Thursday 16 March 2017

Dakor Ranchhodraiji Temple In Gujarat

                                              Dakor Ranchhodraiji Temple

 Sri Krishna renounced war in Mathura for the greater good of the people living in the region (and was hence known by the name Ranchodrai') and founded the city of Dwarka. Sri Krishna had previously killed Kansa (an oppressive king who ruled the city, and his maternal uncle) and made Ugrasen (Kansa's father and his maternal grandfather) the king of Mathura.

Enraged, the father-in-law of Kansa, Jarasandha (king of Magadha) with his friend Kalayavan attacked Mathura 17 times. For the safety of the people, Krishna and the Yadavas decided to move the capital from Mathura to Dvaraka.

It is believed that Ranchhodji, a name for Lord Krishna meaning "he who left the battlefield", inspired Gopal Jagannath Ambekar, a shroff of a Peshwa’s court in Poona, in a dream to build a vast and magnificent temple. The temple was built in 1772 A.D. The main Ranchhodrai idol is in black touchstone, 1m tall and 45 cm in breadth, richly adorned with gold, jewels and expensive clothes. Its throne, an ornate masterpiece of woodcarving plated in silver and gold, was presented by the Gaekwad of Baroda.

 It is said and believed that the original Diety installed by Vajranabha has moved to a place called Dakor (50 km from Vadodara) where one can find a similar temple of Lord Sri Krishna called as Ranchodrai temple. As per the legend it is said that during 15th century an ardent devotee of Lord Sri Krishna, by name Badana used to come to Dwarka daily to have a glimpse of Lord Sri Krishna. Appeased with her devotion it is said that the Lord one day went along with her to Dakor and settled there. In its place a similar (replica) idol was installed at Dwarka that was found in the lake called Gomati Lake at Dakor. Only difference that we find between the two is that the eyes of the idol are fully open in the original one that is currently in Dakor while the one that is enshrined at Dwarka is with eyes half opened. It is so because, as per the directions given by the Lord to the priests of Dwarka, they were supposed to find a replica idle at Dakor on a particular day. Whereas, the priests in their anxiety and inquisitiveness, excavated the suggested site quite early and found an idol with eyes half opened.
Dakor, in its earlier phases as pilgrimage center in Gujarat, was famous for the Danknath temple, a place of shiva worship. In the later phases it developed into a Vaishnavite center with the growing fame of Ranchhodraiji temple, which was built in 1772 A.D.
 In times of Mahabharata, the surrounding area of Dakor constituted the 'Hidamba' van (jungle). It was a very dense jungle. It was pleasant and rich with streams and lakes. It had become an attraction for the sages to establish their hermitage for penance. Likewise, Dank Rishi had his hermitage (ashram) in this area. During penance Lord Shiva was pleased with him and asked him to demand something. Thereupon, Dank Rishi requested Lord Shiva to remain permanently in his hermitage. Lord Shiva agreed to his request. He disappeared and left behind him His replica in the form of Ban (Ling), which is known as Danknath Mahadev. Thus in ancient times, Dakor was known as 'Dankor' after the name of Dankanth Mahadev. It was also known as khakhariya because of many khakhra(palash) trees in the vicinity.

History Of Dakor Ranchhodraiji Temple:-

Located in Dakor, at a distance of 70 km from Vadodara is the well known Ranchhodraiji Temple. The temple has been dedicated to Lord Ranchhodraiji who is regarded as the manifestation of Lord Krishna. Ranchhodraiji Temple was built by Shri Gopalrao Jagannath Tambwekar in 1772 A.D., and is a revered place for the followers of Lord Krishna.
 The story goes that Lord Krishna had flee from the battleground during a war with an ally of the legendary king, Jarasandha and since then, he came to be known as Ranchhodraiji, meaning ‘he who left the battlefield’. Hence, the temple in addition to Lord Krishna derived this name.
 The main deity of Lord Ranchhodrai is in the form of Lord Vishnu, bearing the conch, lotus, discus, and mace in his four arms. The idol is made in black touchstone. The shrine has been set on a raised platform, enclosed in a massive square shaped compound. The platform is 168 feet high with 12 stone steps on all sides, surrounded by the spacious courtyard. The temple has four gates to the huge walls on the outside of the complex, placed considerably. It also has 8 domes and 24 towers, the tallest of them being 90 feet.

 The main doorway of the Ranchhodraiji Temple overlooks the banks of the Gomati River. The intricately carved doors and windows which lead to the inner sanctum are covered in silver. The entrance which faces the main deity opens in front of an audience chamber. There is even a bed chamber linked with the audience chamber of the shrine. Here, the bed of the Lord is lavishly festooned with garlands, soft mattress, blankets, and gold and silver couches in soft cotton and silk. The doors to the main Ranchhodraiji shrine remain open throughout the day, except for the afternoon time. This is the time when the Lord is believed to sleep and take rest. Every day, a huge crowd of devotees swarm the temple for darshans.

Architecture Of Dakor Ranchhodraiji Temple :-

The present temple was constructed by Shri Gopalrao Jagannath Tambwekar in 1772 A.D. at the cost of rupees one lakh. It was built with brick walls and stones pillars. It is raised on a high plinth of 168 feet by 151 feet with twelve stone steps on each side and surrounded by a spacious courtyard. It has eight domes and twenty-four turrets, the highest of them being 90 feet making it the tallest temple in the district. The main gate of the temple overlooks the banks of the lake Gomati. Silver gates are protected by the Vedic Gods - Lord Ganesha, Sun, Moon, etc. beautifully carved in high relief. The gate leads into the main courtyard. As tradition would have it, drummers sit atop the main gate on a balcony of their own. The "Nagarkhana" resonates with music during the main darshans and at Aarti times.

On entering the courtyard, one sees two tall structures, used to house the thousands of lamps that are lit during the festive season, on either side. Multi-storied and multi-tiered, this type of structure is very typical of medieval Gujarati temple architecture. Back at the front gate, marble stairs lead to the main audience chamber of the temple - the Jagmohan - literally the place where the world is charmed . Three large entrances allow devotes to enter the main audience chamber. The large open square structure of the audience chamber is surmounted by an imposing, glittering dome. Till recently, the dome was painted with Shri Krishna's rasa-lila in the classical Bundi style. Recently, this has been replaced by an intricate inlay of mirror work, depicting flowers and trellis in a classical Rajput garden.
Painted murals from Lord Krishna's life adorn the walls of the audience chamber. A small section at the front of the chamber is railed off and reserved for women. As with all classical temples, the inner sanctum of Ranchodrai is set in a straight line from the main gate of the temple. The Lord sits under a canopied pavilion in the inner sanctum. The whole structure is raised on a marble platform and the pillars of the pavilion are covered in gold. The intricately carved doors and windows to the inner sanctum are covered in silver. There are three doors leading into the inner sanctum. The door to the right of the Lord comes in from the antechamber, leading to a special bathroom where the priests must bathe before entering the inner sanctum. Corridors from here, also lead to the treasure house of the Lord - housing His in-numerable jewels and clothes. The door in front of the Lord faces the main audience chamber. At Dakor, the Lord spends as much time as possible with His devotees. The main doors to the inner sanctum are open most of the day. The doors only close when the Lord sleeps - during the afternoon and at night. The door to the left of the Lord leads to the bedchamber of the Lord - a mirrored chamber of thousand delights.
Various beds, mattresses and blankets are neatly arranged in here for the Lord's comfort. Silver and gold bedsteads are covered in soft cotton and silks. Perfumes and garlands are kept in readiness for the Lord. A small corridor leads from here to the open hall behind the bedchamber, where pilgrims perform various religious rituals to please the Lord. As at Badrinathji in the Himalayas and Tirupati Balaji in South India, at Dakor, the temple of Goddess Lakshmi, wife of the Lord, is situated outside the main temple. Lakshmiji's temple is situated in a residential part of town at a little distance from the main temple. It is believed that the Lord visits His wife on every Friday - on Fridays a courtly procession winds its way from the main temple down the lanes and bylanes of Dakor to unite the couple.

Significance of Ranchodraiji Temple Dakor:-

The temple has a beautiful structure that bespeaks of traditionalism. It has an enlarged square complex. Its height is raised by 168 feet by 151 feet with 12 stone steps on each side. Surrounding it there is a serene spacious courtyard. On the banks of the Lake Gomathi is situated the temple main gate.
Lord Ranchhodrai’s form is of Lord Vishnu with four arms. Lord Vishnu bears the conch, the lotus, the discus and the mace in his hands. The lower right arm is the posture of abhaya mudra which gives protection to all those who come to him. There is a lotus imprinted on the hand. His right hand is used to hold the flute. During festivals, the hands of the Lord  are encased in gloves of gold embellished with gems. It is one of the most ethnically significant temples of Gujarat.


In times of Mahabharata, the surrounding area of Dakor constituted the 'Hidamba' van (jungle). It was a very dense jungle, pleasant and rich with streams and lakes. It had become an attraction for the sages to establish their hermitage for penance. Likewise, Dank Rishi had his hermitage (ashram) in this area. During penance, Lord Shiva was pleased with him and asked him to demand something. Thereupon, Dank Rishi requested Lord Shiva to remain permanently in his hermitage. Lord Shiva agreed to his request. He disappeared and left behind him His replica in the form of Ban (Ling), which is known as Danknath Mahadev. Thus in ancient times, Dakor was known as 'Dankor' after the name of Dankanth Mahadev. It was also known as khakhariya because of many khakhra (palash) trees in the vicinity.

Once Lord Krishna and Bhima went to the hermitage of Dank Rishi for darshan. Dnak Rishi received them and Lord Krishna, gracious as he was to his devotees, rendered homage to Dank Rishi and being pleased with his penance asked him to demand something from Him by way of blessings. Dank Rishi requested him to stay in his hermitage permanently along with Lord Shiva. For a while Lord Krishna remained silent, pondering over the demand of Dank Rishi and finally, while consenting to his request, he promised that in Kaliyuga after staying in Dwarika for 4225 years, he would come to reside in this land permanently. Thus, Lord Krishna was invited to come to Dakor.

Lord Krishna and Bhima were once going to visit the sacred thread-ceremony of Parikshit, the grand son of Arjuna and son of Abhimanyu. On their way while passing the jungle, Bhima became thirsty and was on the look out for water. Lord Krishna pointed out a basin near the hermitage of Dank Rishi. Both of them went there and quenched their thirst. Thereafter they were resting under the shades of trees. Bhima thought that if this basin was made big it would quench the thirst of wild animals, birds and human beings. With a stroke of his club, Bhima converted the basin into a big pond spreading over an enormous area of 572 acres and this is at present is known as Gomti Tank. It is situated just opposite the Ranchhodraiji Temple. It is one of the biggest village tanks in Kaira District, with masonry walls, outlets and stone steps on the sides. Even human bones are said to melt in the water of Gomti tank.

The Story of Vijayanand Bodana:-

The present Dakor owes its raison d'ĂȘtre not to Dank Rishi but to Bodana, a great devotee of Lord Krishna. In his previous birth, he is supposed to have lived in Gokul and been a cowherd called Vijayanand. On one Holi day, all the cowherds except Vijyanand worshipped Lord Krishna. His wife too worshipped Lord Krishna, but Vijayanand was proud and stayed at home. Lord Krishna came to his house in the disguise of his friend and sent him to perform 'Holi' puja. Coming back, he realised that his friend was none else but Lord Krishna. Next day they fought a battle of colour. Lord Krishna lost and fell into the river. Vijyanand went after him where Lord Krishna revealed his true self. Vijyanand begged forgiveness. Lord Krishna took pity on him and solaced him with a boon that he would be born in Gujarat again in Kaliyuga after 4,200 years as Vijayanand Bodana in the house of a Krishatriya, and his present wife Sudha would again be his wife, called Gangabai, when he will give them a glimpse (darshna) and relieve them by offering them emancipation (Moksha).

It is said that Vijayanand Bodana, a rajput of Dakor, became a staunch devotee of Lord Krishna. He used to let the Tulsi plants grow in an earthen pot with him on his palm and used to go every six months to Dwarika to worship Lord Krishna with the said Tulsi leaves. He did this continuously, unfailingly and untiringly till he was 72 years. He then began to find it increasingly difficult to pursue this ritual. Seeing his plight, Lord Krishna told him that on his ensuing visit to Dwarika, he should bring a bullock-cart with him and Lord Krishna would accompany him to Dakor as he was exceedingly pleased with his devotion. Accordingly, Bodana went with bullock-cart to Dwarika. The hereditary priests of Dwarika (Gugli brahmins) asked him why he had brought a cart with him. Whereupon, Bodana replied that he had done so to take away Lord Krishna. Looking to the ramshackle cart, they did not believe him but nevertheless locked and sealed the sanctum sanctorum of Dwarika Temple for the night. At midnight, Lord Krishna broke open all the doors, awoke Bodana and told him to take him to Dakor. Shortly afterwards, Lord Krishna called upon Bodana to rest in the bullock-cart and drove the cart himself till reached the vicinity of Dakor. Here (near Bileshwar Mahadev on Dakor-Nadiad road) they rested for some time, touching and holding a branch of neem tree. He woke up Bodana and asked him to take over. Since that day, this neem tree is found to have one sweet branch though the rest of the branches are bitter and it forms the subject of a well-known Gujarati bhajan.

In Dwarika, the Gugli brahmins finding the image missing, chased Bodana and came to Dakor in pursuit. Bodana was frightened but Lord Krishna told him to hide the idol of the Deity in the Gomti tank and meet the Guglis. Accordingly, Bodana hid the idol and went to meet the Guglis with a pot of curd to pacify them. They became angry and one of them threw a spear at him. He fell down dead. While hurting Bodana with a spear it also hurt the image of the Deity hidden in Gomti tank and the water turned red with Lord Krishna's (Ranchhodraiji's) blood. It is said that even today the earth of Gomti tank where the image lay is red, while rest of the tank is of brown mud. In the midst of Gomti tank, over the place where Lord Krishna was hidden, a small temple having the Lord's footprints is constructed and this temple is linked with the bank of Gomti Tank by a bridge.

Even with the death of Bodana, the Guglis were not appeased. Requesting Lord Krishna to return to Dwarika, they sat on the bank of Gomti tank and went on a hunger strike. At last, Lord Ranchhodraiji (Krishna) directed Gangabai, wife of Bodana, to give gold equivalent of his weight and ask the Guglis to return to Dwarika. Poor lady, the widow of Bodana, was a pauper and could not afford doing so. By a miracle, the idol became as light as a golden nose-ring (1, 1/4 val i.e.1/2 gram in weight) which was all that the widow of Bodana, Gangabai, had. The Guglis were disappointed but the Lord mercifully directed that they would find after six months an exact replica of the idol in Sevaradhan Vav (a well with steps) at Dwarika. The impatient Guglis looked for the idol sometime earlier than they were told and as a result, found an idol which, though similar to the original one, was smaller.

Pilgrims to Dakor still visit the places said to have been associated with the story viz., where the branch of neem tree under which Lord rested while coming to Dankpur subsequently turned sweet and where the idol was hidden in the Gomti tank, whereon the balance was set up to weigh the original idol which Bodana had enshrined.

Origin Of Gomti Tank:-

Lord Krishna and Bhim were once going to visit the sacred thread-ceremony of Parikshit, the grand son of Arjun and son of Abhimanyu . On their way, while passing the jungle, Bhim became thirsty and was on the look out for water. Lord Krishna pointed out a basin near the hermitage of Dank Rishi. Both of them went there and quenched their thirst. Thereafter they were resting under the shades of trees. Bhim thought that if this basin was made big it would quench the thirst of wild animals, birds and human beings. With a stroke of his club, Bhim converted the basin into a big pond spreading over an enormous area of 572 acres and this is at present is known as Gomti Tank. It is situated just opposite the Ranchhodraiji Temple. It is one of the biggest village tanks in Kaira District with masonry walls, Outlets and stone steps on the sides. Even human bones are said, melt in the water of Gomti tan

Puja Timing And Bhoga Of Dakor Ranchhodraiji Temple:-

Dakor temple normally opens at about 6 A.M. in the morning and closes at 12 Noon between which there are five darshans namely, Mangalabhog, Balbhog, Srinagarbhog, Gwalbhog and Rajbhog during which Aartis are performed. In the afternoon, it reopens at about 4.00 P.M. and closes at 7.00 P.M. In between there are three darshans namely, Usthapanbhog, Shyanbhog and Shakhdibhog . At Utthapana Bhoga and Shayana bhoga Aaratis are performed. The Darshana timings on Full -Moon days are different and are declared by the temple authorities beforehand. Bhogas worth approximately rupees seven thousand per day are offered to the deity and are taken over by the sevakas (priests) who supply the prasad to the pilgrims and devotees. For the conveniece of the vaishnavas desirous to offer additional bhogs to the deity except the scheduled ones, there is a provision in the Dakor Temple Scheme and accordingly Mahabhog, Rajbhog and additional bhogs are offered to the deity. For all such extra Bhogs the devotees can receive prasad except Rajbhog, through Dakor Sansthan Trust which is the oldest Bhog of the time when the Deity Shree Ranchhodraiji was installed in this temple i.e. when the Pran Pratishtha was performed.

Mangla Darshan:-

Mangala Darshan is the first darshan of the day at dawn. The Bhavana (emotion) of waking Lord Ranchhodraiji with the same affection and love of his mother Yashoda, when at Gokula is represented in this Darshan. The name Managla underlines the auspiciousness of beginning the day with a glimpse of the Lord.
Kesar Snan, Bal Bhog, Shringar Darshan :-

Shringar Darshan is usually 45 minutes after the Mangala Darshan. His attire depends on the day and the month according to the Lunar Calendar. Ranchhodraiji is adorned with a garland of flowers around his neck. The lord is shown a mirror to see himself. He is offered dry fruits and sweets after which the flute is placed over his shoulder to imply that the Lord can now go out to play with his friends

Gwal Bhog Darshan:-

After the Shringar Darshan, is a Gwal Darshan during which the Lord takes his mid-morning snack,Curds and light food is offered to him during this darshan. Gwal darshan depicts the time when Lord Ranchhodraiji takes his cows to the pasture and plays with his friends. Neither garland nor flute is placed on his shoulder as he is playing with his cowherd friends

Rajbhog Darshan:-

The main meal of the day is offered to Ranchodraiji during this darshan. He is adorned with lotuses, a flower garland and his flute. Perfume of the season is sprinkled. The sounds of drums and devotional music fill the air and the excitement mounts as the Aarti is performed. After this, he retires for three hours representing the siesta he enjoyed in the meadows.
Utthapan Darshan:-

In the Utthapan darshan which is at mid afternoon, Lord Ranchodraiji is lovingly awakened from his afternoon nap.

Shayan Darshan:-

The Shayan Darshan is the last Darshan of the day, when Lord Ranchodraiji finishes a light meal. A fan made of peacock feathers is waved to avoid the effects of any evil eye cast while he is in full view of the people.

Interesting things to Visit:-


 Famous temple of Goddess Mahakali is located on the top of hill. Rope-way facility is available from Machi to reach Mahakali Mata's temple at the top. About 250 steps have to be climbed from there to reach the temple. On the roof of the temple is a adanshah Pir Dargah, visited by Muslim devotees.


 Narmada River is one of the major sacred rivers in India. Legends say that it descended from the sky by the order of Lord Shiva. It is said that the Narmada forgives a man of all his sins, and makes him pure, by her mere divine sight.Gujarat before draining into the Gulf of Cambay, 50 km west of Bharuch.


 Dandi a historical place located about 16 km from the district of Navsari is where the Saifee Villa Museum has been established to commemorate the Dandi Salt March. Built in 1961, the museum attracts attention to the pictures and artifacts of Gandhi's life and contribution to the independence of India.

Dastur Meherji-Rana Library:-

 Dastur Meherji-Rana Library is rich in literature of the earliest Parsi or Zoroastrian settlements in Navsari and has many pictures of the old town. It is located at the Tarota bazar. Another important library is the Sayaji Vaibhav Library. Ubhrat a sandy white beach 20 km away is a perfect picnic spot. The Vansda National park has a variety of flora and fauna to see.

Nearest Visiting places:-

Aurobindo Ashram:-

 Maharshi Aurobindo Ghosh who one of the eminent freedom fighters and also a renouned philosopher resided in Vadodara from 1894 to 1906 as a private secretary to Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad. He also worked as vice principal and professor of English in Baroda college. His residence popularly known as Aurobindo Society is situated in Dandia Bazar area is the only national memorial. Yoga and meditation are taught here regularly. Surrounded by a nicely maincured garden this magnificent building provides an opportunity to pass a few minutes in solace. Various useful articles prepared at Pondichery are sold in an emporium on the ground floor. A nicely displayed small museum on the life of Shri Aurobindo's contribution can also be visited here.

Hazira Maqbara:-

 Constructed in the memory of Kutub-ud-din the general of Akbar's army, it is the only existing Mughal monument of the city. There is also a step well in its vicinity.

EME Temple:-

 Situated in the cantonment near Fatehgunj is the beautiful Shiva temple. Managed and maintained by the "Jawans" of E.M.E., this temple is made of alluminium and some alloys. Unlike all other temples, this beautiful Shiva temple is made of alluminium and it is a place of religious armony. A cultural centre has also been developed by the E.M.E. around the temple here good sculptures of Gujarat, pavilions etc. are nicely preserved. Idols of Gods and Godesses are beautifully placed on both the side walkways and they look very attractive when illuminated at night everyday. Visit to this temple is a must for everyone who visit Vadodara.

Nazar Baug Palace:-

 Located in Gujarat, India, is of immense importance as the Nazar Bagh Palace happens to be very stylistically constructed. It happens to be a much sought after tourist destination in the expanse of Gujarat, India. Nazar Bagh Palace was constructed in the year 1721 A.D. and it is a privately owned royal property. Nazar Bagh Palace is home to exotic royal heirlooms which are a much sought after attraction of the Baroda province as the Nazar Bagh Palace is located in the city and the province of Baroda. Nazar Bagh Palace also houses in its middle, the exotic and much visited Sheesh Mahal.

Laxmi Vilas Palace:-

 Laxmi Vilas Palace is an architectural marvel, designed in Indo-Saracenic style and built by Maharaja Sayajirao III in 1890. It still serves as the residence of the Royal family. The palace contains several splendid chambers, which are examples of skilled craftsmanship. The Darbar Hall is embellished with Italian mosaic floor and walls with mosaic decorations. The palace even houses a remarkable collection of old armory and sculptures in bronze, marble & terracotta. The Royal Family's residence is an extravagant building in Indo- Saracenic style.

Sayaji Bagh:-

 Sayaji Baug (the famous park) is situated on river Vishwamitri and was built by Sayajirao III in 1879. Sprawling over 113 acres, it also includes an excellent zoo, the Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery, the Museum of Health and Hygiene and the Sardar Patel Planetarium.A major attraction for children is the 3.5 kms joy ride through the park on the toy train.

Fateh Singh Museum:-

 Maharaja Fateh Singh Museum houses a remarkably huge number of art works of the royal family. Maharaja Sir Sayajirao Gaekwad III during his several visits abroad collected pieces of art and stored them here. The most fascinating collection of this museum however comprises of host of paintings by European and Indian artists. In this collection, paintings of Raja Ravi Varma who was specially deployed by the then Maharaja of Baroda catches the limelight. His collections essentially comprises of the portraits of the Royal family and paintings based on Hindu mythology. Hindu mythology was the forte of Raja Ravi Varma.
 This apart, at Maharaja Fateh Singh Museum in Vadodara you will also get to see the striking collection of sculptures in marble and bronze. This collection comprises of the representation of great masters in bronze specially made to order by the Maharaja and also originals by famous artists. Besides, you will also come across works of an Italian artist called Fellicci who not only decorated the museum with his fine works but also the Lakshmi Vilas Palace.


This temple is the hub of regular festivities. Some of the prominent festivals celebrated in this temple are:

Karthik Purnima:-

This is a very important and the grand festival because Ranchora Raya was brought from Dwarka to Dakor on this day in the year 1212. On this day, the Deity is given panchamrita abhisheka and thereby adorned with clothes with white jari and a big precious stones studded crown. After dressing, tilaka is applied on Lord’s forehead and then the food offering is made. Devotees can have darshana of this shringar only till shayana-arati. Many devotees throng the temple on this day to have darshana of the Lord.


This festival is celebrated from Ekadashi till Dhuleti. Lakhs of devotees from all over Gujarat throng the temple to have darshan of Sri Ranchora Raya. Devotees even come by walk from various places. Devotees dance on the tunes of bhajans accompanied by mridanga, table, kartala, bugle, harmonium, etc. The whole hall resonates with ‘Jay Ranchor, Makhan Chor’. Close to 1 ton of gulal is aired on devotees. The twelve colored water; water mixed with saffron from the shringar bhoga of the Lord, is sprinkled on the devotees using pichkari. Dhani and khajur are used in the bhoga of the Lord.

Akshaya Tritiya:-

On this day, after the rajbhog, Lord is anointed with sandal wood pulp mixed with saffron and other herbs. This goes on till the purnima. A Jal-yatra is celebrated on the purnima. Lord Ranchor takes bath with saffron mixed water and other fragrant herbs. Ripened mangoes are one of the offerings of Lord Ranchor.

Sri Krishna Janmashtami:-

The birthday of Lord Sri Krishna is celebrated with great pomp. Lord is given panchamrita abhisheka throughout the day. In the night Lord is given bath with sandal paste and amla. For thirteen days the Lord is kept in the swing. Throughout the festival, Lord is adorned with the clothes of different colors and also the weapons.


This festival is celebrated for five days. On the day of Ekadashi Lord wears black clothes, Dwadashi – yellow jari clothes, Trayodashi – green clothes, Chaturdashi – red clothes and finally on Diwali – white clothes. Lord receives the grandest shringar with 250 jewelries and a crown worth rupees fifty lakh. Eight hundred lamps are lit in the temple. Annakuta is also celebrated in a grand way.
Other festivals are Rama-navami, Chaitra-punam, Ratha-yatra, Shravani-purnima, Dusshera, Sharad-purnima, Tulsi-shaligrama vivaha, vasanta Panchami

Temples TimingsLord Ranchhodraiji gives eight darshan during the day:
Mangala Darshan – 06:45 AM
Bal Bhog Darshan – 08:30 AM
Shringar Bhog Darshan – 09:30 AM
Gwal Bhog Darshan – 10:15 AM
Rajbhog Darshan – 11:30 AM
Utthapan Darshan – 04:15 PM
Shayan Darshan – 05:25 PM
Sakdi Bhog Darshan – 07:00 PM

Other places to visit in Dakor:-

Mahalakshmi Temple:-

The temple of Mahalakshmi is situated a kilometer far away from the temple in the northern direction of the temple. One has to walk to reach this temple.

House of Bodana:-

Opposite to the temple of Mahalakshmi is the house of Bodana and Ganga Bai. Lord Ranchhodraiji was worshiped in this house before the Deity was moved to the current temple. Inside the house is a place where the Deity was hidden and was worshiped by Bodana’s wife.

Gomti Kunda:-

This sacred pond is situated right opposite to the entrance of Sri Ranchhodraiji temple. The Deity was hidden in this pond by Bodana. It is a very beautiful pond surrounded by twelve ghats. The place where the Deity of Ranchora Rai was hidden is in the middle called Padmachinha. The place where the Deity was weighed is known as Tula Ovara (ghat).

Dankanath Mahadev Temple:-

This temple which was made by Dankamuni is very old and is near the Eshwar Ovara. The shiva-linga is installed below the Earth.

How to Reach Ranchodraiji Temple Dakor:-

By Air:-

 several domestic airplanes connecting Ahmedabad to Delhi, Bombay, Daman, Pune are available.

By Train:-

 It is on the Anand Godhra broad-gauge railway line and so is connected to Nadiad and Godhra by a state highway. So if you are aviling trains they are easily available.

By Road:-

If you take the road then the State Transport Bus services connecting Dakor with Nadiad, Ahmedabad, Kapadwanj, Baroda, Bombay and other major cities are available on a regular basis.

Shri Hanuman Temple in Sarangpur

                                                  Shri Hanuman Temple

Shri Hanuman Temple in Sarangpur is a famous Hindu Temple in India. It is located in Sarangpur village of Ahmedabad district of Gujarat. The closest town to this village is Bhavnagar in Gujarat. The name Sarangpur means “where peacocks live”.
Shri Hanuman Temple in Sarangpur is a Swaminarayan Temple built by Gopalanand Swami who was a saint of the Swaminarayan Sampraday and who was one of the Swaminarayan’s Paramhansas. As mentioned it is the only Swaminarayan Temple to have Shri Hanuman as its primary deity. It is a famous temple of Shri Hanuman especially among the Swaminarayan Sampraday. This temple comes under the Vadtal Gadi of the Swaminarayan Sampraday.

There are thousands of devotees that visit the temple every year as it is a very famous temple among Hindus. The idol of Shri Hanuman is in the form of Kastbhanjan which means crusher of sorrows. The idol is a stout figure with handlebar moustache, crushing a female demon under his foot and the idol is standing between sculpted foliage full of fruit bearing monkey attendants.
Lord Hanuman is believed to crush sorrows and hence the name Kashtbhajan. About 150 kilometres from Ahmedabad and dedicated to Lord Hanuman, the temple witnesses queues of devotees waiting for their turns to worship his image and get cured of their illnesses. This is the only Swaminarayan temple where Lord Hanuman is worshipped as the central deity.
 According to the author Raymond Williams, it is believed that the image of Hanuman came alive and moved when Sadguru Gopalanand Swami installed the image and touched it with a rod. It is because of this story that the healing ritual is performed at the temple. It is also believed that just by looking at the image of Hanuman, people affected by evil spirits get rid of them. The best day to visit the temple is Saturday when a special ritual is performed.

This Hanumanji temple is considered most holy and sacred. It is among the more prominent ones in the Swaminarayan Sampraday. The image of Hanuman was installed by Sadguru Gopalanand Swami on Ashwini vadi pancham - savant 1905 (as per Hindu calandar). The image of this temple is said to be so powerful that a mere look at it by people affected by evil spirits,drives the evil spirits out of the people affected. Sarangpur is easily reached by bus or car, as it is only 82 km from Bhavnagar Gujarat. There can be a long wait at the temple gate sometimes, mainly on Saturdays. The temple is really big and spacious, and the statue of Lord Hanuman is really impressive

History Of Shri Hanuman Temple in Sarangpur:-

This temple is among the more prominent ones in the Swaminarayan Sampraday. The image of Hanuman was installed by Gopalanand Swami. According to author Raymond Williams, it is reported that when Gopalanand Swami installed the image of Hanuman, he touched it with a rod and the image came alive and moved. This story has become a charter for the healing ritual performed at this temple.The image of Hanuman here is a stout figure with a handlebar moustache, crushing a female demon under his foot and baring his teeth, standing among sculpted foliage full of fruit bearing monkey attendants.

Hanuman was born to 'Anjana', a female vanara. Anjana was actually an apsara or a celestial being, named 'Punjikasthala', who, due to a curse, was born on the earth as a female vanara. The curse was to be removed upon her giving birth to an incarnation of Lord Shiva.Along with Kesari, Anjana performed intense prayers to Shiva to beget Him as her Child. Pleased with their devotion, Shiva granted them the boon they sought.

Salangpur Hanumanji Temple:-

 This Hanumanji temple is considered most holy and sacred. It is among the more prominent ones in the Swaminarayan  Sampraday.

The image of Hanuman was installed by Sadguru Gopalanand Swami on Ashwini vadi pancham - savant 1905 (as per Hindu calandar). The image of this temple is said to be so powerful that a mere look at it by people affected by evil spirits,drives the evil spirits out of the people affected. Sarangpur is easily reached by bus or car, as it is only 82 km from Bhavnagar.There can be a long wait at the temple gate sometimes, mainly on Saturdays. The temple is really big and spacious, and the statue of Lord Hanuman is really impressive. Make sure to collect the holy water from the well. There are counters where you can pay  your donations against a receipt for the same. You will also be given a plasticbag containing prasad in the form of sukhdis, a Gujarati sweet. The temple was renovated recently. Food is  served free to all visitors at the temple’s dining room. This dining room is run by the temple’s trust as well as the Swaminarayana temple located in the same complex. Around 5,000 people take prasad in the form of lunch daily.This figure will be at least double on Saturdays. Booklets of Hanuman Chalisa are available in all forms and sizes at very nominal rates. There is a dharmshala located near the gate of the temple, where the people can stay overnight if they wish.  Buses are available from all the main cities of Gujarat.
 You can also get the daily darshan and other information from its website ( and you can mail on for any inquiry or any donation.

◾Figurine of the lord Hanuman: The sculpted image or figurine of lord Hanuman looks quite lively and stout on whose face is carved a handlebar mustache. A female demon is carved trampled under the lord’s pious feet while the backdrop embossed carving of foliage in grove has various monkeys rejoicing the taste of fruits.                
◾Miraculous rod: The rod by which Sadguru Gopalanand Swami installed the main figurine is said to have the sorcerous power. Thus, it is leafed with silver coat.
◾Brahmin householder: The entire responsibility of this temple is assigned to a Brahmin householder for discharging the daily rituals.
◾Ritual: The affected or inflicted person in the grip of evil spirit is ordained to circumambulate the shrine a number of times for getting rid of the impact of witchery permanently while taking special oath and reciting the Swaminarayan Mahamantra.

The deity:-

Hanuman is in the form of Kastbhajan

Rituals of Shri Hanuman Temple:-

 Lord Hanuman, the presiding deity of the temple is said to have a powerful influence over the devotees visiting the temple. The idol of the Lord is a stout figure having a handlebar moustache. He, standing in the midst of sculpted foliage bearing fruit is seen killing a female demon under his foot. Few monkeys are seen attending him. As per the local belief the powerful sway of the Lord helps in eliminating evil spirits. Devotees suffering from mental illnesses or some other disorder throng the temple premises to offer worship at they feet of the Lord and receive his blessings. The sick people are touched by the rod that was used by Sadguru Gopalanand Swami at the installation ceremony. The rod is now coated with silver. Following this, the affected person is asked to circumambulate the shrine and repeat the activity several times. Devotees are also instructed to chant the Swaminarayan Mahamantra while going around the temple.
 A Brahmin householder has been appointed by the temple administration to accomplish the daily religious rituals of the temple. Besides the ailing patients several other devotees also visit the temple premises especially on Saturdays.

Significance of the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple:-

•During darshan, one will come out via the famous well whose water is considered very holy. It is a belief that the statue of Lord Hanuman was found in this well before about 350 years and the temple was constructed at the same place.
•Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is famous around the world for expelling spirits and Ghosts from people plagued with such problems.Hundreds come to Sarangpur at the feet of Hanumanji Maharaj to be rid of such problems. The priests perform this puja vidhi near the well of the temple. It takes around a couple of hours to do this procedure. It is required to reach in the early morning if you are interested in such vidhi. A large number of people in India make it a point to begin their work only after visiting Shri Hanumanji and offering the documents at his feet. They visit every Saturdays to offer Puja and Prasad without fail.
•Psychological disorders or the adverse affect of witchery can be eliminated from the body of the sufferer on Saturday since it is the day when appeased deity breaks the bondage of witch-craft and brings heal to the sufferer. The affected or inflicted person in the grip of the evil spirit is ordained to circumambulate the shrine a number of times for getting rid of the impact of witchery permanently while taking the special oath and reciting the Swaminarayan Mahamantra.

About Gopalanand Swami:-

 The rising sun of the 8th day of the bright half of Magh month of Vikram Samvat 1837 in Todla village 15 kms from Idar (Shamlaji) in the State of Gujarat saw the birth of Gopalanand Swami who illumines this religion with his sun-bright radiance. Born of father Motiram Sharma and mother Kushaladevi, his childhood name was Khushal Bhatt. In spite of being married his attitude remained desireless and renouncing. He pursued deep study of grammar, Indian philosophy of Nyaya and Vedanta and logic and he was widely popular as a profound scholar. He had started a (pathshala) residential school to benefit the needy students with his knowledge. Being a Mukta miracles were at his finger tips, as he was capable of teaching lessons of non-violence to the fierce animals like tigers and lions and made them humble by catching their ears and would make aggressive snakes gentle. He removed pain and misery from the lives of many souls. He exposed the pretending imposters in religion. He came to know from the Brahmins Kashiram and Murlidhar of Balasinor (District Kheda, Gujarat, India) that Purushottamnarayan has manifested upon the earth. Khushal Bhatt got the opportunity of having Darshan of Shri Hari at Dabhan along with Swami Ramdasji at the will of Shri Hari.
 Again arose in him a strong desire for the vision of Lord Swaminarayan. Taking the form of a Brahmin the Lord Himself went to Todla village to tell Khushal Bhatt that he would accompany him if he wanted to set out in search of God. Thus Khushal Bhatt leaving home accompanied by the Brahmin (Lord Swaminarayan) came to Jetalpur village to search Shri Hari there they had Darshan (vision) of Shri Hari Who told him “I (Shri Hari) have brought you here” spoke the Lord in the form of guide Brahmin. After having the vision he contemplated on Lord Swaminarayan and experienced the emergence of indescribable super consciousness state within him. Then on 8th day of dark half of Kartik month of Vikram Samvat 1864 Shri Hari offered Diksha to Khushal Bhatt in Gadhada, thus initiating him He blessed him with the name Gopalanandji.
 Incorporated like Rama and Laxman, Lord Swaminarayan and Gopalanand Swami did many deeds full of surprise and miracles in the Holy Fellowship. After studying scriptures in Vadodara as disciple of Shri Hari he impressed the audiences by his meritorious effective preachings. 19 volumes in Sanskrit and 7 in Prakrit i.e. vernacular were created by Gopalanand Swami, which include a critical treatise of Bhagwad Geeta and on Ishavashyopanishada.
 There were more than 60 saints in the group of Gopalanand Swami. Lord Swaminarayan having established the tradition of selecting cardinal chief from his own family line assigned the responsibility of acting as mediator between the Ahmedabad and Vadtal Diocese to Gopalanand Swami who looked after to the careful welfare-based management of both the Dioceses. He had ordered all the saints and devotees to obey his orders and carry out all his instructions. For 22 years after the departure of Lord Swaminarayan great saint Gopalanand Swami looked after the strengthening and spreading of the Swaminarayan way of life.
 By the grace of Shri Hari and by the strength of his Ashtangyoga-penance he consecrated the idol of Kashtabhanjan Dev - the distress-destroyer God Hanumanji (Monkey-God) at Sarangpur village of Ahmedabad district, which to day stands as the proof of the spiritual strength and wealth of Gopalanand Swami. After Lord Swaminarayan had left for His imperishable abode, Gopalanand Swami took care of Holy Fellowship including the enhancement of rituals, festivals, traditions, Aarti-puja and the expansion of the highest modes of worship and devotion and fulfilled the mission for which he was born to work along with Lord Swaminarayan.
 After laying a deep foundation and strict boundaries for the worship of Shri Hari-consecrated Laxminarayan Dev, Nara-Narayan Dev, the two Cardinal Acharyas, ascetics and satsangis and entire Holy Fellowship may follow the line of action prepared by the holy scriptures and Lord Swaminarayan, he gave up his material body and left for imperishable abode on the 4th day of dark half of Vaishakh month of Vikram Samvat 1908 at Vadtal. In order to commemorate this great saint a marble monument has been set up at the spot of his cremation at the holy land of Jnan Baug - Vadtal.
 It has been realized by a number of holy saints that through the Lord's desire this great yogi Gopalanand Swami makes his presence indirectly felt in the Holy Fellowship at every moment even today !
miracle statue of Lord Hanuman gives blessings to devotees who put coconut in his mouth:-

devotees at Lord Hanuman temple in Gujarat after offering their prayers got blessings in unique way from the statue itself. The miracle that surprised devotees was that the entire coconut which was offered directly into the mouth of Lord Hanuman’s statue was cut into two equal halves and in return the other half was himself offered by the statue's hand for devotees to collect. The famous Hanuman temple saw thousands of devotees made a beeline to see the Lord and be blessed.

Seeing this devotees were surprised, the Temple management team unveiled the truth behind the whole matter.

It has been observed that the act of breaking a coconut before any Hindu ritual or before starting any auspicious deed is almost followed by all states across India as an offering to God.

However, the coconut breaking adversely affects cleanliness in temples and lot of labour is deployed to clean the temple at the end of the day.

To put an end to the day-to- day hassle, the Temple management team came up with a very innovative idea. They installed a coconut breaking machine and fixed it into a Hanuman statue erected outside the temple. So, whenever devotees insert the coconut in the mouth of Hanuman, the machine inside broke it into two halves.

That surprising phenomenon was enough to attract hundreds and thousand of devotees from the town and the neighboring villages. Devotees were heard talking about it as a miracle of temple team who took an initiative to keep temple clean and sets an excellent example for other temples to follow.

Sarangpur Hanuman Temple Darshan:-

The summer months are too hot, so the favourable time to visit the temple is during the winter months as the winter is not very cold. The darshan hours are from 7.00 am to 12 noon and 4 pm to 8 pm. Strong faith on Sri Hanuman solves many problems of the devotees and thousands of pilgrims visit Sarangpur Temple to overcome their problems and traumas.
Hanumanji is the active god of the Kaliyug. He can be pleased easily and fulfills the desires of his devotees instantly. is the official website of the temple. Live darshan can be availed online through this site. Some devotional websites also offer live darshan of the temple and the idol. Tuesdays are special, auspicious days in one and all the temples of Sri Hanuman. Special aarti and rituals are performed on this day. The Indians firmly believe the propitious Tuesdays of the Hanuman Darshan. Thousands wait in a line in the overcrowded temple for live darshan.
Live darshan of the favourable deity brings peace in the minds of devotees. They feel rejuvenated to face the traumas of everyday life. Such is the power of live darshan of Sarangpur Hanumanji that the devotees can go through many hurdles and discomfort for the miraculous darshan.
Devotees who like to visit the temple leisurely for a better darshan should avoid Tuesdays to visit the temple.

Rituals performed:-

Mangla Aarti ( Morning )5:30
Bal Bhog ( Darshan Closed ) ( Morning )6:30 TO 7:30
Shangar Aarti ( Only on Saturdays and Tuesdays ( Morning )7:00
Rajbhog – Thal ( Darshan Closed ) ( Morning )10:30 to 11:00
Darshan Closed ( Noon )12:00 to 3:15
Sandhya ( Evening ) Aarti ( Evening )On Sunset Evening Timings
Thal ( Darshan Closed )Till 30 minutes to post evening Aarti
Shayan ( Darshan Closed ) ( Night )9:00 TO ( Morning ) 5:30

The deity:-

Hanuman is in the form of Kastbhajan

Temple Timings:-

Shri Hanuman Mandir timings 5.30 to 9.00.

Festivals celebrated at the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple:-

Hanuman Jayanti Mahotsav:-

 Hanumath Jayanti is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Hanuman, the Vanara god, widely venerated throughout India. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm and spirit among the devotees of Lord Hanuman. Devotees from all over the country visit the temple to offer the prayers and to perform the rituals. The devotees visit temples and apply tilaka of sindoor to their foreheads from Hanuman’s idol as Hanuman. The event is celebrated on the 15th day of the Shukla Paksha, during the month of Chaitra

Sundar Kand:-

 Sundar Kand is celebrated in the month of October or November. It is a book that depicts the adventures of Hanuman. Sundara Kanda is the only chapter of the Ramayana in which the hero is not Rama, but rather Hanuman. This lesson is recited by religious Hindus, preferably on Tuesdays or Saturdays, these days having been earmarked for special prayers to Hanuman.

 Holi is a two-day festival which starts on the Purnima. The first day is known as Holika Dahan or Chhoti Holi while the second day is known as Rangwali Holi, Dhuleti, Dhulandi or Dhulivandan. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, end of winter. it is also identified as a festival that celebrated agriculture, commemorated good spring harvests, and the fertile land.Devotees arrive at the temple to celebrate this festival of colors.

Nearby Temples:-

Shiv Shakti Temple:-

 This temple is situated at Abhapur where the principal deity of worship is Lord Shiva. There are images of Surya Dev and his consort Suryani in the temple and hence, this temple is also known as the Sun Temple. The temple situated on a low height hillock is an excellent example of Nagar shaily. This Sun Temple is unique with it a statue of Lord Shiva, which showing different moods on the face as per your elevation of viewing, this is “Chaturangi” type temple.

Shree Jagannath Temple:-

 The Jagannath Temple is a temple dedicated to the Hindu God Jagannath. The annual chariot festival, the Rath Yatra, which is the second most important after the Ratha Yatra at Puri. The rath yatra entourage passes through different parts of the city of Ahmedabad covering a distance of about 14-km.

Bhadrakali Maa Temple:-

 Bhadrakali Maa Temple is known as one of the oldest and ancient temple in Located inside Bhadra Fort, Near Lal Darwaja, in the Ahmedabad city, Gujarat. Bhadrakali Temple was built during the ruler of Mega city Ahmedabad namely Aazam Khan. The Bhadra fort once encompassed Approximately 12 gates, 189 bastions, and 6000 battlements.

Ayodhyapuram Jain Temple:-

 The temple is dedicated to Bhagwan Rishabh Dev, the first Jain Tirthankara. Shri Ayodhyapuram Teerth located at Gujarat is a Jain pilgrimage centre.  The teerth kshetra was built under the inspiration of Panyas Pravar Spiritual Head Sri Abhaysagarji Maharaj Saheb.  A large stone weighing about 300 tonnes was brought from a mine about 70 kms away from Jaipur to this place. The idol of the Lord was carved here. The Swetambara temple has been magnificently decorated with intricate artistic designs. The creative temple work boasts about the skills of the craftsmen. The walls and pillars of the temple are adorned with specimens of ancient art. The idol has been beautifully carved from a single stone.

ISKCON Temple:-

 The ISKCON Temple in Ahmedabad is located close to the Gujarat Samachar Press. This temple dedicated to Lord Krishna and his consort Radha. The ISKCON Temple in Ahmedabad offers the perfect spot for mediation. The temple with its calm and peaceful atmosphere offers the perfect spot to spend some quiet time with oneself. The temple hosts festivals such as Janmastami which is the birthday of Lord Krishna and is attended by a large number of people from across the state.

Shri Bhimnath Temple:-

 The Bhimnath Mahadev temple is located in Akot. According to the well-known archaeologist V H Sonawane, the period of the city’s founding can be traced from the pavement stones used at this temple which bear the mason marks dating back to the 2nd century BC. It was the spot where the first human settlement came up along the Vishwamitri River, which is almost 2,200 years ago.

Nearest Visiting places:-

Children's Park:-

 This is a good picnic spot for families, children and the youth. There is a lake and you may avail the boating facility provided. There is a mini train also which children may find very amusing.


 Akin to the Children`s park the Sarita Udyan as the name suggests is a park and is a prominent picnic spot. The recreational facilities available here are one of a kind and is a must visit.

Deer Park:-

 Adjacent to the Sarita Udyan is the deer park. It serves as a perfect refuge for those seeking some calm and peace away from the din of the city. It’s not merely for the young but you can see older people visiting the place as well.

Craftsmen's Village:-

 The highly advanced capital city, Gandhinagar also has a distinct place which is dedicated to the art of Bandhani prints .The village is situated about 7 km form the capital city. It is popular not merely for the prints but also wooden blocks carved with exquisite designs on hand printed cloth. Those of you who wish to purchase some ethnic bandhani printed fabric must visit the   place as you get them at very reasonable prices.


 This spot is known to be famous for its step-well Called AdlajVav and during the ancient times this location was known as Dandi Desh, the spot pulls in tourist from far and near.

Koba Teerth:-

 During the year 1980 this holy shrine of Koba Teerth was built in memory of His Holiness Acharyashri Kailas Sagarsuriji Maharaj Saheb. The greatest wonder of this shrine is that, every year during the month May dated 22nd, the ray of the rising sun will pass through to the pinnacle and shine on the forehead of the idol of Bhagwan Mahavir Swami, this idol is beautifully placed in the shrine in the position of Padmasana and white in colour which enhances divinity to the pilgrims and visitors. This wonder temple of Jain pilgrim center is situated on the way between Gandhinagar and Ahemdabad and on the banks of the River Sabarmati.


 Akshardham is a unique cultural complex built in Gandhinagar in memory of Lord Swaminarayan. Inspired by H. D. Pramukh Swami Maharaj, Akshardham is a miracle worked by the service and devotion of thousands of volunteers. It is an intricately carved, majestic monument of 6000 tons of pink sand stone. The entire monument was built without the use of steel. Besides a 7 feet gold leafed idol of Lord Swaminarayan and his holy relics, there are three exhibitions on Indian Culture with light and sound shows, a multimedia show and an animatronic show. Games, rides and food refreshments are other attractions of Akshardham.

Hussain-Doshi's Gufa:-

 Hussain-Doshi's Gufa It is a gallery housing the collaborative efforts of artist M. F. Hussain and the architect B. V. Doshi. Here, art and architecture fuse to become a unique experience, both complementing each other magnificently.Located in the campus of the Centre for Environment Planning and Technology, the Gufa is a configuration of cave-like structures buried under the ground. This marvel of contemporary architecture was constructed using computer aided design and tribal initiative.

Sayaji Bagh:-

 Sayaji Baug (the famous park) is situated on river Vishwamitri and was built by Sayajirao III in 1879. Sprawling over 113 acres, it also includes an excellent zoo, the Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery, the Museum of Health and Hygiene and the Sardar Patel Planetarium.A major attraction for children is the 3.5 kms joy ride through the park on the toy train.

Fateh Singh Museum:-

 Maharaja Fateh Singh Museum houses a remarkably huge number of art works of the royal family. Maharaja Sir Sayajirao Gaekwad III during his several visits abroad collected pieces of art and stored them here. The most fascinating collection of this museum however comprises of host of paintings by European and Indian artists. In this collection, paintings of Raja Ravi Varma who was specially deployed by the then Maharaja of Baroda catches the limelight. His collections essentially comprises of the portraits of the Royal family and paintings based on Hindu mythology. Hindu mythology was the forte of Raja Ravi Varma.
 This apart, at Maharaja Fateh Singh Museum in Vadodara you will also get to see the striking collection of sculptures in marble and bronze. This collection comprises of the representation of great masters in bronze specially made to order by the Maharaja and also originals by famous artists. Besides, you will also come across works of an Italian artist called Fellicci who not only decorated the museum with his fine works but also the Lakshmi Vilas Palace.

How to reach:-

By Air:the Ahmedabad city distance is 156 km.
By Rail:The Bhavnagar city Railway station is 75 km.
By Road:The Dhandhuka taluka (50 km) is well linked with all foremost towns and cities by road. Well-known bus stops are situated at Sarangpur

Sri Radha Parthasarathi Mandir (or) Iskcon Temple In Delhi

                                                           Iskcon Temple

This temple was opened back in 1998 and is located at Hare Krishna Hills, in the East of Kailash area of New Delhi, India. A very well-known Lord Krishna temple for inner peace, its followers believe in Srila Prabhupada. As one of the biggest temple complexes in India, it has numerous rooms for priests and service renders. Many halls are used for its administration purposes. It is divided into four broad units.

Their followers are worldwide. Twenty-four trained priests worship the Deities as per strict spiritual regulations and they recite six different aartis at different timings. The architecture of this temple is magnificent. The steps of the temple have various halls that lead to further ends of the temple.
By the side, there are shops and beautiful fountains that add to the spirituality of this shrine. Inside the shrine, the sight of idols makes one muse over the godly world. Draped with rich clothes and jewellery, the idols are decked with great delicacy and care. In the center hall, one can always hear the heavenly tune of Hare Rama Hare Krishna. Many devotional lectures and addresses are arranged for the benefit and spiritual nerve of devotees.

 The temple is beautifully constructed and has a big compound. The fountains, gift shops and libraries of CDs and books make it a wonderful place to visit. The temple also organizes an audio visual presentation of Bhagwat Gita to spread spiritual awareness. The chants of “Har-e-Krishna” along with the beats of drum can be heard coming from the temple premises. Tourist from all over India and world visit this place to obtain peace.

 The Iskcon temple Delhi is dedicated to Lord Krishna and was built by the Hare-Rama Hare-Krishna cult followers. This complex is elegantly built and is one of the largest temple complexes in India. The main attraction of the temple is the Robot who enacts and preaches the Gita.
 Iskcon Temple Delhi treasures beautiful paintings of Russian artists on the different past times of Radha Krishna, Sita, Ram, Laxman, Hanuman and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Special programmes like Kirtan, Aarti, Pravachan and Prasadam are held every Sunday between noon to 3.00pm.
 The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon) was initially raised as a spiritual society in New York to Propagate the message of the Bhagwad Gita. It was founded by Swami Prabhupada. In India there are about 40 Iskcon temple .

Architecture Of Iskcon Temple:-

Iskcon Temple, designed and built by Achyut Kanvinde who in 1993 agreed to accept a pro-bono commission to build this temple complex for the followers of Srila Prabhupada,is one of the largest temple complexes in India. It comprises numerous rooms for priests and for service renders. It has many halls that are used for its administration purposes and various seminars. It is divided into four broad sections.

An entry to the Iskcon Delhi is a quiet escape from the bustles of the city. You can find here solace, serenity, satisfaction and can meet yourself on a higher dimension. Sitting amongst Lord Krishna and his devotees with Hare Krishna Hare Rama chants going around, is indeed an experience of a lifetime. But for those who are seeking more, there is so much to learn and see, than what meets the eye and soul. Spend a few minutes in the sanctum sanctorum, beholding the divine marble effigies of Krishna, playing the idiosyncratic flute, beside Radha. Try to visit the Iskcon temple on Sunday afternoons, and you will be overwhelmed to be a part of the kirtan, aarti, pravachan and prasadam, that continue till evening.

 If interesting legends of mythology and their scientific relevance fascinates you, then remember to visit the Iskcon museum, ensconced on two floors of the temple building. Pinned to a common goal to present Indian history in an interactive manner, the temple authority has taken initiatives to organise a light and sight show garnished with life-like figures of Hindu mythology, that makes a huge impact on the audience. Portraying the the best of science and religion, the exhibition is a must see for every visitor. Stroll in the ground floor and you can see beautiful motifs that brings the forlorn preachings of Bhagwat Gita, back to life. As you will climb higher, the whole backdrop changes to that of Ramayana and Mahabharata stories.

There are a number of reasons to visit this temple, but if you want to feel peace and calm than you have to surely visit this place. Once you enter the premises of ISKON you can feel the serenity of this temple. The enchant of “Hare KRISHNA  Hare RAMA”  will surely put goose bumps in your body. There are many other reasons, which I described below-

1. Bhagavad-Gita Animatronics Robot Show:-

The message of Bhagwat Gita is described by robots which used to narrate the teachings of this Hindu Epic

2. Vedic Culture Museum:-

The museum complex inside the temple is used to recite the holy message of Srimadbhagwat Gita by modern technical equipment.

3. Ramayana Art Gallery:-

A demonstration of Ramayana, presented by sound and light show is mesmerizing to watch.

4. The Vedic Centre for Performing Arts:-

In this place, many performers from all over the world come here to show their skills and illustrate the scenes form Hinduisms.

Significance of the Iskcon temple Delhi:-

•The vision of the project is to create an institution that will inspire people to dedicate their lives to the teachings of God Sri Krishna. And in keeping with this theme, the Glory of India museum and exhibition present highlights from the ancient and medieval texts, such as Mahabharata, Ramayana, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and Caitanya-caritamrta.
•Iskcon Temple architecture is a combination of the design of six-eight hundred-year-old temples and present day technology.
•The purpose of ISKCON is to serveas a center for India’s greatest glory – Vedic knowledge and culture.
•God is known across the world by many names including Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, Rama, etc. ISKCON devotees chant God’s names in the form of the maha-mantra or the great prayer: “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare; Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.”
•Members of ISKCON practice bhakti-yoga in their homes and also worship in temples. They also promote bhakti-yoga, or Krishna Consciousness, through festivals, the performing arts, yoga seminars, public chanting, and the distribution of the society’s literature.

Rituals Followed In Iskcon temple Delhi :-

As Vaishnavism, ISKCON has very high standard of worship, daily routine of temple is:-
Twenty four brahmanically trained pujaris worship the Deities according to strict spiritual regulations, it also includes complete purity and auspiciousness of pujaris, mentioned by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada.
six aratis are offered to the Deities everyday, which are as:-
1.Mangala Aarti
2.Tulsi Aarti
3.Dhoop Aarti
4.Raj-Bhoga Aarti
5.Pushpa Aarti
6.Sandhya Aarti
Six bhoga offerings, corresponding to these six aratis, are made to the Deities.
The outfits of the Deities are changed twice every day, morning and evening.

Festivals Celebrated at Iskcon temple Delhi:-

Festivals are a vital part of community life at Iskcon temple Delhi , involving large numbers of volunteers.
Gaura Purnima :-

 It is the appearance anniversary of God Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534) who is Radha and Krishna combined. On this a full-moon day, everyone fasts till moonrise, and devotees visit the temple to see the Deities of the God. The devotees present dramas and lectures about Lord Chaitanya’s activities. The idols of Gaura-Nitai are adorned with new clothes, and the devotees engage in extra Kirtan (Hymns). At moonrise, a prasad feast (sanctified vegetarian food) is served.
Sri Ramnavami :-

Sri Ramnavami observes the birth of God Rama, and is one of the most auspicious days in the Vaisnava calendar. At ISKCON Delhi, celebrations include special decorations, drama, and discussion of God Rama’s pastimes and a ‘Hari Nama’ chanting procession in the surrounding areas. The day also includes Maha Abhishek, the drama by Vaikuntha Players, Lectures on God Rama, and a feast for all the devotees.
Sri Krishna Janmashtami :-

The auspicious day of the appearance of God Krishna is celebrated as Sri Krishna Janmashtami. ISKCON Delhi is reputed to celebrate one of the largest Janmashtami celebrations of its kind. The festivities last for 12 days beginning with a Srimad Bhagavat Katha for a week, followed by a Shobha yatra (procession outside the temple).
Radhashtami :-

 It is the celebration day of Srimati Radharani’s appearance. Radharani is the consort of Krishna. She appeared to Vrishabhanu Maharaj (her father) in the village of Rawal, a fortnight after Krishna’s appearance. Radharani is the best devotee of Krishna; Krishna, therefore, loves her the most. On the festival day, devotees seeking Krishna’s grace will ask her to grant them devotion to her beloved God. On Radhastami, Sri Radha-Krishna idols are traditionally dressed entirely in flowers. Sri  Radha Parthasarathi is adorned in a new outfit in the morning and a flower outfit in the evening. Abhishek is performed at noon.
Jagannath Rath Yatra :-

 The pulling of Rath (chariot) during the Rath-yatra procession by the devotees symbolizes the attempt of the residents of Vrindavan, especially the cowherd boys and girls, to bring Krishna, Balarama, and Subhadra back to Vrindavan, near Mathura, UP from Kurukshetra. ISKCON Delhi celebrates Rath yatra annually around October/November. The festivities include the Rath yatra parade, offering of Chappan bhoga (56 foodstuffs), spiritual discourses, and a spiritual and cultural festival.
Nauka Vihar (Boat Festival) :-

 Every year in summer, the devotees at Iskcon temple Delhi  celebrate the boat festival of their Gods. This festival is connected to the pastimes of God Krishna and Srimati Radharani, who along with their friends would enjoy boat rides on the river Yamuna in the summers. Devotees in the temple decorate the Kailya Krishna pond with a flower bed. The Gods are then requested to come down to the pond while being accompanied by sankirtan (Hymns). The idols are then taken around the pond on a boat while thousands of devotees shower flowers and chant the Gods’ name

Activities at Iskcon temple Delhi:-

Among the many activities at Iskcon temple Delhi , “Food For Life” is an important program. Designed around the philosophy of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder Acharya of ISKCON – ‘No one within ten miles of Iskcon temple should go hungry’, it is the largest vegetarian food distribution program in over 60 countries. Under this program, Prasad is distributed to the visitors visiting the temple in the evening between 6.30 – 8.30 PM. On Sundays and during festivals, the number of visitors goes up to 10,000 and Iskcon ensures that no one goes away hungry.
ISKCON also runs a mid-day meal program for government schools across Delhi that aims to feed around 5 lakhs children. “This is a government supported initiative to eradicate malnutrition by serving cooked meals at these schools. The kitchen where the food for the mid-day meal program is prepared is at Alipore Gaon, in North-West Delhi,” says Bal Bhadra Das, Director – Food for Life.
Additionally, Food for Life has provided aid during several emergencies worldwide; the most recent being the Nepal earthquake in 2015, Jammu Kashmir floods in 2014 and the Phailin Storm in Odisha in 2013.
Iskcon also supports the ‘Aap Ki Rasoi’ scheme started by former Delhi CM Sheila Dikshit that provides one full meal to around 5,000 underprivileged people around Delhi in a day.
And Hence…
A visit to the temple is sure to reawaken your inner spirituality. The chanting of the Maha-Mantra is equally an act of purity and leaves a person feeling blissful. Such is the power of this Mantra that it can bond countries and bring together different communities. And this has been rightly highlighted by Shri Vajpayee in his speech during inaugurating the temple that “The Maha-mantra reverberates to the dancing feet of Iskcon devotees each morning and evening in temples from Stockholm to Sao Paulo and from Miami to Mayapur’’.
The Delhi Temple is one of the many Iskcon Temples around the globe that continues to fascinate its worshippers and kindle new hope.


 Open – All Days

Morning – 04:30 AM | 07:15 AM | 07:45 AM
Evening – 12:30 PM | 07:00 PM | 07:45 PM.
Iskcon Temple Delhi Aarti Timings

Program Timings:-

Mangala Arati 4:30 AM
Japa (Mantra) Meditation 5:15 AM
Darshan Aarti 7:15 AM
Guru Puja 7:30 AM
Srimad Bhagavatam Discourse 8:00 AM
Raj Bhog Aarti 12:30 PM
Usthapana Aarti 4:15 PM
Sandhya Aarti 7:00 PM
Bhagavad Gita Discourse 8:00 PM
Sayana Aarti 8:30 PM
Temple Hall Closes 9:00 PM

Nearby Attractions:-

ISKCON Temple is a famous pilgrim destination which records a considerable amount of footfall. Surrounding this religious hub is a number of attractive tourist spots like:

Kalkaji Temple:-

The temple of Goddess Kali, situated on a hill top and a major pilgrimage place during Navratri. Legend goes that the founder of this temple is a farmer. Built in the 18th century it is hardly a kilometer away from Okhla Industrial Estate and Nehru Palace.

Nizamuddin's shrine:-

 Located in Nizamuddin village, situated close to the Humayun’s tomb, not far away from the Eastern end of the Lodi Road is the shrine of the famous Muslim Sufi saint, Sheikh Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia Chishti.

Khirki Masjid:-

 Situated just 2 kilometers away from Qutab Minar, in the center of Khirki Village, is the khirki Masjid or Mosque. It is a fine example of ‘closed mosque’ in North India. The outstanding feature of this mosque is its window opening with jalis or tracery, thereby naming then latticed windows.

Chirag-i-Dihli's Dargah:-

 It is the tomb of Sufi saint Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud who was also known as Raushan Chirag-i-Dihli. Located in the Chirag Delhi Village, the place can be reached by taking the Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg through the Chirag main road or one can also take the Outer Ring Road through the Soami Nagar south colony.
Some of the famous food joints and eateries serving eclectic dishes are completely vegetarian restaurant within the temple complex, named Govinda Restaurant. Other names include Hotel Park Royal, Karim’s.
Nearby Shopping Venues include Nehru Place, C R Park Market and Kalkaji Market.
How to Reach:-

Sant Nagar is an area in south Delhi which is very well connected with the rest of the city.

By Air:-

Iskcon Sant Nagar is 20 km from the New Delhi international airport and can be reached using pre-paid taxis, metro train, and DTC Shuttle buses all of which are available right at the arrival terminal.

By Train:-

 Metro –The Nehru Place metro station is the closest to the temple and is just a 5-minute walk. The alternate option would be ‘Kailash Colony’ Station

By Train:-

 Iskcon Sant Nagar is 5 km from the Nizamuddin railway station and 12 km from the New Delhi railway station. Both of them offer auto-rickshaws, taxi, public bus service and Metro train to commute.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Hanuman Mandir Connaught Place In Delhi

                                                            Hanuman Mandir

Hanuman Mandir Baba Kharak Singh Marg (road) near Connaught Place. One of the oldest Hanuman temples in the country, was built by Maharaja Jai Singh in 1724. Since the time of its construction, the temple of Lord Hanuman in New Delhi has undergone several restorations. One of the highlights of the temple is a 24-hour chanting the mantraSri Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram, since August 1, 1964.This song is still even won a place in the Guinness Book of Records. The idol of Hanuman Mandir New Delhi represented the Lord in a very young age, that Balak (young children). Idol faces south and is known as Bala Hanuman. The left hand Lord Hanuman idol is a gada (a weapon) and the right hand on his chest as in prayer. The main dwar (port) Hanuman Mandir is decorated with relief art representing the great epic "Ramayana" completely. The temple was rebuilt and renovated during the seventies. In addition to being regarded as a place, holy temple, also called mehendi; work in the hands of ladies outside the temple. Lord Hanuman temple in Delhi has a special significance every Tuesday, when completed by thousands of faithful.

This ancient temple is believed to the be built in a Mahabharat era along with four other temples. The four other temples are Yogmaya Temple near the Qutub Minar, Kalkaji Mandir in south Delhi, Nili Chatri Mahadev at Nigambodh Ghat and Bhairav temple near Purana Qila. Hanuman Mandir is the one of the most visited temples of New Delhi and thousands of visitors came here daily to the worship of Lord Hanuman.


The Main Idol at the temple is that of Hanumana, facing south. The deity holds a gada in his left hand and his right hand rests on his chest in veneration to the adjacent idols of Rama, Lakshmana and Sita. It is believed that Bhagwan Hanuman destroy all the evils with the Gada in his hand. Devotees congregate at the temple in large numbers on Tuesday and Saturday. Hanuman Jayanti (birthday celebrations of Lord Hanumana) is also celebrated every year with great fanfare.

Hanuman Temple:-

Bal Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place region of Delhi is also known as Prachin Hanuman Mandir. It is one of the few temples which survived the rapid onslaught from the invading armies. Hanuman Mandir is said to be made by Maharaja Jai Singh along with Jantar Mantar in 1724. The Hanuman Mandir is situated at the Baba Kharak Singh Marg (road) near Connaught Place. One of the oldest Hanuman temples in the country, it was built by Maharaja Jai Singh in the year 1724.
However, since the time of its construction, the The Hanuman Mandir of New Delhi has undergone many restorations. One of the highlights of the temple is the 24-hour chanting of the mantra Sri Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram, since August 1, 1964. This continuous chanting has even secured a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. The idol in the Delhi Hanuman Mandir represents the Lord in a very young age, that of a Balak (young child). The idol faces south and is known as the Bala Hanuman. In the left hand of the Lord Hanuman idol is a Gada (a weapon) and the right hand rests over his chest as in prayer. The main Dwar (gate) of the Hanuman Mandir is adorned with embossed artwork that depicts the great epic 'Ramayana' completely. The temple was rebuilt and renovated during the late seventies. Apart from being considered as a sacred place, the temple is also known for mehendi work done on the hands of ladies outside the temple. Lord Hanuman Temple of Delhi gains a special significance every Tuesday, when it is thronged by thousands of devotees.

The main entrance of Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place, New Delhi resembles the great artwork done by the craft men with great devotion. The gate is known as dwar is believed to be centuries old depict the complete epic of Ramayana in the art form. The ceilings of the mandap (hall or pavilion) depicts the epic of Ramayana artistically painted.
One can be amazed after seeing the meticulous artwork inside the Hanuman Temple, Connaught Place.  The ceiling of the main hall has beautifully embossed artwork depicting the whole Ramayana. You will get enthusiastic after seeing the outside atmosphere of the temple. The Complex outside the temple is lined with several tiny shops selling garlands and prasad. Other side of temple is lined with lots of bangles shops having enormous range of bangles in variety of colous. One can also find famous mehndi artists and their variety of intricate henna application.

History and legends:-

Sage Tulsidas who wrote the Tulsi Ramayan and the Hanuman Chalisa was said to have visited the temple in Delhi during the Mughal era. Here, he was asked to perform a miracle which he succeeding in doing so with the blessings of lord Hanuman. Impressed by Tulsidas, the empreror presented the temple with the crescent moon feature. This saved the temple from destruction from Mughal invasion.

 The city of Delhi was the seat of power for many dynasties. There are legendary stories of Hindu resistance against repeated Muslim invasions by the Rajput King, Prithviraj Chauhan. Several temples built by Tomars and Chauhans in that era, were pulled down by the conquering Mulims and their stones reutilised mainly in the construction of the Auwwat-ul-Islam mosque at Lal Kot, in the Qutb complex. Unlike the other Hindu Temples, where symbol above the spire (vimana) is more commonly an Om or Sun sign, Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place has a crescent moon symbol (an Islamic symbol) in the vimana. It is believed that this might be the reason why Mughals did not destroy the temple.

Intricate Artwork:-

The idol in the temple is of God Hanuman and according to the priests here, Hanuman Bhagwan represents here in the form of a balak (yong child). That’s why this temple also being called as Bala Hanuman Temple. Bhagwan Haunman here facing towards south direction and one can see only one eye of Shri Bala hanuman. As seen inside the temple, Bhagwan Bala Hanuman carries the Gada (mace or club) in the left hand with the right hand rests over his chest as in prayer to the adjacent idol of lord Rama, Lakshmana and Mata Sita. It is believed that Sriman Narayan (also known as Lord Vishnu) who had taken the avatar (the manifestation of a Hindu deity (especially Vishnu) in human or superhuman form) as Lord Rama had shown the governance through dharma (basic principle of cosmos) to the world and left for Vaikuntha (Lord Vishnu’s heaven). All the characters of Ramayana had left for Vaikuntha, but Bhagwan Hanuman remained here with us in this world, to spread the Ramaraj and dharma. After that, he had seen Sriman Narayan in the next yuga as Lord Krishna avatar and his help was sought for re-establishment of dharma. It is believed with the Gada in his hand Bhagwan Hanuman destroy all the evils.

Mahabarata and Hanuman :-

Sriman Narayan who had taken the avathara as Lord Rama had shown the governance through dharma to us and left for Vaikuntha. All the characters of Ramayana had left for Vaikuntha, but Hanuman remained here with us in this world, to spread the Ramaraj and dharma. Not only that, he had seen Sriman Narayan in the next yuga as Lord Krishna and his help was sought for reestablishment of dharma. There is anecdote in Mahabarata about the presence of Hanuman during that time. Pandavas were on exile imposed by Duryodhan.
Bheemaa trying to lift the tail of Anjaneya
During that time when roaming about in jungles, Draupadi smelled a divine fragrance. She was so enamored of the fragrance, that she requested Bheema to fetch the flower. Bheema went in search of the flower, following the lead given by the fragrance. He found an old looking monkey covering the path of his way. Bheema condescendingly asked the monkey to make way for him unaware that the monkey in non other then his brother Hanuman (both are vayu amsa). The arrogance in the tone of Bheema prompted Hanuman to ask Bheema to lift his tail since he old and weak. Bheema with reluctance lifted the tail that was blocking his way, but could not do so even after several tries. Then he realised that the monkey is Lord Hanuman. Bheema apologised for his arrogant behavior and said he had realised that power devoid of arrogance is greater.
On the request of Bheema, Anjuna and Lord Krishna it is said that Lord Hanuman was present in the flag post of the chariot of Anjuna driven by Lord Krishna during the Kurushetra war.

Ancient Temples of Indraprashtha :-

There are five shrines in Delhi that are identified with Pandavas in their Indraprastha by the tradition. They are Yogamaya temple in Mehrauli, Kalkaji Maa Temple in Kalkaji, Bhairav Temple near Purana-killa (Old fort), Bhairav temple in Kalkaji, BalaHanuman Temple,Connaught Place near Jantar Mandir. It is believed that the shrines were built during more or less same period and all these idols are said to be swayambhuhu (self manifested ones)
The city Indraprashtha is part of the history and Delhi was seat of power many dynasties. There are legendary stories of Hindu resistance against repeated Muslim invasions by the Rajput King, Prithviraj Chauhan. Several temples built by Tomars and Chauhans, were pulled down by the conquering Mulims and their stones reutilised mainly in the construction of the Auwwat-ul- Islam mosque at Lal Kot, in the Qutb complex.


Tuesdays are special days for the Hanuman Mandir. The evening aarti (prayer) draws a very large crowd, all waiting with bated breath for the spectacle that unfolds in the middle of it as suddenly the arms of Hanuman which are held across the chest move back, the chest slides open and the beautiful images of Lord Shri Rama & Devi Sita slide out to give darshan (sight) to all the devotees - it's a mesmerizing sight indeed!

Hanuman Mandir  Timings:-

Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated here with great enthusiasm, thousands of devotees gather here to offering prayers to Lord Hanuman. Hanuman Jayanti generally falls in the month of March-April. Check the Aarti timings, temple opening timing and closing time in a table. The temple remains open till 2 AM in Night on Tuesday and it remains open on the whole Saturday night.

Temple timings:-.

Monday 5:00 AM 5:30 AM 1- 3 PM 11:00 PM
Tuesday 4:00 AM 5:00 AM remains open till 2.00:AM (night)
Wednesday 5:00 AM 5:30 AM 1- 3 PM 11:00 PM
Thursday 5:00 AM 5:30 AM 1- 3 PM 11:00 PM
Friday 5:00 AM 5:30 AM 1- 3 PM 11:00 PM
Saturday 4:00 AM 5:00 AM remains open remains open whole night
Sunday 5:00 AM 5:30 AM 1- 3 PM 11:00 PM

Dress Code at Hanuman Mandir:-

Men and women are advised to wear decent clothing. The entry is free. People are supposed to leave their chappals and other footwear outside the temple while entering the holy sanctum.

Festivals Celebrated at the Hanuman Mandir:-

Hanuman Jayanti: The birthday celebrations of Lord Hanuman, is held every year with great pomp on the full moon (Purnima) day in the month of Chaitra (March – April) as per the lunar Hindu Panchangam or Hindu calendar. Colourful processions with festoons and with devotees wearing Hanuman masks and tails and carrying large idols of Hanuman fill the streets.

Poojas and Rituals at Hanuman Mandir:-

The daily pujas are carried out at all times of the day. Tuesdays and Saturdays are considered for worshipping Lord Hanuman, so there are a few special pujas carried out on these days.

Nearby Temples:-

•Kalkaji Mandir – Kalkaji Mandir is a famous Hindu temple dedicated to Hindu Goddess Kali. This temple is located in the southern part of Delhi, India, in Kalkaji, a locality which has derived its name from this famous temple and is located right opposite to the Nehru Place business centre. The temple is easily commutable by all forms of public transport. The belief surrounding the temple is that the image of the Goddess Kalka or Kali, here is a self-manifested one, and the shrine dates back to Satya Yuga when the Goddess Kalika had incarnated and killed the demon Raktabija along with other giant demons.
Chhatarpur Mandir :-

  The second largest temple complex in India which is dedicated to Goddess Katyayani, the sixth avatar of the Navadurga, who had slain the ferocious demon Mahishasur. The temple is famous for its Veesarra form of architecture and Navratra festivities which are celebrated with pomp and glory.
Mata Sheetala Mandir:-

 Sheetala Mata Mandir which is located at Gurgaon village, a suburb of Gurgaon (Guru Dronacharya’s birth place), in the state of Haryana, is only 25 km from Hanuman Mandir. Sheetala Devi is also called as Bhagat Lalita Maa and Masani Maa. The word Sheetala refers to the disease smallpox and it is believed that if this deity is invoked with faith, she dispels the disease. Situated near a pond, this temple witnesses hordes of pilgrims throughout the year. During the month of Chaitra (March-April), this place resembles the grounds of Kumbh-Mela. Many devotees visit this place for the mundane ceremony of their children and also newly married couples who come to take blessings for a happy married life.

How to Reach:-

By Road:-

 Connaught Place’s Prachin Hanuman Mandir is well connected by bus and the Delhi Metro services. Besides, one can also rent a car or auto-rickshaw from anywhere to Connaught Place. Delhi Transport Department has added more buses to its fleet. Though the old buses are still in service, now you will find the green buses which are more comfortable to reach Connaught Place and Prachin Hanuman Mandir. Terminuses such as Kashmere Gate, Sarai Kale Khan, and Anand Vihar are located nearby which leads to various important places in the city.

By Rail:-

 Almost all the metro trains in New Delhi passes through Connaught Place Hanuman Mandir Delhi. Whether one is coming from Noida, Gurgaon, India Gate, and the Airport or from the Delhi University area, they will find ample metro trains to reach the destination. Besides the Delhi Metro. Connaught Place metro station is the nearest metro station to Hanuman Mandir Delhi. Also, New Delhi Railway station is the nearest railway station to Prachin Hanuman Mandir. Connaught Place is located just minutes away from both the Old Delhi Railway Station as well as New Delhi Railway Station. Most travellers visiting Delhi, prefer staying in one of the hotels in Connaught Place because of its good connectivity to different parts of the city.

By Air:-

 Delhi is well connected with domestic and international flights, to all the major cities within and outside India. Almost all the major airlines have their flights operating from Indira Gandhi International Airport of New Delhi. Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport is connected to all the important cities of the world with almost all the major international airlines operating from here.