Wednesday 1 March 2017

Annavaram Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swami Temple

                                         Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swami Temple

Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swami Temple, popularly known as Annavaram Temple, is located on the banks of the Pampa River in Annavaram village, East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The temple considered as second only to Tirupati Venketeswara Temple is situated upon the Ratnagiri Hills and can be reached via Ghat road or trekking through a stone path. The shrine is dedicated to Lord Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy and Goddess Anantalaxmi Satyavathi Ammavaru.

As per the puranas the presiding deity of the place blesses the devotees with Anina Varam (Wanted Boon) the place is called Annavaram. The hillock by the side of the village is considered to be very sacred. Meruvu the Lord of the hills and his consort Menaka did great penance and begot two sons by the grace of Lord Vishnu. One was named Bhadra and the other Ratnakara. Bhadra pleased Lord Vishnu with his devotion and penance and with his grace became Bhadrachalam on which Lord Sri Rama had permanently settled. Ratnakara desired to emulate his brother and succeeded in pleasing Lord Vishnu by his penance to settle on him as Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy, Ratnakara remaining as Ratnagiri hill.
That is the deity will endow one with whatever one desires. Important shrines inside the temple complex are the main temple of Sree Veera Venkata Satyanaryana Swamy on the Ratnagiri Hill, Sri Sita Rama as Keshatra Palakulu, and the shrines of Goddess Vana Durga and Kanaka Durga.   The temple of Gramadevatha (Village deity) is located at the foot of the hill.
Annavaram temple a famous and a unique yantra the like of which does not exist anywhere else in India. The yantra is based on the Tripad Vibhuti Narayana Upanishad, which is a part of the Devarshi sakha of the Atharva Veda. The shrine is constructed in two stories, the lower one containing the Yantra and the upper one containing the vigrahas of the Lord. The Garbha griha of the Lord has four entrances. In the centre thereof, like a Panavattam under the Sivalinga, Tripeethas are constructed, and on the top of them over the Meru portion, the Beejakshara Samputi of the Yantra is chiseled. At the apex thereof which forms the Bindu, a monolithic pillar is constructed and on the top of the pillar the image of the Lord is in the centre, the image of the Goddess is in the right and a Sivalinga is on the left. The idols are of exquisite grace and beauty and are encased in gold Kavachams.
Trikala archana is performed every day both to the Yantra as well as to the idols. Salagramams of great value and efficacy and Sri Chakram in crystal are also worshipped along with the main idols. On the ground floor of the Garbhalaya the idols of Aditya, Ambika, Gananatha and Maheswara are instilled in the four corners and all these with the main idol of Lord Sathyanarayanaswamy in the centre form of the Vishnu Panchayatanas.

Etymology of Annavaram:-

​Anna Translates To "What You Desire", While "Varam" Means Boon Or Godsend. Hence, The Name Annavaram Is An Expression Of The Belief That The Deity Will Endow One With Whatever One Desires.

Legend Of Annavaram Temple:-

There is an interesting and popular legend about the discovery of the main idol of the Lord. The legend goes that the Lord revealed Himself in a dream, where he told the local people that his vigraha was left abandoned on the hill without worship and that the local people must trace it and reconsecrate it. Thereupon, all the local residents and the then Zamindar searched and discovered the idol at the foot of a tree. The worship was performed and the idol was installed a little higher at the present spot. There is in the Annavaram temple a famous and unique Yantra the like of which does not exist anywhere else in India. The yantra is based on the Tripad Vibhuti Narayana Upanishad which is a part of the Devarshi Sakha of the Adharva Veda. The shrine is constructed in two stories, the lower one containing the yantra and the upper one containing the vigrahas of the Lord. The garbha griha of the Lord has four entrances. In the center thereof, like a panavattam under the Sivalinga Tripeethas are construacted; and on the top of them, over the Meru portion the beejak-sharasamputi of the yantra is chiseled. At the apex thereof which forms the Bindu, a monolithic pillar is constructed and on the top of the pillar the image of the Lord is in the center, the image of Goddess is in the right and a Sivalinga is on the left. The idols are of exquisite grace and beauty and are encaged in gold kuvachams."

Hindus perform Sri Satyanarayana Vratham throughout India for weath, education, prosperity, off spring, relief from troubles and sickness and success in business. When it came to be known that Lord Satyanarayana had manifested Himself on the Ratnagiri hills at Annavaram with unique form combining trhe Trimurtis viz., Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and when the devoted Zamindars of Kirlampudi began to provide facilities for the pilgrims, the number of pilgrims from far and near swelled to hundreds and thousands. The average attendance daily is about two thousands now a-days. Though Ekadasi is considered to be very auspicious for the vratham, the individual devotees perform it even on other convenient days. The great popularity behind the vratham springs from the experiences narrated in stores and legends and also the faith gained by observances in daily life.

The important legend connected with this vratham was that once Sage Narada was very much distressed at the misery of marthyas(men in this world) and prayed Lord Vishnu to be informed of a way out for them. The lord then told him that Satyanarayana Vratham would relieve men of their troubles and would ensure worldly prosperity and salvation after death. He also narrated that a pious Brahmin of Banaras performed the vratham first. It was also described how king Ulkamukha of Bhadrasilanagaram, Emperor Tungadhwaja, and a community of Gollas in his kingdom, a Vaisya business man named Sadhuvu, and a poor woodcutter of Banaras has performed this vratham and were blessed by Lord Satyanarayanaswamy (Vishnu himself) with all they desired. The vratham has caught the fascination of millions owing to these stories within the understanding of scholars as well as laymen. All classes of people took to its performance and it is popular for its efficacy.
The origin of the vratham was narrated ad follows: once a highly educated and pious Brahmin who had no means of livelihood was wandering about from place to place being for food. Lord Vishnu had taken pity on his penury and appeared before him in the disguise of a Brahmin and advised him to perform the vratham of Lord Satyanarayanaswamy who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He also told him the way in which the vratham was to be performed. The Brahmin thereupon got up early in the next morning and went out for alms. He could get funds enough for celebrating the vratham and did it as per the vratha directions given by Lord Vishnu. Consequenty, he was blessed by the Lord with prosperity and lived very happily with his family and attained salvation after death. A poor man who has been earning livelihood selling firewood from the forestschanced to go to that Brahmin's house for water to quench his thirst, while the Brahmin was engaged in performing Satyanarayana swamy Vratham. He waited till the end, quenched his thirst and enquired as to what the vratham was. The Brahmin told him in detail all about it and the poor man had decided to perform the vratham himelf and to spend the next day's earnings for the vratham. What he got the next day was enough for the vratham, which he performed with great devotion and became prosperous, happy and attained moksham.
Another legend connected with Satyanarayana Vratham mentioned in Skandapuranam was as follows: A rich Vaisya couple Sadhuvu and Leelavathi begot a dauther Kalavathi as a result of the vow taken to perform Satyanarayana Vratham. They got her married with great pomp to a worthy young man. Sadhuvu and his son-in-law flourished in business and amassed great wealth by the grace of Lord Satyanarayanaswamy. But they forgot to perform Satyanarayana Vratham. They went to Ratnasanapuram on the seashore and commenced business there to add to their wealth. But they had lost the grace of the Lord, as they did not keep up their vow of performing vratham, amidst their prosperity. One night the treasury of the local king had been looted. Sadhuvu and his son-in-law were imprisoned on suspicion, even though they were really innocent. The mother and daughter became poor and sick and were forced to beg for food from house to house. While begging for food kalavathi chanced to witness Satyanarayana Vratham in a Brahmin's house and waited they're to receive the Lord's prasadam. She explained to her mother this incident as the reason for her being late in returning home. Leelavathi then remembered about the vratham and decided to perform it with no loss of time. By the Lord's grace she got all facilities to perform it
 The lord was pleased as a result of the vratham. Sadhuvu and his son-in-law were released from prison and all their confiscated wealth was returned to them by the king at the command of the Lord in a vision. They prayed to the Lord, performed the vratham, gave large amounts in charity and started back to their original place in a boat. Satyanarayanaswamy appeared in the ship as a sanyasi and asked Sadhuvu what he had on borad. Sadhuvu retorted that it was no concern of the sanyasi to know what in the boat was and ridiculed him by saying that there was some trash. 'Be it so', pronounced the Lord and all the wealth in the boat wsas reduced to trash. Sadhuvu began to weep and wail and as advised by his son-in-law he fell on the feet of the sanyasi and prayed for his pardon. The sanyasi reminded him that he had once again failed to perform His puja. Realising who the sanyasi was, Sadhuvu prayved Him), got back his wealth and safely reached the shores. He sent word to this wife and daughter that they were arriving soon at the house. Leelavathi was happy to receive the news and hastened her daughter to finish Satyanarayana puja so that they could hurry up to the seashore to receive their husbands. In the hurry up to the seashore to receiv their husbands. In the hurry both of them forgot to take the prasadam of Satyanarayanaswamy. The consequence was that the boat with the cargo and the son-in-law drowned in the sea. Sadhuvu was much grieved to see his only daughter preparing for sahagamana. He soon realized that Lord Satyanarayana alone could come to his relief and fervently prayed to him. The Lord revealed that the catastrophe was the result of Kalavathi not taking His prasadam in her hurry to go to her husband. Kalavathi rushed home, took the prasadam and hurried back to the seashore. There she saw her husband Ratnakara safe on the shore. She told him all about the Lord. He was so much impressed that he prayed to the Lord and with His blessings changed into Ratnagiri hill on which the Lord took His permanent abode. It is believed that river Pampa running by the hill is none other than kalavathi, who melted with ecstasy at the grace of the Lord and her husband's achievement and began to flow as Pampa River.

Annavaram Temple History:-

As per the puranas the presiding deity of the place blesses the devotees with Anina Varam (Wanted Boon) the place is called Annavaram.

 The hillock by the side of the village is considered to be very sacred. Meruvu the Lord of the hills and his consort Menaka did great penance and begot two sons by the grace of Lord Vishnu. One was named Bhadra and the other Ratnakara. Bhadra pleased Lord Vishnu with his devotion and penance and with his grace became Bhadrachalam on which Lord Sri Rama had permanently settled. Ratnakara desired to emulate his brother and succeeded in pleasing Lord Vishnu by his penance to settle on him as Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy, Ratnakara remaining as Ratnagiri hill.
 The temple of Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy is the main temple on the Ratnagiri hill. There is also a temple of Sri Rama and the shrines of Vanadurga and Kanaka Durga nearby. The temple of gramadevatha (village deity) is in the village at the foot of the hill.

 As per sthala purana, a Brahmin of the village got a dream wherein God appeared and told him that his idol was left abandoned on the hill without worship. Then the Brahmin informed to the Zamindar of Gorasa of  Kirlampudi estate Sri Raja I.V.Ramarayanam, and both of them along with other villagers traced the idol on the hill, and installed at present spot on Sravana Suddha Vidiya of the Telugu year Khara year in 1891 A.D Initially a small shed was constructed, later a temple was built with the cooperation of devotees. The idol is about 13 feet high in a cylindrical form, representing the Trimurthis- the creator Brahma (lower sanctum), the protector Vishnu (top) and destroyer Siva (middle), hence Trimurthis are worshipped simultaneously.
 "Moolatho Brahma roopaya
 Madhayathashca Maheswaram
 Agrathah Vishnuroopaya
 Traika roopayathenamaha"
“The main temple constructed in the form of a chariot with the four wheels at each of the four corners. In front of the main temple is the kalyana mantapa, constructed and decorated with modern pieces of architecture. As we go down the way, we come across Ramalaya and then the shrines of Vana Durga and Kanaka Durga.
 The Akriti of any temple is, according to the Agni Purana, merely a manifestation of the Prakriti. According to this the chariot of the temple is intended as a symbol of the Seven Lokas and the seven Lokhas above with, the garbhalaya of the Lord, at the heart’s center ruling over the entire Universe.
◾The Chariot shape of the temple is the symbol of seven lokas underneath and seven lokas above with the sanctum sanctorum of the Lord at the centre ruling the Universe.
◾The Wheels depict the Sun and Moon reminding that this juggernaut moves on the wheels of time and moves on forever.
◾The temple is in two floors, the ground floor contains the yantra and peetham of the Lord. On the four sides of the yantra are four deities-Lord Ganapati, Suryanarayanaswamy, Bala Tripurasundari and Maheswaraswamy. These constitute the panchayathanam.
◾On the first floor Moola Virat of Lord Satyanarayanaswamy is at the centre, the idol of Goddess Anantha Lakshmi Satyavathi Ammavaru on its right and Lord Shiva on the left.
◾The idols of eternal grace and beauty are encased in golden kavachamas. The adjoining shrine of Lord Rama is the place where the original manifested idol of Lord Satyanarayana Swamy was found.
◾Lord Rama is regarded as the kshetrapalaka of this holy abode. There are shrines of Vana Durga and Kanaka Durga nearby.
◾Another major temple to be visited is of the local Goddess Nerellamma at the base of the hills.
Note: The temple is two floored – ground floor with YANTRAM and PEETHAM of  lord. Along the four sides of Yantram four deities are present namely Ganapathi Deva, Bala Tripurasundari, Satyanarayana Swamy and Maheshwara Swamy that which represent Panchayathanam.
When it comes to the first floor, the idol of Moola Virat lord Satyanarayana Swamy is present at the centre, along with the idol of Goddess Sri Anantha Lakshmi Ammavaru on the right and Lord Shiva to the left. The idols of the Gods and Goddess leaves a splendid view to the devotees that are raped in golden Kavacham. It is said that, adjoining Shrine of Lord Sri Rama is the where the main idol of lord Sri Satyanarayana that was self-manifested was meant to be discovered. So, lord Sri Rama is trusted to be the Kshetra Palaka of te divine holy temple of Sri Satyanarayana Swamy
The presiding deity of this temple is Lord Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy (Lord Vishnu) and the Goddess of the temple is Ananta Lakshmi Satyavathi. The main shrine of Lord Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana swamy is constructed in the shape of a chariot with four wheels. And the Sanctum sanctorum of Lord Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy in the centre, rules over the universe. The other deities of the temple are Lord Sri Rama, Goddess Vana Durga, and Goddess Kanaka Durga. The Chariot form of the shrine is meant as the symbol of Seven Lokas (the seven lower regions of the universe, which are located under the earth).
The Meru on the floor, which holds a pillar at the center and the deities placed at the top of it signifies that Lord Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy lasts not only in the center of the heart but also pervaded to the entire universe. The wheels of the chariot indicates the Sun and the Moon prompt us that the chariot moves on the wheels of time, and continuous for ever and ever. Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy contains the architecture of Vishwakarma Brahmin, Principal Architect of the Universe. And the temples contains a Kalyana mandapa (Marriage hall) and Ramalaya.

Sri Swamy Vari Vratham:-

Sri Satyanarayana Vratham is performed allover world by devotees for wealth, education, prosperity, and offspring, relief from troubles and sickness and success in business. When it came to be known that Lord Satyanarayana had manifested himself on the Ratnagiri hills at Annavaram with unique form combining the Trimurthis Viz., Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. Ekadasi is considered to be very auspicious for the Vratham, it is performed even on other convenient days by the individual devotees. The great popularity behind the Vratham springs form the experiences narrated in stories and legends and also the faith gained by observances in daily life.


 The important legend connected with this Vratham was that once Sage Naradha was very much distressed at the misery of marthyas (men in this world) and prayed Lord Vishnu to be informed of a way out for them. The Lord then told him that Satyanarayana Vratham would relieve men of their troubles and would ensure worldly prosperity and salvation after deth. He also narrated that a pious Brahmin of Banaras performed the Vratham first. It was also described how King Ulkamukha of Bhadrasilanagaram, Emperor Tungadhwaja and a community of Gollas in his kingdom, a Vaisya business man named Sadhuvu, and a poor woodcutter of Banaras had performed this vratham and were blessed by Lord Satyanarayana Swamy (Vishnu himself) with all they desired. The vratham has caught the fascination of millions owing to these stories within the understanding of scholars as well as layman. All classes of people took to its performance and it is popular for its efficacy.

Procedure for Annavaram  Satyanarayana Swamy  Vratam:-

 Before the sankalpam (inauguration) the floor is cleaned with cow-dung, a square peace of new cloth is spread over it, after decorating it with muggulu with four of five colours. Rice is spread as a layer upon the cloth and a kalasam of silver, copper, brass or clay is kept and covered with mango leaves or betel leaves and a piece of new cloth. A small image of Lord Satyanarayana Swamy made preferably with gold or silver is kept on the cloth after abhishekam in panchamrutham. Afterwards, Vigneswara, Lakshmi, Parvathi, Siva, Navagrahas and Ashta Dikpalakas are worshipped in order. After wards Lord Satyanarayana Swamy is invoked and worshiped. The Satyanarayana prasadam prepared with plantains, cow’s milk, cow’s ghee, ravva of wheat or sojji and sugar or jaggery is offered to the friends and relatives invited for this sacred vratham. The priest who conducts the puja is given dakshina. Satyanarayana Vratha katha (legend and about the efficacy of the vratham) is recited and listened to with rapt attention by all including those gathered to witness the vratham.
“Kathamva srunuyadyasthu pasyedwam vrathamuthamamthasya nasyanthi papani Satyadeva prasadithaha”
When one cannot perform the vratham, even withnessing the vratham, or listening to the story would remove the troubles and wash off the sins.
 The Satyanarayana Vratham at the temple are generally commenced at 6.00 a.m., and go on upto 6.00p.m,. almost every day. On festival day vrathams have to be conducted even in the nights in spite of elaborate arrangements in spacious halls for as many as 2000 vrathams at a time. The devotees who want to perform pay the requisite fees for the Satyanarayana Vratham, purchase the tickets and get ready for the Satyanarayana Vratham. They are allowed halls where everything is kept ready. A purohit (Pujari) comes to each seat and attends to the reciting of the sankalpam (purpose of the vratham along with the name, gothram.,etc., of the performer). After wards, the purohit stands at the head of the rows and dictates to the performers the detailed process with manthras, etc., as they go on doing the worship to his instructions. Thus the vratham or puja is conducted by batches of devotees at a time. This is somewhat interesting feature here..

 Places To See In And Around Annavaram:-
The temple sree veera venkata satyanaryana swamy in the main temple on the ratnagiri hill.
 * The temple Sri sita rama ,as keshatra palakulu
 * The shrines of vana durga and kanaka durga near by.Godess Vanadurga held in great venaration and devi is said to be seen even to this day in the nights going about the holy precincts perpetually guarding the lord.
 * The temple of gramadevatha (Village deity ) is in the village at the foot of the hill.
 Adopted Temples
 * Sri Bhuvaneswari temple ,Kovvuru, East Godavari (Dist)
 * Sri VenuGopala Swamy Temple ,Gedhanapalli.

1. Lake & Backwater:-

It is a Lake is located 2km away from Annavaram railway station. Pampa River is at the bottom of Ratnagiri Hills on which lord Sri Stayanarayana Swamy i positionedA barrage is constructed on Pampa River that is at the bottom of the Ratnagiri hills that is provided with boasting facility which is called Pampa Saravara. This gives a great experience to visitors.

2. Thalupulamma Talli Temple:-

Another pilgrimage that is located 15km away from Annavaram temple is the Thalupulamma Thalli Temple.  It is basically located between Annavaram & Tuni in Visakhapatnam District.
Devotees normally visit this temple once they buy a new vehicle. May offerings are given to the Goddess here once the wish is fulfilled or to get the wished fulfilled.

.Puruhutika Devi or Kukkuteswara Temple:-

5 km from Pithapuram railway Station  plus 12km from Samarlakota, 61 km from Rajamundry, 16 km from Kakinada, the temple of Sri Kukkuteswara Swamy Temple with the main deity as Lord Siva is in the East Godavari District of A.P. Pithapuram previously known for Pithikapuram which is one of the Asta Dasha Shakthi Peethas.

4. Uppada Beach :-

10 Km from Kakinada Town Railway Station the Uppada Beach is Located on the Uppada Road gives a pleasant and relaxing experience to the visitors. The beach has got a wide shoreline which adds a glory to the view.


 km from Kakinada, 40km from Annavaram, 52 km from Rajamundry, Samarlakota is located which is well known for Pancharama Sri Kumararama Bheemeshwara Swamy Temple. The Main deity of the temple is Lord Shiva.


other pilgrimage place located 17km from Kakinada, 42km from Rajamundry, 466 km from Hyderabad, Draksharamam is well known for Pancharama Temple know as Draksharama Bheemeshwara Swamy Temple. The temple is seen in the green route of Godavari.

Other temples of interest in the proximity:-

•Kotipalle, 45kms from Kakinada thekotilingeshwara Swamy temple is situated here.
•Draksharamam,25kms from kakinanda is the very beautiful temple of Bhimeshwara  Swamy also known as Dakshina Kashi.
•Ryali, 35kms ffrom Rajahmundry ,the famous temple of Jagan Mohini Keshva Swamy is situated here

Other Destination Spots that can be reached from Annavaram and Kakinada are Vizag, Simhachalam and Papikondalu etc. These places in Andhra Pradesh give a wonderful experience to the visitors.

Culture In Andhra Pradesh:-

Andhra Pradesh has a rich and diverse culture. Andhra Pradesh is definitely a priceless gem present in the tiara of Indian glory. The uniqueness of this state is distinctly observed from its diverse religions and communities followed by Andhra people.An affinity for different cultures and a rare open-mindedness cultivated by a rich history allows for a harmonious way of life in the City of Nawabs.  Annavaram is one of the most famous Holy Shrines in India and enjoying second place after Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh.

Do’s & Don’ts at Annavaram Temple:-

 Temple Committee requests all visitors to preserve the sanctity of the Annavaram area. Suggestions in the form of‘Dos and Don’ts’
are displayed at various places at Annavaram temple You are requested to get acquainted with them before you visit Temple.
  A summary of these suggestions:
  DOs :
 Do observe absolute silence inside the temple and chant Om Sri SatyaDevaya Namah to yourself.
 Do respect and promote religious sentiments among co-pilgrims.
 Do contact any of the Annavarm Devasthanams Enquiry Offices for information regarding the temple and your
    Worship there.
 Do pradakshinam (keeping the shrine to your right) with devotion before entering the temple.
 Do follow the procedures of the temple and wait for your turn for the darshan of the Lord.
 Do deposit your offerings in the hundi only.
  To enhance the spiritual ambience among the devotees thronging to Annavaram to get the darshan of Lord Sri Veera  Venkata Satyanarayana  Swamy varu Annavaram has introduced traditional dress code in 2013. Initially it was implemented for the pilgrims who are taking part in  Sri Swamy vari  Nitya kalyanam   and now it has been extended to Rs.1500/- Vratams.

For Men:-
For Men dress code is dhoti or pyjamas with upper cloth.

For Women:-
For women the preferred dress code is saree or half-saree with blouse or churidar with pyjama and upper cloth.

  DONTs :-

 Don’t eat non-vegetarian food. Don’t consume liquor or other intoxicants.
 Don’t wear footwear, or move around in a vehicle, in and around the premises of the temple.
 Don’t approach touts for quick darshan and accommodation.
 Don’t rush in for darshan, but move along in the queue.
 Don’t prostrate (sastanga danda pranamam) inside the temple.
 Don’t buy spurious prasadam from street vendors.
 Don’t throw away the prasadam and teertham given to you at the temple.
 Don’t enter the temple, if, according to custom or usage, you are prohibited to enter.
 Don’t wear flowers and garlands in Gardens; all flowers are for the Lord only.
 Don’t spit or be a nuisance inside the temple premises.
 Don’t enter the shrine naked or wearing only a loin-cloth.
 Don’t wear any head guards like helmets, caps, turbans and hats inside the temple premises.
 Don’t carry any weapon inside the temple.
 Don’t eat food brought from outside or chew betel leaves in the temple premises.
 Don’t evacuate urine or motion or spit in the premises of the temple.
 Don’t pay obeisance with only one hand.
 Don’t sit with your back facing the Deity.
 Don’t talk about your wealth, money and status.
 Don’t quarrel in the temple premises.
 Don’t commit any act of violence or harshness in the temple premises.
 Don’t sleep in the temple premises.

Festivals in Annavaram Temple:-

 Telugu New Year's day on Chaitra Suddha Padyami (March-April).
 Sita Rama Kalyanam on Chaitra Suddha Navami (March - April).
 Sri Krishna Jayanti on Sravana Bahula Ashtami (July - August).
 The Lord's Jayanti on Sravana Suddha Vidiya (July - August).
 Ganapathi Navarathrulu in Bhadrapadam (August - September).
 Sarannavarathrulu in Asviyujam (September - October).
 Kanaka Durga Jatara on Vaisakha Suddha Panchami (April - May).
 Giripradakshinam on Karthika Suddha Purnima (October - November).
 Jwalatoranam in Karthikam (October - November).

Sri Swamy Vari Kalyanam :-

   Formerly, the kalyanam of the Lord was being performed on Megha Suddha Ekadasi (January -February). But now -a-days it is celebrated for six days beginning from Vaisakha Suddha Ekadasi (April-May). This change seems to have been made to suit the convenience of visiting pilgrims.

The programme of rituals that are observed during the festival are as follows:-

Vaisakha Suddha Dasami:Making up Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayanaa swamy as bridegroom; Vighneswara puja, giving vayanams to muthaiduvas; in the night Rama and Sita go out into the village on silver Anjaneya Vahanam to invite devotees of the village and pilgrims from outside to witness Satyanarayana swamy's marriage celebrations.


 Flage hoisting; bringing mangalasuthram, procession of Lord Satyanarayana swamy on silver Garuda Vahanam and of Sri Rama and Sita on silver Gajavahanam; Kalyanamahothsavam.
Dwadasi:Prathamahomam in the morning; asthanaseva in the afternoon, procession on Ravana Vahanam in the night.


Sri Veerak Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy's Kalyanasadasyam, Sri Rama sabhapathi, Panditasabha; mahadasirvadam; sabhasathkaram, procession on ponnavahanam in the night.
Chathudasi:Lord's Viharam in the garden on the north of Ratnagiri and return to Ratnagiri, mahanivedana; special Veena performance in the presence of the Lord; car festival at night.
Purnima:Chakra teertham and nakabali etc.,
Bahula Padyami:Pushpayagamahothsavam; conference of poets and scholars and music purty.
The following slokam is used at the temple as yanam :
                       Adimadhyanthahinaya nigunaya gunathmane
                       Sarvesha madibhuthaya bhaktha namarthinasane”
             The offerings by devotees are made in the form of cash, silver and gold jewellery and copper coins in the hundi that is kept in the upper sanctum. Cloth, rice, Jaggery, sugar,ghee,etc., and also cows and claves are handed over to the temple authorities. The pilgrims with vows, and most of them are so, remove their hair here as a sort of offering as is the practice in Tirupathi. A bath in the rivulet Pampa is believed to be efficacious and is not missed by the devotees. During the summer months, when there would not be enough water in it, the wells on the banks of Pampa are resorted to while climbing the steps to the hillock some of the devotees cocoanuts also.
The temple opens at 3:30 AM to 9:00 PM. Sarva darshanam is between 6:00 AM to 12:30 PM and from 1:00 PM to 9:00PM.

Darsan Dresscode:-

Devotees are advised to dress appropriately.

Annavaram Temple Rituals:-

Sri Swamy Vari Suprabhata Seva - 3:30 AM.
The temple opens at 3:30 AM to 9:00 PM. Sarva darshanam is between 6:00 AM to 12:30 PM and from 1:00 PM to 9:00PM.

Pooja Timing:-

Sri Swamy Vari Suprabhata Seva - 3:30 AM.
Abhishekam & Archana - 4:00 AM to 5:15 AM.
Balabogam - 5:15 AM.
Panchaharathulu & Neerajana Mantra Pushpamulu - 5:30 AM.
Swamy Vari Sarva Darshanam - 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 12:30 PM to 9:00 PM.
Ashtothara Sathanama Poojas & Sahasranamarchanas - 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Abhishekams performed by the Devotees - 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Sri Vari Nitya Kalyanam - 9:30 AM.
Rajabhoga Mahanivedana - 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM.
Sri Swamy Vari Darbaru Seva - 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
Sri Ammavarla Ekanta Seva - 8:30 PM to 9:00 PM.
Temple Doors Close at 9:00 PM.

Regular Offerings:-

Devotees can offer money for Annadanam at the temple.

Accommodation in Annavaram:-

It is quite easy to find accommodation as there are rooms provided by the temple organisation with some guest rooms up the hill. However, prior bookings have to be made. Kirlampudi choultry and Vysya choultry, the two lodges in the village also provide good number of rooms for the public. There are different kinds of accommodation ranging from normal room to deluxe AC suite. Some other choultries like Prakash Sadan, Sri Seetha Rama Satram (choultry), Satya Surya Satram, etc have good rooms at reasonable cost ranging from Rs.50/ to Rs.100/. there are some VIP cottages like Prakash Sadan where the ordinary room costs Rs.400/, corner room costs Rs.450/, special room Rs.500/, AC room Rs.600 and double room costs 1500/.

If you can afford even better accommodation, then there is Eswar Lake View Guest house which charges Rs.3000/ for a day. There is a school besides the temple which provides free boarding and lodging for students.
Advance reservation facility can be availed by sending D.D drawn in favour of "Executive officer, Sri Satyanarayana Devasthanam", payable at Annavaram
 Devastanam Cottages are available on the hills.
 Sri Satyanikethan Choultry 64 Rooms
 Vana Durga Choultry 12 Rooms
 V.I.P. Rooms 6 Rooms
 Paying Guest House 6 Rooms
 Sri Satya Deva Guest House(S.S.G.H.) 60 Rooms
 Sri Sita Rama Choultry (S.R.C) 94 Rooms
 T.T.D Choultry 21 Rooms
 Centenary Cottage 64 Rooms
 Prakash Sadan 86 Rooms
 Ratanagiri Choultry 11 Rooms
 Satya Surya Choultry 34 Rooms
 Eswara Guest House 2 Suites
 Vinayaka Guest House 2 Suites
 Piligrim Rest House 2 Halls
 Locker for Piligrim Facility 328 Nos
 Mats for Piligrim Facility 27 Nos
Temple Authorities:
 Executive Officer
 Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy Devasthanam
 Sankhavaram Mandal.
 East Godavari District
 Pin : 533 406
Temple Phone:
How to Reach Annavaram:-

Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamyvari Devasthanam, Annavaram is well connected by both Rail and Roadways. It is Situated at a distance of 3KM from A.V.M Railway Station, the Vijayawada –Visakhapatnam Line of the Southern Railway. Chennai to Calcutta, NH-5 Road is going via Annavaram. Regular Bus service is available from all near by towns.

By Road:-

* Devasthanam Buses
 2 buses run from Rajahmundry to up hill both sides by 1pm to 2pm
* APSRTC Buses
 A.P.S.R.T.C Buses every Half An Hour Via Annavaram to Rajahmundry to Visakhapatnam vise versa.
Every 15 mins buses available Tuni to Kakinada via Annavaram and surroundings Villages vise versa.

By Train:-

* Most of the trains passing between Kolkata - Vijayawada line will stop at Annavaram Station
Detailed train timings at Annavaram Station.

By Air:-

* The nearest Airport is situated at Visakhapatnam. Annavaram is at a 3hrs distance from Visakhapatnam. APSRTC runs buses via Annavaram every half an hour


  1. Annavaram is a popular temple of Lord Vishnu. Annavaram temple is dedicated to Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy. The temple sits upon the Ratnagiri hill, looking down the town. The entire land is considered to be dedicated to Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy and Anantha Lakshmi Satyavathi Ammavaru.
    Source: Swamirara

  2. Tripnetra provides free information about Annavaram Temple, Pooja tickets Booking, Temple timings, Other Poojas, Sevas, Location etc.
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