Monday 25 November 2013

Parimala Ranganatha Perumal Temple in Indalur, Mayiladuthurai

Parmila Rangan Perumal Temple:-

Parmila Rangan Perumal Temple is a Pancha Ranga Kshetram. With Adhiseshan on top, Lord Parimala Rangan can be seen in a grand sleeping posture with 4 hands, Goddess Cauvery by the side of his head, to his right and Goddess Ganga by the side of his leg.

Argument between Thiru Mangai Azhvaar and Lord Parimala Rangan:-

The story goes that Lord Parimala Rangan shut the door on ThiruMangai Azhvaar, who had come for his darshan, reasoning that he was late. Upset at this, ThiruMangai Azhvaar gets into an argument with Lord Parimala Ranganathar.

When a friend keeps a thing that we want and does not want to share with us, we typically say ‘ keep it to yourself’ in jest. Similarly, here, with the Lord not allowing Thirumangai Azhvaar an entry into the temple, the Azhvaar asked Parimala Rangan to keep all his beauty to himself and to enjoy it on his own.

ThiruMangai Azhvaar goes on to argue that the world will talk about the Lord in bad light as he shut the door on the Azhvaar. The Lord ignores this comment of the Azhvaar saying that he need not worry about it and that he will take care of any ill feelings.

Despite repeated attempts to impress the Lord to allow him an entry, Parimala Rangan maintains his silence. A dejected and frustratedThiru Mangai Azhvaar decided that he would leave the place as the Lord was stubborn at not allowing Darshan to the Azhvaar.

Thiru Mangai Azhvaar in his Paasuram(1331) says ‘Vaasi Valleer Indhalureer Vazhnthey Pomneerey….’ to mean that ‘ I am leaving, you yourself live here and enjoy life’.

Sensing that Thiru Mangai Azhvaar may leave the place without praising him enough, Lord Parimala Rangan tries to prolong the argument and asks him to sing praise of him. Thiru Mangai Azhvaar replies saying “How can I shower praise on you when you do not allow me to see you”. Lord Parimala Ranga says “ You who have sung praises of other Lords, sitting in your place, do sing praise of me too so I can listen to your sweet songs.” ThiruMangai Azhvaar finally falls for it and composes 10 Paasurams.

Indhu means moon. As perumal received Chandra (Moon) from his curse, this place is known as Indhaloor. Lord Narayana gave dharsan as Vennchudar perumal in the standing posture to the Moon god in Thalaisangaadu. But here at this place he is in Veera Sayanam posture.There he was full of light being as Vyomajyothi piran. But here he is full of fragrance (Parimalam) and hence he is called as Parimala Rangan. He has 4 hands here. River Cauvery is under his feet here. As he promised river Cauvery to increase here status, he made her as his bed at Srirangam, took her as his mother at Thirucherai and here at Thiru Indhaloor, he has taken river Cauvery above his head. Thus gave her the status of river Ganges who is on the head of Lord Shiva.
As the perumal of this place, converted the position of river Cauvery and Lord Chandra into a pious state, Thirumangaialwar calls him as a Brahmin. The vedas were created to instruct rules for human beings to lead a happy life. The Surya and Chandra revolve around the world to give prisperity (like wheels ie Chakra). Hence the vimaana of this place is called as Veda Chakra Vimaanam. Sri Rangam is known as Aadhi Arangam (first) while Thirukudanthai is Madhiya Arangam (Middle) and Thiru Indhaloor is known as Andiya Arangam (Last).

Temple History:-

Being one among the celebrated Divya Desas, the temple with its five tier Rajagopuram is built on a land area measuring 350 feet in length and 230 feet in breadth. Planet Moon got relieved of his curse here after a bath in the sacred spring. Chandra-Moon worships the face of the Lord, Sun the feet and Lord Brahmma the naval. Mother Cauvery worships Perumal on His head side while Mother Ganga His feet. Yama and Ambarishan also worship the Lord at His feet. Mother Cauvery has greater importance in this place than Mother Ganga.

Sri Parimala Ranganatha Perumal Temple (Thiruindhalur), Mayiladuthurai - Divya Desam 23
The history of the temple speaks the greatness of Ekadasi Vrata-fasting, that is the devotee committed to this prayer should spend the whole day only with thoughts of Lord without consuming even a drop of water. King Ambarishan was following this practice meticulously. The devotee should take food only the next day-Dwadasi the 12th day of New Moon or Full moon at an auspicious time. And that was the 100th Ekadasi-Dwadasi for king Ambarisha. People of his country and those in the palace were happy that their king will be completing a century and there were necessary arrangements for the celebrations.

But, people in the celestial world were unhappy because, Ambarishan may be elevated to their status if his 100th fasting went successfully. They did not want to lose their position for a human. They approached Sage Durvasa to undo his fasting and help retaining their positions. The sage, noted for his temperament assured the Devas to help them and came down to earth. By then, the king had finished the Ekadasi fasting. The fasting would become complete only if he took his food before the prescribed time the next day-Dwadasi. If the time ends, the fruits of the fasting also would be lost. The king did not know that the sage had come with an evil plan.

Sri Parimala Ranganatha Perumal Temple (Thiruindhalur), Mayiladuthurai - Divya Desam 23
The king was about to take his food when Sage Durvasa entered his palace. The king was doubly glad to have a guest in Sage Durvasa and requested him to accept his hospitality-dining with him. The sage cunningly told him that he accepted his invitation and would be back to be with him for the lunch after a bath in the river. His plan was to fail the king. The time was fast nearing.

The king was afraid of the curse of the sage if he ate without him. He consulted the pandits in his court. The chief pandit said that if he simply consumes of few drops of water, he would complete the fasting in order. King did this and was waiting for the sage to have the full food.

Knowing this through his powers, Durvasa created a ghost to kill the king. When the ghost began chasing him, Ambarisha sought asylum at Lord’s feet. Perumal looked at the ghost angrily. The ghost began to retreat and disappeared. Realizing the devotion of the king and the power of his fasting, sage Durvasa sought the pardon of the Lord. The sage was pardoned.

When asked by the Lord of his wish after completing 100 Ekadasi fastings, king Ambarisha begged the Lord that He should stay at this place and bless the devotees. Pleased with the king’s request, Lord Vishnu-Perumal is blessing His devotees from this temple as Parimala Ranganathar.

Sri Parimala Ranganatha Perumal Temple (Thiruindhalur), Mayiladuthurai - Divya Desam 23
Another story goes that Chandran (Moon God) fell in love with his preceptor Brihaspati’s wife Tara and eloped with her, in the absence of his Guru. When Brihaspati found his wife missing, he sought the help of Brahmma who asked Tara to return to her husband.

Later, when Tara’s pregnancy came to light, a furious Brihaspati cursed Chandra to deformity saying that the biggest sin of life is to caste one’s eyes on another’s spouse and that Chandran would have to undergo the full severity of the curse for having cast his eyes wrongfully on another's wife.

Another story goes that Dakshan was so taken in by Chandran’s handsome features that he decided to make him the suitor for his 27daughters. However, Chandran was interested only in one of the daughters, Rohini and mockingly ignored the others.

Dakshan found that the handsome looks had made Chandran too arrogant and cursed him to immediately lose his youth and his strong luring features.

Repenting for wrongly casting his eye on another man’s wife, Chandran requested Brihaspati to provide him an opportunity for performing parikara that could help him cleanse his grave sins.

3Phased Parikara: As part of the 3 fold parikara, Chandra undertook penance here at Thiru Indhalur after bathing at the sacred Theertham, invoking the blessings of Lord Vishnu. Answering his prayers, Lord appeared before him and agreed to liberate him from part of the sins.

(The story goes that Chandran went to Thalai Changa Naan Mathiyam, another Divya Desam about 15 East of Thiru Indhalur, where he was fully liberated from his curse and dosham).

Pleased with being partly liberated from his curse, Chandran (another name of Chandran is Indhu) requested that this place be called Indhalur in his memory.

As the temple is noted for its Ekadasi importance, it is suggested that those desirous of undertaking the fasting, may start the practice from this temple.


From the birth of holy river Cauvery to its end, there are five Ranganathars (Pancharangams) on its bank and this temple is one of them; the other four being Srirangapatnam (Karnataka), Srirangam, Koyiladi (Anbil, near Trichy) and Kumbhakonam.
While Srirangam is known as Aadhi Arangam, Kumbakonam as Madhya Arangam, this kshetram is known as Andhiya Arangam.
The moolavar Parimala Ranganathar, an imposing 12 feet long sculpture of green stone, is in a reclining posture with four hands.
The Dwajasthamba mantapam and the Garuda mantapam have exquisitely carved pillars and images of Dasa avatarams. There are sannidhis for Santhana Gopalan, Yoga Narasimhar, Ramar, Anjaneyar, Surya and Chandran.
Worship to Santhana Gopalan in this temple will bless the couple to beget children.


 Indu (Chandra) pushkarini


 Vedachakra Vimanam.

Main Deity:-

 Parimala Ranganathar, Sleeping Posture, East Facing.


 Maruviniya Mainthan(also called Sugantha Vana Nathan).


 Parimala Ranganayaki- Sugantha Naayaki(Separate Sannidhi).


 Thirumangai Azhvaar – 10 Paasurams.

Name Indhalur:-

Chandran (The Moon God) undertook penance here and was liberated, from his curse, by the Lord here. Chandran (another name of Chandran is Indhu) requested that this place be called Indhalur in his memory.

River Cauvery:-

The Lord promised river Cauvery after her prayers and penance to improve here status. He made her as his bed at Srirangam, took her as his mother at Thirucherai and here at Thiru Indhaloor, he has taken river Cauvery above his head. Thus River Cauvery attained the status similar to that of river Ganges who is on the head of Lord Shiva.

Thirumangai alwar called him as a Brahmin, in his hymn as the Sri Parimala Ranganatha Perumal of this temple, converted the position of river Cauvery and Lord Chandra into a pious state. Sri Rangam is known as Aadhi Arangam (first) while Thirukudanthai is Madhiya Arangam (Middle) and Thiru Indhaloor is known as Andiya Arangam (Last).


Belonging to the 108 Divyadesa temples, this is one with a five-tier tower measuring 350 feet long and 230 feet wide. The Chandra Pushkarani spring is in front of the temple. Planet Moon had a dip in the spring and got relieved of his curse. Chandra the moon worships the face of the Lord; Sun the feet and the naval Brahma. Cauvery worships the head; Ganga, King Ambarisha and Yama the lord of death worship the feet of the Lord here. Cauvery is considered more holy in this place than Ganga.

Temple Timings:-

06:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 05:00 p.m. and 08:30 p.m.


The Lord comes in procession on the Tamil New Year day, almost falling on April 14 of each year. During the month of Adi (July-August) Adi Pooram is celebrated for 10 days. In Avani month (August-September) a five day celebration is observed for Lord Kannan. Navarathri in Purattasi (September-October), Thula Brahmmotsavam in Ipasi (October-November), 20 days Vaikunda Ekadasi in Margazhi (December-January) Sankranti or Pongal in Thai (January-February), Brahmmotsavam in Panguni (March-April) are the important festivals in the temple. The daily Puja time is 6.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.

Month Long Festival in Aipasi:-

It is believed that a bath in the Cauvery here during Aipasi is said to be more sacred than bathing at the Ganges. During this month, the temple attracts devotees from across the country.

It is believed that King Ambarish built this temple. There are several beautiful sculptures inside this temple.

Temples in & around Mayiladuthurai :-

Mayooranathar Temple:–

The Mayooranathar Temple, also called the ‘big temple’ is a temple dedicated to Shiva where Thevaram is recited.

Vallalar Temple:–

Vallalar Temple in the northern bank of river Cauvery is a famous Shiva temple known for its Guru shrine.

Ayyarapper Temple:–

Ayyarapper Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva is located at the center of the city. Thula Festival is famous in this temple and it is celebrated in the month of October.

Navagraha temples are situated around this town. There are many famous temples in Mayiladuthurai’s vicinity, most important amongst which is Vaitheeswarankoil. The temple complex is known to house many astrologers employing a method of fortune telling called Nadi Jyothidam. The town also has a Medhaa Dakshinamurthi temple. Other temples of importance include the Sukran Temple and a temple in Tirukkadavur is dedicated to Lord Amirthakadeswarar and Goddess Abirami.

Senthangudi Durga Temple:– 

Durga Temple is also famous and is 2 km from Mayiladuthurai.

Tirupambupuram Temple:–

Tirupambupuram is a very ancient Shiva temple. It is known as Dakshina Kalahasti. It is located near peralam (7 km west).

Thirumanancheri Temple:– 

Thirumanancheri Temple is very famous very near from mayiladuthurai.

Kannagi Temple:–

The Kannagi Temple is in Melaiyur which is located around 24 km from Mayiladuthurai.  Poompuhar is 4 km from Melaiyur.

Punugiswarar Temple:–

The Punugiswarar Temple is dedicated to Lord Siva & consort santha nayaki.Situated at koranad.Workshipped by civet cat.

‘Sri Vanamutti Perumal,Kozhikuthy(located 5 kms outside the town in Kumbakonam Road) near Mayavaram,is a Unique Temple,having its main God Lord Srinivasa Perumal(Fondly “Vaanam-mutti” Perumal-since He kept on Growing) standing for 16 ft. Bold textheight.The most special Feature is that the entire Idol Is carved out of Single Fig Tree with its real roots going underneathItalic text even today.Over the Wood the idol is marvellously coated With Ajanta Paintings which is attractive even today though the Temple is built during Chola Period around 1500 yrs ago.The Temple is a rich source of Architectural Excellence as well as the home of Divine Lord.