Thursday 16 March 2017

Sri Radha Parthasarathi Mandir (or) Iskcon Temple In Delhi

                                                           Iskcon Temple

This temple was opened back in 1998 and is located at Hare Krishna Hills, in the East of Kailash area of New Delhi, India. A very well-known Lord Krishna temple for inner peace, its followers believe in Srila Prabhupada. As one of the biggest temple complexes in India, it has numerous rooms for priests and service renders. Many halls are used for its administration purposes. It is divided into four broad units.

Their followers are worldwide. Twenty-four trained priests worship the Deities as per strict spiritual regulations and they recite six different aartis at different timings. The architecture of this temple is magnificent. The steps of the temple have various halls that lead to further ends of the temple.
By the side, there are shops and beautiful fountains that add to the spirituality of this shrine. Inside the shrine, the sight of idols makes one muse over the godly world. Draped with rich clothes and jewellery, the idols are decked with great delicacy and care. In the center hall, one can always hear the heavenly tune of Hare Rama Hare Krishna. Many devotional lectures and addresses are arranged for the benefit and spiritual nerve of devotees.

 The temple is beautifully constructed and has a big compound. The fountains, gift shops and libraries of CDs and books make it a wonderful place to visit. The temple also organizes an audio visual presentation of Bhagwat Gita to spread spiritual awareness. The chants of “Har-e-Krishna” along with the beats of drum can be heard coming from the temple premises. Tourist from all over India and world visit this place to obtain peace.

 The Iskcon temple Delhi is dedicated to Lord Krishna and was built by the Hare-Rama Hare-Krishna cult followers. This complex is elegantly built and is one of the largest temple complexes in India. The main attraction of the temple is the Robot who enacts and preaches the Gita.
 Iskcon Temple Delhi treasures beautiful paintings of Russian artists on the different past times of Radha Krishna, Sita, Ram, Laxman, Hanuman and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Special programmes like Kirtan, Aarti, Pravachan and Prasadam are held every Sunday between noon to 3.00pm.
 The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon) was initially raised as a spiritual society in New York to Propagate the message of the Bhagwad Gita. It was founded by Swami Prabhupada. In India there are about 40 Iskcon temple .

Architecture Of Iskcon Temple:-

Iskcon Temple, designed and built by Achyut Kanvinde who in 1993 agreed to accept a pro-bono commission to build this temple complex for the followers of Srila Prabhupada,is one of the largest temple complexes in India. It comprises numerous rooms for priests and for service renders. It has many halls that are used for its administration purposes and various seminars. It is divided into four broad sections.

An entry to the Iskcon Delhi is a quiet escape from the bustles of the city. You can find here solace, serenity, satisfaction and can meet yourself on a higher dimension. Sitting amongst Lord Krishna and his devotees with Hare Krishna Hare Rama chants going around, is indeed an experience of a lifetime. But for those who are seeking more, there is so much to learn and see, than what meets the eye and soul. Spend a few minutes in the sanctum sanctorum, beholding the divine marble effigies of Krishna, playing the idiosyncratic flute, beside Radha. Try to visit the Iskcon temple on Sunday afternoons, and you will be overwhelmed to be a part of the kirtan, aarti, pravachan and prasadam, that continue till evening.

 If interesting legends of mythology and their scientific relevance fascinates you, then remember to visit the Iskcon museum, ensconced on two floors of the temple building. Pinned to a common goal to present Indian history in an interactive manner, the temple authority has taken initiatives to organise a light and sight show garnished with life-like figures of Hindu mythology, that makes a huge impact on the audience. Portraying the the best of science and religion, the exhibition is a must see for every visitor. Stroll in the ground floor and you can see beautiful motifs that brings the forlorn preachings of Bhagwat Gita, back to life. As you will climb higher, the whole backdrop changes to that of Ramayana and Mahabharata stories.

There are a number of reasons to visit this temple, but if you want to feel peace and calm than you have to surely visit this place. Once you enter the premises of ISKON you can feel the serenity of this temple. The enchant of “Hare KRISHNA  Hare RAMA”  will surely put goose bumps in your body. There are many other reasons, which I described below-

1. Bhagavad-Gita Animatronics Robot Show:-

The message of Bhagwat Gita is described by robots which used to narrate the teachings of this Hindu Epic

2. Vedic Culture Museum:-

The museum complex inside the temple is used to recite the holy message of Srimadbhagwat Gita by modern technical equipment.

3. Ramayana Art Gallery:-

A demonstration of Ramayana, presented by sound and light show is mesmerizing to watch.

4. The Vedic Centre for Performing Arts:-

In this place, many performers from all over the world come here to show their skills and illustrate the scenes form Hinduisms.

Significance of the Iskcon temple Delhi:-

•The vision of the project is to create an institution that will inspire people to dedicate their lives to the teachings of God Sri Krishna. And in keeping with this theme, the Glory of India museum and exhibition present highlights from the ancient and medieval texts, such as Mahabharata, Ramayana, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and Caitanya-caritamrta.
•Iskcon Temple architecture is a combination of the design of six-eight hundred-year-old temples and present day technology.
•The purpose of ISKCON is to serveas a center for India’s greatest glory – Vedic knowledge and culture.
•God is known across the world by many names including Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, Rama, etc. ISKCON devotees chant God’s names in the form of the maha-mantra or the great prayer: “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare; Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.”
•Members of ISKCON practice bhakti-yoga in their homes and also worship in temples. They also promote bhakti-yoga, or Krishna Consciousness, through festivals, the performing arts, yoga seminars, public chanting, and the distribution of the society’s literature.

Rituals Followed In Iskcon temple Delhi :-

As Vaishnavism, ISKCON has very high standard of worship, daily routine of temple is:-
Twenty four brahmanically trained pujaris worship the Deities according to strict spiritual regulations, it also includes complete purity and auspiciousness of pujaris, mentioned by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada.
six aratis are offered to the Deities everyday, which are as:-
1.Mangala Aarti
2.Tulsi Aarti
3.Dhoop Aarti
4.Raj-Bhoga Aarti
5.Pushpa Aarti
6.Sandhya Aarti
Six bhoga offerings, corresponding to these six aratis, are made to the Deities.
The outfits of the Deities are changed twice every day, morning and evening.

Festivals Celebrated at Iskcon temple Delhi:-

Festivals are a vital part of community life at Iskcon temple Delhi , involving large numbers of volunteers.
Gaura Purnima :-

 It is the appearance anniversary of God Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534) who is Radha and Krishna combined. On this a full-moon day, everyone fasts till moonrise, and devotees visit the temple to see the Deities of the God. The devotees present dramas and lectures about Lord Chaitanya’s activities. The idols of Gaura-Nitai are adorned with new clothes, and the devotees engage in extra Kirtan (Hymns). At moonrise, a prasad feast (sanctified vegetarian food) is served.
Sri Ramnavami :-

Sri Ramnavami observes the birth of God Rama, and is one of the most auspicious days in the Vaisnava calendar. At ISKCON Delhi, celebrations include special decorations, drama, and discussion of God Rama’s pastimes and a ‘Hari Nama’ chanting procession in the surrounding areas. The day also includes Maha Abhishek, the drama by Vaikuntha Players, Lectures on God Rama, and a feast for all the devotees.
Sri Krishna Janmashtami :-

The auspicious day of the appearance of God Krishna is celebrated as Sri Krishna Janmashtami. ISKCON Delhi is reputed to celebrate one of the largest Janmashtami celebrations of its kind. The festivities last for 12 days beginning with a Srimad Bhagavat Katha for a week, followed by a Shobha yatra (procession outside the temple).
Radhashtami :-

 It is the celebration day of Srimati Radharani’s appearance. Radharani is the consort of Krishna. She appeared to Vrishabhanu Maharaj (her father) in the village of Rawal, a fortnight after Krishna’s appearance. Radharani is the best devotee of Krishna; Krishna, therefore, loves her the most. On the festival day, devotees seeking Krishna’s grace will ask her to grant them devotion to her beloved God. On Radhastami, Sri Radha-Krishna idols are traditionally dressed entirely in flowers. Sri  Radha Parthasarathi is adorned in a new outfit in the morning and a flower outfit in the evening. Abhishek is performed at noon.
Jagannath Rath Yatra :-

 The pulling of Rath (chariot) during the Rath-yatra procession by the devotees symbolizes the attempt of the residents of Vrindavan, especially the cowherd boys and girls, to bring Krishna, Balarama, and Subhadra back to Vrindavan, near Mathura, UP from Kurukshetra. ISKCON Delhi celebrates Rath yatra annually around October/November. The festivities include the Rath yatra parade, offering of Chappan bhoga (56 foodstuffs), spiritual discourses, and a spiritual and cultural festival.
Nauka Vihar (Boat Festival) :-

 Every year in summer, the devotees at Iskcon temple Delhi  celebrate the boat festival of their Gods. This festival is connected to the pastimes of God Krishna and Srimati Radharani, who along with their friends would enjoy boat rides on the river Yamuna in the summers. Devotees in the temple decorate the Kailya Krishna pond with a flower bed. The Gods are then requested to come down to the pond while being accompanied by sankirtan (Hymns). The idols are then taken around the pond on a boat while thousands of devotees shower flowers and chant the Gods’ name

Activities at Iskcon temple Delhi:-

Among the many activities at Iskcon temple Delhi , “Food For Life” is an important program. Designed around the philosophy of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder Acharya of ISKCON – ‘No one within ten miles of Iskcon temple should go hungry’, it is the largest vegetarian food distribution program in over 60 countries. Under this program, Prasad is distributed to the visitors visiting the temple in the evening between 6.30 – 8.30 PM. On Sundays and during festivals, the number of visitors goes up to 10,000 and Iskcon ensures that no one goes away hungry.
ISKCON also runs a mid-day meal program for government schools across Delhi that aims to feed around 5 lakhs children. “This is a government supported initiative to eradicate malnutrition by serving cooked meals at these schools. The kitchen where the food for the mid-day meal program is prepared is at Alipore Gaon, in North-West Delhi,” says Bal Bhadra Das, Director – Food for Life.
Additionally, Food for Life has provided aid during several emergencies worldwide; the most recent being the Nepal earthquake in 2015, Jammu Kashmir floods in 2014 and the Phailin Storm in Odisha in 2013.
Iskcon also supports the ‘Aap Ki Rasoi’ scheme started by former Delhi CM Sheila Dikshit that provides one full meal to around 5,000 underprivileged people around Delhi in a day.
And Hence…
A visit to the temple is sure to reawaken your inner spirituality. The chanting of the Maha-Mantra is equally an act of purity and leaves a person feeling blissful. Such is the power of this Mantra that it can bond countries and bring together different communities. And this has been rightly highlighted by Shri Vajpayee in his speech during inaugurating the temple that “The Maha-mantra reverberates to the dancing feet of Iskcon devotees each morning and evening in temples from Stockholm to Sao Paulo and from Miami to Mayapur’’.
The Delhi Temple is one of the many Iskcon Temples around the globe that continues to fascinate its worshippers and kindle new hope.


 Open – All Days

Morning – 04:30 AM | 07:15 AM | 07:45 AM
Evening – 12:30 PM | 07:00 PM | 07:45 PM.
Iskcon Temple Delhi Aarti Timings

Program Timings:-

Mangala Arati 4:30 AM
Japa (Mantra) Meditation 5:15 AM
Darshan Aarti 7:15 AM
Guru Puja 7:30 AM
Srimad Bhagavatam Discourse 8:00 AM
Raj Bhog Aarti 12:30 PM
Usthapana Aarti 4:15 PM
Sandhya Aarti 7:00 PM
Bhagavad Gita Discourse 8:00 PM
Sayana Aarti 8:30 PM
Temple Hall Closes 9:00 PM

Nearby Attractions:-

ISKCON Temple is a famous pilgrim destination which records a considerable amount of footfall. Surrounding this religious hub is a number of attractive tourist spots like:

Kalkaji Temple:-

The temple of Goddess Kali, situated on a hill top and a major pilgrimage place during Navratri. Legend goes that the founder of this temple is a farmer. Built in the 18th century it is hardly a kilometer away from Okhla Industrial Estate and Nehru Palace.

Nizamuddin's shrine:-

 Located in Nizamuddin village, situated close to the Humayun’s tomb, not far away from the Eastern end of the Lodi Road is the shrine of the famous Muslim Sufi saint, Sheikh Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia Chishti.

Khirki Masjid:-

 Situated just 2 kilometers away from Qutab Minar, in the center of Khirki Village, is the khirki Masjid or Mosque. It is a fine example of ‘closed mosque’ in North India. The outstanding feature of this mosque is its window opening with jalis or tracery, thereby naming then latticed windows.

Chirag-i-Dihli's Dargah:-

 It is the tomb of Sufi saint Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud who was also known as Raushan Chirag-i-Dihli. Located in the Chirag Delhi Village, the place can be reached by taking the Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg through the Chirag main road or one can also take the Outer Ring Road through the Soami Nagar south colony.
Some of the famous food joints and eateries serving eclectic dishes are completely vegetarian restaurant within the temple complex, named Govinda Restaurant. Other names include Hotel Park Royal, Karim’s.
Nearby Shopping Venues include Nehru Place, C R Park Market and Kalkaji Market.
How to Reach:-

Sant Nagar is an area in south Delhi which is very well connected with the rest of the city.

By Air:-

Iskcon Sant Nagar is 20 km from the New Delhi international airport and can be reached using pre-paid taxis, metro train, and DTC Shuttle buses all of which are available right at the arrival terminal.

By Train:-

 Metro –The Nehru Place metro station is the closest to the temple and is just a 5-minute walk. The alternate option would be ‘Kailash Colony’ Station

By Train:-

 Iskcon Sant Nagar is 5 km from the Nizamuddin railway station and 12 km from the New Delhi railway station. Both of them offer auto-rickshaws, taxi, public bus service and Metro train to commute.


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