Sunday 1 December 2013

Adi Shakthi Peetam Tara on Tara Tarini Parvata


The  great religious texts like the Shiva Purana, the Kalika Purana and the Asta  Shakti recognize four major Shakti Peethas (centers), like Bimala (Pada Khanda,  Inside Puri Jagannatha Temple), Tara Tarini (Stana Khanda, Breasts, Near  Berhampur, Orissa), Kamakshi (Yoni Khanda, Near Guwahati, Assam) and Dakhina  Kalika (Mukha Khanda, Kalighat, West Bengal) originated from the limbs of the  Corpse of Mata Sati. Tara Tarini Sthana Peeth (Breast Shrine) is situated on the holy Taratarini hill (Purnagiri) at a distance of 30 km from Berhampur in the state of Orissa, India. The Twin Goddesses Tara and Tarini are worshiped as manifestations of Adi Shakti. The Taratarini Hill Shrine is one of the oldest pilgrimage centers of Mother Goddess and is one amongst the four major ancient Shakti Peethas in India.

History of Tara Tarini Hill Shrine (Kalyan Dham):-

According to the Mythological Puranas the origin of Maa Taratarini is directly attributed to Daksha Prajapati’s Jagna in Satya Yuga. The famous Shakta Peethas of Bimala, Tara-Tarini, Dakshina Kalika and Kamakshi originated from the limbs of the divine Corpse of Devi Sati. Mythological sacred texts like the Shiva Purana, the Kalika Purana, the Devi Bhagabat (a contemporary text of the Mahabharata written by Shri Vyasa Dev around 6000 years ago) attest this fact.
It is known from the Mahabharata that before the commencement of the Mahabharata war Lord Srikrishna had advised Arjuna to offer prayer for victory at Shridevi kupa or Bhadrakali. Bhadrakali originated from the limbs of Sati like the other four major Shakti Peethas, which existed during the time of the Mahabharata or around 6000 years ago. This is the oldest data/information we get till date, regarding the existence of the Shrines originated from the limbs of the divine Corpse of Devi Sati.
According to available historical sources the fall of Kalingan Empire and its capital Sampa (Samapa) in the Kalinga war around 2300 years ago by Mauryan Emperor Ashoka, strengthened the grip of Buddhists in this part of India. The then Sampa was hardly 7 km away from Taratarini Hill Shrine. So, scholars believe that Taratarini was worshiped as the principal deity (Ista-Devi) of the mighty Kalinga Empire.After Ashoka conquered Kalinga scholars found it a famous centre of Buddhism. The region of Ganjam near the bank of river Rushikulya was an active Buddhist site as shown from the Special Rock Edicts of Ashoka found at Jaugada at a distance of 4 km from Tara-Tarini Hill Shrine. The name Tara (Buddhism), an important deity of Mahayana Buddhist Pantheon, is suggestive of Buddhist influence. An image of Buddha in meditation, present inside the sanctum sanctorum of the temple lends credence to the claim of this site as an ancient centre of the Buddhist Shakta cult.
According to the texts of Mahayana Buddhists, in the initial days, the Buddhists didn’t believe in the worship of Goddesses or in Pratimapuja (Idol Worship). But, the ecclesiastical texts of Mahayana’s reveal that from 1st century AD after the fall of Kalinga, for the first time the Mahayana Buddhists accepted the worship of Mother Goddess ‘Tara’. So there is seldom any doubt that the Buddhists have learned the ‘Tara’ Puja concept from this Shrine. The Bouddha Tantrik texts, texts of Vajrajani sect and Hindu Tantrik texts also attest these facts. Scholars believe that in the primary days the Buddhists worshiped Taratarini, the principal seat of Tantrik sect in Hinduism at that time, as Bouddha Tara, and later on included ‘Tara’ as the Tantrik deity or spouse of bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara in their belief system. Gradually this ‘Tara’ worship spread to different parts of the world.
Besides the worship of Tara by the Buddhist Tantrikas, the 'Maritime History' of Kalinga also suggest the worship of Tara by the Sadhavas, merchants and seamen before launching their sea voyage from the great sea ports like Dantapura (Gopalpur), Pallur near Chilika Lake, kalingapatna and river Rushikulya . It is important to mention, that all these major Sea ports of the ancient world were present very near to the Taratarini hill Shrine.
According to folk lore, it is around 8th Century AD when Jagadguru Sankaracharya toured the whole country, that he discovered this Shrine. But, it did not exist in its present form. After long try he came to know that this ancient Shakti centre was under the control of Buddhist tantrikas. Then he released this Peetha from the control of Bouddha tantrikas and handed it over to Hindus.
It is known from the available sources that till 17th century this place was out of the sight of the common man. But, according to a folk story once Maa Taratarini appeared as two sisters in the house of Shri Basu Praharaj. He was a learned Brahmin of Kharida Vira Jagannathpur village in Ganjam District and one of the great devotees of the Mother Goddess but child less. After staying for some years one day both the sisters disappeared suddenly from the house of Basu Praharaj and according to the account of the villagers both the sisters traveled up to the Tarini Parvat/ Ratnagiri and disappeared there.
Basu Praharaj searched these two sisters but did not find their tracings. His heart broke down with grief and pain. On that night he saw a dream where the Goddesses Tara and Tarini informed Basu Praharaj that actually they were not his daughters; but they are the Adi Shakti, Goddesses Tara and Tarini. The Goddesses ordered Basu to come out of the grief and said that the time has arrived and with full devotion renovate the temple on the Hill Top of Tarini Parvat and establish the deities according to the Vedic tradition.
After that divine direction Basu discovered the tracings of ancient most presence of Goddesses Tara -Tarini on the sacred Hill Top and immediately took steps to reconstruct the temple and the Shrine.
Since that time for its magnetism and sanctity this Sthana Peetha (Breast Shrine) of Mata Sati, became a centre of faith and reverence for countless numbers of people, out in search of peace, tranquility, guidance and spiritual energy and its fame spread like wild fire to become one of the popular religious destinations for millions of devotees.

‘Tara’ worship by Sadhavas:-

 The "Maritime History" of Kalinga also attests the worship of the Devi “Tara” by the Hindu Sadhavas (seamen), and merchants before launching their sea voyage from the great seaports at Dantapura (Gopalpur), Pallur near at Rambha, kalingapatna and river Rishikulya. It is important to mention that all these major Sea ports of the ancient period of were very near to the Tara Tarini hill Shrine.

Historian Pratima Kamat supports the above theory in her ‘LADY OF THE RESTLESS WATERS’. Here she proves that the people involved in maritime activities in this part of Odisha were devotees of Goddesses Tara Tarini. The influence of Tara Tarini was such that people living in far off places like Goa have imitated the puja concept from the Shadhavas of Odisha coast.

Folk lore & Folk stories:-

According to folk lore, it is around the 8th Century AD when Jagadguru Adi Sankaracharya toured the whole country, that he discovered this Shrine. However, the Tara Tarini Shrine did not exist in its present form at that time. After prolonged effort, Sankaracharya came to know that this ancient Shakti centre was under the control of Buddhist Tantrikas. He released this Peetha from the control of Bouddha tantrikas and handed it over to Hindus.

The Deities:-

He Goddesses Tara and Tarini are represented by two stone statues with gold and silver ornaments.Two brass heads, known as their Chalanti Pratima, or Living Image, are placed between them.
Taratarini Temple:-

The Temple is small but beautiful one and famous  Shrine of Tara-Tarini. Worship at this important Shakti Pitha has been  continuing since time of immemorial.
Tara Tarini Sthana Peeth is situated on the holy Taratarini hill (Purnagiri) at a distance of 30 km from Berhampur in the state of Orissa, India. The Twin Goddesses Tara and Tarini are worshiped as manifestations of Adi Shakti. The Taratarini Hill Shrine is one of the oldest pilgrimage centers of Mother Goddess and is one amongst four major ancient Shakti Peethas in India.
The mythological texts recognize four major Shakti Peethas, i.e. Tara Tarini (Stana Khanda) near Berhampur, Bimala (Pada Khanda) inside the Jagannath Temple (Puri), Kamakhya (Yoni khanda) near Guwahati and Dakshina Kalika (Mukha khanda) in Kolkata are the four Adi Shakti Peeths. Apart from these, there are 52 other sacred Shakti Peethas, which originated from the limbs of the corpse of Mata Sati in the Satya Yuga.

Goddesses Tara-Tarini has been  regarded as the presiding deity (Ista-Devi) in almost every house in South  Orissa. This important and famous Temple is situated on the top of the Kumari  hill or popularly known as Tara-Tarini Pahad (Hill). The height of the hill is  about 708 ft. and it has spread over 180 Acres of land. The picturesque  panorama of the temple and the river Rushikulya gives enormous pleasure and  experience of nature and divinity to each pilgrim. You have to climb 999 steps  on the front side of the hill leading to the temple or can reach at the top  through a pucca road for vehicle on the backside of the hill. Provisions of electricity,  drinking water and a small market complex at the site with articles for worship  exist.

Taratarini hill:-

The hill is popularly known as Tara Tarini Hill(Parvata) and is surrounded by natural beauty . The picturesque scenery of the temple,from the hill top down to the bank of river Rushikulya gives immesse pleasure and a thrilling experience of nature and divinity to each pilgrim - visitor and often captivates its mind and soul. There are 999 steps on the front side of the hill leading to the temple and also a pucca road for vehicle on the backside of the hill facilitating devotees to reach at the Pitha. Provisions of electricity, drinking water and a small market complex at the site with articles of puja /archana are additional features of this Pitha.

At the hill top in a small but beautiful temple appears the famous Shrine of Tara-Tarini. Worship at this important centre of Shakta cult has been continuing since time immeonial . Two stones anthropomorphized by the addition of gold and silver ornaments and shaped to be seen as human faces are the main Shrine of this temple which represents the Goddesses Tara and Tarini.In between them are placed two fully celebrated and beautiful brass heads as their Chalanti Pratima. It has been said that from a tribal cult Tara-Tarini have been transformed into Shakti cult through the process of aryanisation.Of couse the name Tara, the Primordial deity of the Mahayana Budhist Pantheon , indicates Budhist influence of element in the Tara - Tarini worship which seems to suggest the incorporation of a tribal cult and Buddhist influence before its Hinduisation.


This Chaitra Parba/Chaitra Mela/ Chaitra Yatra is the most important amongst the festivals, celebrated at the Tara Tarini Hill Shrine.

It takes place on each Tuesday of the month of Chaitra i.e. during mid-March to mid-April (according to the English calendar) at the holy Tara Tarini Hill Shrine. Lakhs of devotees come from every corner of world in order to have darshan of the Goddess Tara Tarini and perform their Manasika after fulfillment of their desires.

Hair Offerings during Chaitra Mela:-

 Devotees come to to offer the first bunch of Hair of the newborn babies with the believe that Goddesses Tara Tarini will protect the newborns from all evils and ensure their well-being. On normal days the temple barber conducts the tonsuring of the children. Special arrangements for hair offering are made during the Tuesday festivals. The temple administration arrainging all equipments necessary for tonsuring. Around 1000 barbers at the barber-shed on hill top and on the foot hill are engaged to help the hair offering of children and other devotees. Hair offering continues from the early morning till 6 PM of Chaitra Tuesdays.

The Tara Tarini Parvata is surrounded by natural beauty. The picturesque scenery of   the Shrine from the hilltop down to the bank of river Rishikulya gives a thrilling experience of nature and divinity to each visitor and often captivates its mind and soul. There are 999 holy steps on the front side of the hill leading to the hill top temple. A Pucca ghat road  is also leading to the hill top for vehicles on one side of the hill and the Arial Ropeway also facilitating devotees  to   reach  at the  Peetha. It is considered that one who takes the 999 holy steps to the Hill shrine to have a darshan of Goddess Tara Tarini earns equal Punya of a dip in the holy .

How to Reach:-

The Tara-Tarini Pitha is situated at a  distance of 32 Kms towards north of Berhampur on the south bank of river  Rushikulya near Purushottampur. The Distance of Tara-Tarini Hill is from  Jagannathapur is about 22 kms on NH5. The National High way is connecting  Kolkota to Chennai. From Humma on Chilika it will be about 35 Kms.  and from Berhampur it is 32 KMs.

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