Wednesday 22 February 2017

Putra Ganapati Vrata

                                                       Putra Ganapati Vrata

Putra Ganapati Vrata  – Vratam performed by Married couples to beget children .
Putra Ganapati Vrata is an auspicious day in Telugu Hindu culture dedicated to Lord Ganesha and it falls on the Chaturthi day in Falgun month during the waxing phase of moon (Shukla Paksha). It is an observance performed for children and married couples without children perform this Vratam to beget children.

It is popularly believed that pujas, prayers and rituals dedicated to Lord Ganesha on the day will help in getting children. Some devotees observe a fast from sunrise to sunset on the day.
However, there are few couples who are childless, but they need not to be upset. Instead, God listens to everyone’s prayers, be it sooner or later. Hence, the childless couples should observe the Putrada Ekadasi or Pavitra Vrat (fast) and pray  Lord Vishnu on this day.
There are two Putrada Ekadashi in a year. Let’s take a look at these  Ekadashi events and explore some knowledge about them.

About Ganapathi:-

Hindus accept the existence of several gods, goddesses, and dities in the forms of animals and planets. Hindus also believe that all these gods/goddesses are not separate entities but different forms (modes) of the same supreme reality (Supreme-God or Paramaatman).Supreme God manifests himself in different forms or aspects for specific purposes. Hindus have free will to choose any form of the supreme God (Ishta Devata) to worship and pray. hichever form they may choose to pray or worship, ultimately it leads to the supreme God.Lord Ganesha is also one of the many forms of the God. He is also the first child of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. He is known by various names such as Vinayaka (knowledgeable), Vighneshwara (remover of obstacles), Gajanana (elephant faced) or Ganapati (a leader).Lord Ganesha has all leadership qualities. HE is a very unique form of the Supreme God. HIS unique form also carries symbolic meaning.Scholars interpret it in various ways. Following is the most commonly believed symbolic meaning.

Symbolic Meaning Of Ganapathi:-

Ganesha has elephant’s head, which is big. It symbolizes sharp intelligence and big thinking. An elephant’s life is full of radiance, which comes from dignity and self-esteem. Also the elephant shares his food by scattering some around himself. It indicates the sense of generosity.Ganesha has large ears, but small mouth. It indicates that one should talk less and listen more, but retain only the positive and constructive things. Large ears are also a symbol of acute and superior hearing. Ganesha’s small eyes indicate sharp vision and concentration.Small eyes are also a symbol of foresightTrunk is the symbol of high strength, efficiency and adaptability.It can move the biggest obstacles and yet infinitely gentle in handling delicate objects.Ganesha has one full and other half tusk. The partial tusk symbolizes intelligence and the full tusk symbolizes faith. Both are needed to progress in life. However, the intelligence often falls short in providing answers to life’s burning questions. When it falls short,faith in God and ourselves can lead us in life successfully. Full tusk also symbolizes that one should retain good and throw away bad things.Ganesha’s four hands have four things - Ankush (Elephant driver’s iron rod or axe) It indicates us to cut off all bonds of attachment and restrain desires and passions. Paash (cord or rope) symbol of restrain and punishment. Modak is dry and hard from outside and sweet from inside and nourishing. This represents that hard work (saadhana) brings joy, satisfaction and nourishment to our souls. Aashirwaad means thatGanaesha blesses and protects us on our spiritual path to the Supreme.Ganesha has large stomach. HE peacefully digests all good and bad things without loosing control. Ganesha’s small legs indicate that one should not move hastily. One must not rush into anything. Each step must be slow, deliberate and well thought of.Mouse-vehicle of Ganesha symbolizes desire. Desire, if not in control, can causes havoc. Ganesha rides on the mouse. One should ride the desire and keep it under control and do not allow it to take you for a ride.Durva, meaning grass, is placed on the head of Ganesh. The grass is something that we constantly walk on or trample on, paying little heed to it, while in fact it contributes so much to our survival by giving us oxygen. But we give importance to durva by placing them on his head. This tells us no matter how much you are looked down upon or insignificant to others or not given the importance you deserve, you are important to Him. Red flower indicates red color. Red color stands for total change or revolution.Lord Ganesha possesses all leadership qualities. The best pooja offered to Lord Ganesha is to inculcate those qualities in us.

Legend of  Putrada Ekadashi:-

As per the legend, there was a King named Suketuman, who was married to Queen Shaibya. The couple used to be very upset, as they did not have a child. Their ancestors and the King were also worried due to the fact that there would be no one after the King and the Queen for their Shraddh.
The King left the palace in grief. While he was wandering here and there, he reached an Ashram (monastic house) built on the bank of Yamuna river. There he saw 10 saints, who were named as Vishvadevas. They told the King to observe the fast of Putrada Ekadasi to get blessed with a child. After hearing this, the King returned back to the kingdom. The King observed the fast of Putrada Ekadashi and was blessed with a would be prince of the kingdom.

Putrada Ekadashi Rituals:-

On the day of Putrada Ekadashi, the person who keeps fast, wakes up early morning and wear new clothes after shower. After this, the observer offer prayers and flowers, fruits, betel leaves, and incense sticks to Lord Vishnu. A fast is kept for the whole day. In evening, a Katha (legend) is recited. Offering food to Brahmins is also the part of Putrada Ekadashi or Pavitra Ekadashi ritual.
Hopefully, this information on Ekadashi will help you in obtaining the desired result. Along with this, keep fast of Putrada Ekadashi with full faith and devotion; thus, pleasing Lord Vishnu. Hence, if you wish to get blessed with a child, observe the fast of Putrada Ekadashi and get your wishes fulfilled.