Saturday 1 April 2017

Jwalamukhi Temple In Kangra Himachal Pradesh

                                                            Jwalamukhi Temple

Jwalamukhi Temple of Himachal is located close to Kangra and is most famous for the ceaselessly burning blue flame originating in the rock sanctum. The temple is amazingly perched on the ridge known as Kali Dhar. It has a dome and high pinnacles with a 3-feet deep square pit in the interior surrounded by a pathway around it.

There is a crack in the rock in the center that emits gas that creates a huge flame when lighted. This gas is considered as a blessing from the deity. The unique thing about Jwalamukhi Temple is that there is no shrine, but the flame is considered as the sign of goddess Jwalaji.
An eternally burning flame tha issues from a hollow rock in the sanctum, is considered the manifestation of the goddess Devi. During March-April and September-October every year, colorful fairs are held during the Navratra celebration. Jwalamukhi temple is 30 km. from Kangra.
Jwala Ji is a Hindu Goddess. Alternative spelling and names for Jawala Ji include Jwala Devi and Jwalamukhi Ji. The physical manifestation of Jwala Ji is always a set of flames burning off natural gas and the term Jwala means flame in Sanskrit.Historically, shrines dedicated to Jwala Ji were based on fissures from which natural gas seeped by itself. The number of flames is usually either seven (for the seven divine sisters) or nine (for the nine Durgas).
Amongst the 51 Shaktipeethas, Jwala Devi temple happens to be an important temple in Himachal Pradesh. Jwalamukhi is a village in Kangra district, which is believed to be the place where the tongue of Sati fell. According to a legend, a shepherd while herding his cattle in the forest saw a continuously blazing fire from a mountain. He then went and told the king about the incident; the King believed the shepherd visited the place and had a Darshan of Goddess here. He then built a temple in this place, later; Raja Bhumi Chand constructed a proper temple here. It is believed that Jwala Devi fulfills the wishes of all those who visit here. Offering coconut here is mandatory.

 Legend of Jwalamukhi Temple:-

The legend of the Jwalamukhi Temple relates to Sati, who was born when gods concentrated their individual energy on the ground. These gods were looking for a respite from the atrocities of the demons. This girl was Adishakti or the first shakti (Sati or Parvati).
She was brought up in the house of Prajapati Daksha and married Lord Shiva later. It is believed that Prajapati Daksha once organised a yajna and invited everyone barring Lord Shiva. Sati felt immensely humiliated at this act of her father and immolated herself in the fire of the havankund. On hearing this, Lord Shiva became so furious that he carried Sati's burnt body and moved around the three world. The gods could foresee a calamity approaching so they assembled before Lord Vishnu and asked him to do something to diffuse the anger of lord Shiva. Lord Vishnu cut apart Sati's body into several pieces with his Sudharshan Chakra. Wherever on earth the pieces of Sati's body fell, a shaktipeeth came up. These are the spot that are regarded as the power centre of the goddess.
The Jwalamukhi temple is the place where the tongue of Sati fell. Here the goddess is manifested as tiny flames that burn through the fissures in the age old rock. The temple is supposed to be first built by a king who, on the complain of a cowherd, tried to find out the place where from where a female emerged and drank the milk of the cow. Since, the king was aware of the legend of Sati, he continued his search for the place and finally succeeded. He constructed a temple there and employed priest to perform pujas. Later, Pandavas came and carried out some renovation work in the temple.

History of Jwalamukhi Temple ( Kangra ):-

Dating back to the origin of Adishakti or Sati, the temple basks in a glorious past. It was to get respite from the unending atrocities of the demons that the gods concentrated their individual energies at one point, thus giving birth to Sati. Brought up in the house of Prajapati Daksha, Sati got married to Lord Shiva later.
Once Prajapati Daksha organized a yajna and invited al the gods and goddesses to it barring Lord Shiva. Sati wanted to partake in this grand affair so she reached the place of the Yajna uninvited. All her sisters were welcomed by her father there except her. Daksha did not even dedicate the sacred portion of the Yajna Prasad to Lord Shiva. This made Sati feel immensely humiliated. Therefore, she immolated herself in the fire of the Yajna.
Sati's end disturbed the Lord Shiva immensely. He sliced Daksha's head. On his reparation, the Lord affixed the head of a male goat to him. Unable to restore his mental peace even then, He roamed in the entire universe carrying Sati's burnt body. Foreseeing a calamity approaching, the gods requested Lord Vishnu to diffuse the anger of Shiva. At this, Lord Vishnu cut apart Sati's body into several pieces with his Sudharshan Chakra. Wherever those pieces of sati's body fell on earth, a shaktipeetha or the power centre of the goddess came up.
The Jwalamukhi temple is the place where Sati's tongue fell. The goddess therefore is manifested as tiny flames here that burn through the fissures in an age old rock. There are nine flames at the temple that have been burning here without any oil or cotton since ages.
The temple also has a great historical significance dating back to the reign of Mughal emperor Akbar. Amazed at the continuity of these flames, he tried to extinguish these. He tried a lot of methods for this but in vain. Finally, he submitted to the power of the goddess. He went to the shrine bare footed and presented a golden umbrella to the goddess. But the goddess denied this offering and the Chhatra turned into a colossal metal. Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab also paid a visit to the temple in the year 1809. The building of the temple has a gilt dome gifted by Maharaja Ranjit Singh and silver plated folding doors.

Inside the temple, there is a 3 feet square pit with pathway all around. In the centre of which is a hollowed rock over a primary fissure of flame. This one is regarded as the mouth of Mahakali. Nine flames in total emanate from different points in the pit and represent Saraswati, Annapurna, Chandi, Hing Laj, Vindhya Vasini, Mahalakshmi, Mahakali, Ambika and Anjana - the forms of goddess. Thousand of devotees flock the temple round the year to pay homage to the goddess and to get their wishes fulfilled.

 Jwalamukhi temple as a Shakti Peeth:-

The shrine is regarded as a Maha Shakti Peetham. It is believed that Sati Devi’s tongue fell here. Shakti Peethas are shrines of Devi, the primodial Mother Goddess. Each Shakti Peetha has a shrine for the Shakti and Bhairava. Siddhida (Ambika)is the Shakti and Unmatta Bhairava is the Kalabhairava. The mythology of Daksha yaga and Sati’s self immolation had immense significance in shaping the ancient Sanskrit literature and even had impact on the culture of India. It led to the development of the concept of Shakti Peethas and there by strengthening Shaktism. Enormous mythological stories in puranas took the Daksha yaga as the reason for its origin. It is an important incident in Shaivism resulting in the emergence of Shree Parvati in the place of Sati Devi and making Shiva a grihastashrami (house holder).

Nine  Jyoti's Jwalaji:-

After entering the main room, in front, across the wall opposite, is the Jyoti which is constantly running and is considered to be Maa Kali's Jyoti. It is considered a complete Brahma Jyoti (Poorna Brahma Jyoti) in covered by a Silver Aalay(silver case). Alongside there are 8 other forms of Jwala Jyotis in this temple room. See all the auspicious Nine swaroop of Jwala Jyotis at Maa Jwala Ji Temple.

Outside the main temple room, a few steps up is the Gorakh Dibbi at Jwala Ji or the Rudra Kund. This is the place where Guru Gorakh Nath Ji had worshipped Maa Bhagwati. Maa Anjana Jwala Ji Jyoti is present at this kund.

The Jwalamukhi Temple Itself:-

The temple of Jwalamukhi is not an architectural delight. Moreover, there is no idol to worship too. The building has a gilt dome and a silver plated folding doors. Inside, there is a 3 feet square pit with pathway all around. In the centre, there is a hollowed rock over a primary fissure of flame. This one is regarded as the mouth of the Mahakali. Flames emit out from several other point in the pit. They are nine in total and represent the different form of the goddess - Saraswati, Annapurna, Chandi, Hing Laj, Vindhya Vasini, Mahalakshmi, Mahakali, Ambika and Anjana. There are two lions in front of the temple.


There are mainly 3 ways of doing Mata Jwala Devi's Pooja Archana, i.e. Panchopchal, Dashopchal and Sholshobchal. Similarly there are 5 different Jwalaji Aartis done of Mata Jwala Ji.

Shringar Aarti:-

Shringar Arti is done early mornings at Brahma Mahurat time. In this aarti, Malpua, Khoya and Mishri are offered to Maa Jwala.

Mangal Aarti:-

 This aarti is done after around half an hour difference to the first one. In this aarti, yellow rice and curd is offered to Maa Bhagwati.

Madhyayan Kaal Aarti:-

This is performed in the afternoon(Madhyayan Kaal). In this, rice, Shatras Dal and sweet/ desert is offered to Maa.

Sayan Kaal Aarti:-

 This is, as the name suggests, performed in the evenings. In this aarti, Poori, Chana and Halwa is offered to the Jagad Janani.

Shaiyya Aarti:-

\As the name suggests, it is the bedtime aarti of Maa, before the pandits offer the last prayers in the late evening of the day and prepare Maa's bed to sleep. This aarti starts around 9:00 PM in the evening. Milk, Malai and seasonal fruits are offered to Maa Jwala.

General information of the Jwalaji Temple Area:-

The Bhawan area is around a kilometer area in the valley. It is a busy place most parts of the year with tourists from all across India, specially North India, visiting this place regularly. Maa Jwalaji is a place for many to get their children's mundan too. Once up at the Bhawan area, you will find lots of hotels and Dharamsalas for a comfortable stay. Dhabas and small hotels serving mostly north Indian food. The temple experiences a huge amount of rush in the festive season of Navratras, though otherwise you can get awesome Darshan and also get special prayer done for a minute or two.

Festivals and Rush times at Maa Jwalaji:-

There is a huge rush in this area with lakhs of devotees during the times of Chaitra Aswin Navratras and Shrawan Months from Delhi, Punjab, Himachal and other parts of India. Though otherwise, in the changing trends of modern followers, devotees from north India, specially Delhi, Punjab visit this place regularly on weekends. The locals prefer to visit mainly on Tuesdays and Fridays.

•The Jwalamukhi fair is held twice a year during the Navratri of Chaitra and Aswin. The devotees go round the ‘Jwala Kund’ in which the sacred fire burns, making their offerings. The ‘Gorakh Tibbi’ a centre of the Gorakhpanthi Naths is placed near the Jwala Kund. Folk-dances, songs, plays, wrestling matches and athletics are some of the important attractions of the fair. The Jwalamukhi Temple in Kangra becomes the venue for the major fair.
•In April and October, the people of the area who believe that the jets of the inflammable gas coming from the volcano are actually the sacred fires coming out from the mouth of their Goddess, worship the Goddess of the Jwalamukhi volcano in the district of Kangra in Himachal Pradesh. People come with red silken flags (dhwaja) to greet the Mother Goddess, ‘JwalaJi’. The fair is attributed to the worship of that Eternal Flame which is coming out of earth spontaneously and perpetually.

How To Reach:-

By Air :-

 Closest Airport is at Gaggal, 50km away. Chandigarh airport is at a distance of around 200 km.

By Rail :-

 The nearest Narrow gauge is at Ranital, 20 km away. Also Nearest Broad Gauge Railway Station is at Pathankot, More than 100km away

By Road :-

 The temple is also well connected by road. State transport buses from cities of Punjab and Haryana are available. Taxis are also there to take you to the Jwalamukhi temple.


  1. hi there nice blog its good information about Temple keep it up also check
    jwala devi temple photos

  2. Jawalamukhi is very attractive ShaktiPeeth temple.I like this temple.It is great temple.Get more know about other ShaktiPeeth Temples so Visit at
    Kangra Valley

  3. Very nice place cud see 7 flames n worshipped
    Temple is closed for Bhog n arti between 11.30 to 12.30
