjore and praying to Shri Garbharakshambika have a peaceful delivery and it is believed that the Devi takes care of them and vouches safety to women during pregnancy and childbirth, just as she took care of Vedhika.

Temple Architecture:-

The Shri Garbharakshambika Sameta Shri Mullaivana Nathar temple is spread over a wide expanse with huge towering Gopurams and a beautiful water tank in front of it. The temple is surrounded by tall coconut  palms, the whole atmosphere is very calming and serene and lends the place sanctity.
Once you walk past the temple tank, you reach into the temple complex of Shri Garbharakshambika Sameta Shri Mullaivana Nathar.

There is a main Raja gopuram on the east and the temple has also got an entrance on the south side.
Both the shrines of Lord Mullaivana Nathar and Goddess Garbharakshambika are situated in the outer Prakaram, which is the main Prakaram facing the east direction.
The main sanctum of this temple has the Shiva lingam and Goddess Garbharakshambika is situated to the left of the Shiva temple. It is believed that the Nandi at this temple is in Swayambhu vigraham (Self manifested) and so is the Karpaga Vinayagar inside the temple, and as such commands unique devotion from the worshippers. There is also a shrine for Lord Subramanian.
Devotees pay their respects to the presiding deity, Shri Mullaivana nathar ( Lord Shiva) first, as is the custom that is followed in Shiva temples anywhere in Tamil Nadu and then to Goddess Garbharakshambika.

Story of Shri Mullaivana nathar :-

 Lord Shiva is mainly worshipped in the form of a Shiva linga. The shiva lingam of the presiding deity, Lord Mullaivana nathar in the main sanctum of this temple is a Swayambu (self-manifested ) Lingam, It is one out of the 64 in the world. In the Shiva lingam one can see even today the impression of jasmine creepers which once covered the Shiva lingam. The place must have been a jasmine garden once upon a time. Hence the Shiva at this place is called as Mullaivana Nathar (Lord of the Jasmine Garden). Mullai (Jasmine flower) also known as Madhvi or Vasanti in Sanskrit, is the favourite flower of this deity. The Sthala Vriksham* in this temple is the Mullai creeper
 (Every South Indian temple has its own tree - the sthala vriksham. The names of each temple's tree are included in the agamas, descriptive texts).

 The Lingam of Lord Mullaivana Nathar is made up of ant hill mud. Therefore there is no water abhisekam for this Lord. Instead, the Lingam is merely pasted with a kind of must called "Punuhu" in tamil. It is told that worshipping the main deity Lord Mullaivana Nathar (God Shiva) will cure all kinds of skin diseases. People who are afflicted with incurable diseases come to this temple, offer "Punuhu Chattam" to the Lord and get themselves relieved of their diseases.

Popularity of the Temple:-

Goddess Garbharakshambika is one of the most popular form of Shakti in Tamilnadu. She is the lovely embodiment of womanhood and in this avatar as Garbharakshambika she has been ever gracious upon all womanhood to be the Goddess responsible to take care of women with uterus related disorders and pregnancy.
The fame of this temple rests largely upon the Goddess Shri Garbharakshambika (an avatar of Goddess Parvati) who offers protection to the human embryo. And it is no wonder that this temple draws worshippers from all sects.
It is believed that childless people who worship here with devotion and faith are blessed with pregnancy and pregnant women with safe deliveries. Unmarried women also pray here for their marriages. Special prayers are conducted by people on behalf of their pregnant relatives or friends.
The uniform experience of the people of these parts bears unfailing testimony to the said characteristic attributed to the Deity. The inhabitants of the village vouch the fact, that within living memory, there has been no case of fatality to the mother or child during confinement. Pregnant women from elsewhere come here and pray to the God and Goddess for a safe child birth. No one in this place has ever had a miscarriage or pregnancy problem. It is at a place like this that one can understand what “Divine Presence” is.

For Early Marriage:-

The brides have to clean foot -steps of ambal sannathi with ghee and (beautifying the floor with kolams).

For Pregnancy:-

The women have to clean first foot -steps of ambal sannathi with ghee and (beautifying the floor with kolams) kept flower in it.
Those who are not having children have to do the above in addition to intake the ghee with her spouse for 48 days before going to bed.

Method of Using The Blesssed Ghee:-

The couple those are required to be blessed with a child has to intake the ghee(that is given as prasatham from the feet of Godess Garbharakshaambigai) by mixing the same with required amount of pure Cow -ghee for 48 days before going to bed.(Even if the husband is not in a position to intake the ghee at times , the wife has to intake the ghee continuously for 48 days days ) This does not have any restrictions or any barriers.
Those who take some other medicines also continue while they are in course of taking this ghee.Ladies during menstruation should not take the ghee for 5 days.if this is followed piously,the godess Garbharakshaambigai would bless them with a child.

Manthra or Prathana Slogas for Early Marriages And Pregnancy:-

Ohm devendhirani Namasdubyam
Devendra Priya Bamini
Vivaha Bhaghyam ,Aroghyam
Puthra Labam Sathehimey
Bathim Dhehi ,Sudham Dhehi
Soubaghyam Dhehimey Subey
Sowmangalyam Subham Gnanam
Dheimey karbaratchake
Kathyaini mahamaye
Maha Yoghinya Dheeswari
Nandhagopa Sudham Dhevam
Bathim Meygurudhey Nama.

For pregnancy:-

Om Garbarakshambigaayai cha vidhmahe
 Mangala dhevadhaayai cha dheemahee
 Thanno devi prachodhayaath.

This Slogas chat for 108 times times per day for 48 .

For Easy Delivery:-

To get easy delivery ,the caster oil,enriched by performing poojas at the feet of goddess Garbharakshaambigai,could be applied on the abodmen of the pregnant ladies,to make it easy delivery.

Method of Using Manthra Charged Castrol Oil:-

The castrol might be applied on the lower abdomen of the pregnant lady at the time of delivery.Like that the same may be done if she gets pains at times ,during the period of pregnancy.

Prathana Sloga For Easy (Normal)Delivery:-

Hey ,Shankara Smarahara Brahmadhathi
Nathari Mannatha Samba Sasisooda
Harathirisoolin sambo sugaprasava,Grighbavamey Dayalo,
Hey Madhavi Vanesa Palaiyamam Namasthey.

This Sloga Has To Be Recited For 108 Times ,

For Difficult – Free Deliveries:-

Himavadh Yudhdharey Parchway Suratha Nama Yakshini
Dasya ,Smarana Madhrena Visalya Kabinibavedhu.

People in whose case marriages are often held up and married people who have no children for a long time are blessed by the Goddess here. As a result of their worship and prayer, marriages take place, Children are born to the childless, Pregnancies are protected form all dangers and easy deliveries occur.

Steps For Ghee Prasadams:-

Virgins whose marriages are delayed for long periods and married women who have no issue for a long time should come to this Temple in person, wash the steps with a little ghee draw ‘ Kolam and perform Archana to the Goddess. If done so, their marriages will take place and the childless women will be blessed with children.

Manthra – Charged Ghee To Be Blessed With Children:-

Couples who remain childless for a long time should offer ghee which will be placed at the Feet of the Goddess, charged with manthras and given to them. If the couples eat a little of this Ghee at night daily for 48 days the women will certainly conceive soon an they will be blessed with children.

Manthra Charging Of Castor Oil For Easy (Normal)Deliveries:-

Pregnant women expection deliveries should offer castor oil which will be placed and Feet of Sri Garbha Rakshambikai, charged with manthras and offered to them. This castor oil has wonderful property. When the women get labour pains, this oil should be smeared on their abdomen. This will eliminate all complications, dangers and after effect of delivers and make the deliveries quite easy.

How to Reach Thirukarugavur Temple:-

Thirukarugavur is in Papanasam taluka which is located on Thanjavur (Tanjore) - Kumbakonam road.It can be reached from both Thanjavur and Kumbakonam. Town buses are available from both places to take you to the temple.Papanasam is about 20 kilometers east of Thanjavur Town and at 20 kilometers South west of Kumbakonam, so the distance is almost the same.
Pilgrims coming form Madurai, Tiruchi, Coimbatore Salem etc., have to alight at Thanjavur Bus Stand and form there, they can come here by the Town Bus Number 24, 34, 16, 44 or by the route bus to Kumbakonam Via Melattur. Pilgrims form Madras, Neyveli, Mayiladuthurai, Thiruvarur etc., have to alight at Kumbakonam bus stand and form there. They can come here by Town Bus numbers 11 and 29 or by the route bus to Thanjavur via Avur and Melattur. The Temple is at short distance formt the Thirukkarugavur Bus stand (Bazaar Bus stop).

Special pooja at Garbharakshambika temple:-

 The special Pooja and Pushpanjali at the Garbharakshambika temple help to overcome problems related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Auspicious Times: All days are auspicious in this temple; Pradhoshams are very special in this temple, as in other Siva temples.

Pooja Offerings:-

 For pooja coconut, banana, betel & Nut are offered, castor oil is offered which is kept in the feet of the goddess for mantra.
 Charging of Castor Oil for Easy Deliveries.
 Ghee is offered which is kept in the feet of the goddess for manthra.
 Charged Ghee is believed to Bless the couple with Children.

In the Temple store they will give the pack of nine lamps ,ghee, kumkuma, vibuthi for pregnancy.
and a pack of five lamps ,castor oil, kumkuma, vibuthi for free delivery.

Garbarakshambigai Temple Address:-

The Executive Officer
 Arulmigu Mullai Vananathar Thirukkoil
 Thirukkarugavur (P.O)
 Papanasam Tk.
 Thanjavur Dt. 614 302
 Tamil Nadu
Phone : (04374) 273423
Email ;


  1. Have a query. Should we stop consuming Blessed Ghee if we concieve within 48 days or should we continue till 48 days even after concieving?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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  15. After delivery should we take baby also to the temple to offer pooja? I am asking this question because I stay in Bangalore and my kid is below 2 years and it will be difficult for the baby to travel. Pl advise 🙏

    1. Yes, you need to do a Pooja. Where the child is put in a silver cradle. I have seen ppl getting there children after they attain manageable age, so if it is not possible immediately, wait for the child to grow 2_3 yrs and get them for Darshan.
