Thursday 14 November 2013

Gandhamaadhana Parvatham Swami - Sri Tiruchendur Subramanya swami


This beautiful shrine dedicated to Lord Subramanya is in the southern district of Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu. Its a shore temple on the East Coast situated off the Gulf of Mannar. The temple is revered as one of the Arupadai Veedu or six abodes of Lord Subramanya or Muruga (Padai Veedu denotes a place where warriors camp during a battle; Aru in Tamil means six). In North India, S
ubramanya swami is better known as Kartik.

Tiruchendur being the second abode of one of the six chosen spots ( Referred to by Nakkirar ) of Lord Muruga is situated 40 KMs South of Tuticorin on the banks of beautiful seashore.
It is 56 KMs away from Tirunelveli and some 88 KMs away from Kanyakumari. Since Lord Muruga has encamped here along with His army to defeat Surapadma this place has become a padai veedu.
The other names for Tiruchendur are Thirucheeralaivai, Jayanthipuram, Thirubhuvana Madevi and Sathurvedi Mangalam.
The glory of this pilgrimage place has been praised by Nakkirar in Thirumurugatru padai and also in other Tamil Literatures like Purananooru, Chilapathikaram and Devaram. Arunagirinathar also has compared Tiruchendur with Thirukailai.

Legend Of Murugan Temple Tiruchendur:-

Once Devas were subjected to untold miseries by three Asura brothers, Surapadman, Singamukha and Taraka. The Devas invoked Lord Shiva for their deliverance. Lord Shiva, agreeing to help them, sent out six fire sparks from His third eye. The Fire God Agni received the sparks and sent them first to the Ganges and then to the Himalayan lake Saravana Poigai. There the sparks assumed the form of six divine babies on lotus flowers. They were nourished by Krithika nymphs. Then Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati arrived at Saravana Poigai, and the moment the Devi embraced the babies, they transformed into one divine form with six heads and 12 hands and came to be known as Shanmukha or Aarumukha (meaning one with six faces). This son of Lord Shiva is the redeemer of the Devas. In course of time, he was appointed as the leader of the Devas and Subramanya got the sacred Vel (spear) from His mother Parashakti. He killed Singamukhaasura and Taarakaasura in a battle and destroyed Krounchagiri, the abode of the Asuras.

Surapadman had his fort in the mid-ocean, known as Veera Mahendrapuram. Lord Muruga, Brihaspati and the Devas came to the shores of Tiruchendur to vanquish Surapadman. Vishwakarma, the celestial architect, built a shrine for Lord Shiva on the sandstone hillock to enable Muruga to perform pujas. He sent his lieutenant Veeravahu to Surapadman to seek his surrender. 

But Surapadman launched a battle with all his asura shakti. The demon assumed the form of a huge mango tree. But the Lord wont let him go. He pierced it with His Vel and the tree split into two. One portion turned into a cock and the other into a peacock. Even in this truncated form, the Asura was still fighting. The battle finally ended with a dying Surapadman seeking the Lords mercy. Muruga gave the demon Viswaroopa darshan and adopted the peacock as His permanent charger and the cock as His banner. This divine victory is commemorated as a six-day Skanda Shashti festival in Tiruchendur and other Subramanya temples. On the last day, Surasamhara, the final act of killing Surapadman, is re-enacted. Thousands of devotees throng Subramanya temples to witness this event.

Sthala Purana of Tiruchendur:-

Many thousands of years back, the Tamilans worshipped Nature as Muruku (a Tamil word meaning: ‘youthfulness, tenderness, fragrance, etc’). Temples were constructed in natural settings — around forests, hilly areas, waterfalls and seashores.

Tiruchendur temple is one among them, but it has a special significance. It was here that Lord Murugan arrived with his band of warriors to fight against the Asura, Soorapadma. So a temple was constructed at Tiruchendur for Lord Murugan in rememberance of this.

Soorapadma was a very powerful Asura who was causing immense hardships to Devas and mankind alike by his wicked deeds. The Devas appealed to Lord Shiva to spare them from the tortures of Soorapadma. Lord Shiva in response to their appeal told them that He would produce a Son from His Sakti to annihilate Soorapadma.

Lord Shiva generated six powerful sparks from His third eye called Netrikkan. Lord Vayu and Lord Agni carried these sparks to river Ganges. Goddess Ganga carried them to Saravana Poygai, a holy pond.The sparks became six divine small male babies.

By God’s grace, six divine water nymphs (the six Krittikas) nurtured these babies.

When Lord Shiva and Parvati Devi came to earth to behold these babies, Goddess Parvati embraced all the six infants at once and made them into a single child with six faces and twelve hands. From Goddess Parvati Devi’s anklets, nine shaktis appeared. Veerabahu and lakhs of soldiers emerged from these Nava Shaktis. These men headed by Veerabahu became the warriors of Lord Murugan. Lord Shiva for His part gave Lord Murugan a vel (spear) called Vetrivel destined to give success at all times (Vetrivel – spear of success). He also endowed him with eleven Rudras. Eleven Rudras were changed into eleven arms.

With the blessings of His divine parents, Lord Murugan came to Tiruchendur with His armed group. He immediately sent Veerabahu as an emissary to Soorapadma and asked him to release all the Devas imprisoned by him. But the Asura refused. So Lord Murugan had no option but to wage war against Soorapadma and his legions. It lasted for ten days.

Lord Murugan defeated the Asuras and converted Soorapadma into a peacock and a cock. The peacock or Mayil became the vehicle of Lord Murugan. Therefore He is also called Mayilvahanan. Ceval or cock adorned his flag.Hence,He is called Ceval kodiyon.

The guru of Devas Lord Prahaspati, Lord Indra, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and all the Devas hailed Lord Murugan’s victory and worshipped him nine times (Nine Kala Pooja). Lord Murugan in turn worshipped Lord Shiva in the form of Linga called Sivalinga. Since Lord Murugan and the devas emerged victorious at Tiruchendur, it is also called as Jayanti Nagar as Jaya means victory.

Lord Murugan blesses everyone who worships Him. He extends His arul or supreme grace to all those who pray before Him. He removes all the ills of people who come to Him. He never lets down His disciples. Worship Lord Murugan at Tiruchendur and seek His blessings. He will present everything.

About Muruga:-

Lord Muruga's association with Tiruchendur is highly significant. It is described in extenso in His epic, the Skanda Puranam. The young Muruga as the Devasenāpati vanquishes evil in the form of Surapatuma. The Tamils have ever since been celebrating the event as an annual festival during Skanda Sashti.

Tiruchentil means as it does, the House of Victory. It borders the sea and has all the natural charm of a hero's fortress. It is verily a haven of Peace and Bliss. The Tamils in this part of the peninsula have such an attraction for the place and its presiding Lord Arumuga Nayinar.

An attempt is here made to give His bhaktas all over a close account of His shrine at Tiruchendur; and with this additional desire of impressing that the Temple is one worthy of a pilgrimage in this life. The divine inspiration and His grace that the bhakta is sure to secure will more than recompense his labours.

Temple Structure:-

Normally, the Raja Gopuram will be in the eastern side of temples in South India Temple. But in Tiruchendur alone the Raja Gopuram is in the western side. It is said that the Raja Gopuram was not erected on the eastern side since the sea is very close in the eastern side. The basement will not be strong as it is near the sea and there is a possibility of danger to the tower due to sea erosion.

First Prakaram:-

When we enter the first prakaram, we can see the shrine of Kumara Vidanga Peruman in the left. He is the processional festival deity of Lord Arumuga Nainar. Proceeding further, we can see the 63 Nayanmars and Thogai Adiyars in the left and Dakshina Moorthy on the right. The next three pillars are embellished with the figures of Kasi Swami, Mauna Swami and
Desika Moorthy Swami, the people who brought about the temple thiruppanis.

Next to them is the grand Valliamman shrine, beautifully decorated with marble slabs. Behind this shrine are the shrines of Sankara Narayanar Swami,Visalaksi Amman, Vethapuriswarar Swami, Vathapuriswarar Swami, Yegambaranathar Swami decorated with marble slabs stands near Valliamman Shrine and in between them is the Yagasalai. We can worship Lord Chandeeswarar at the northern side of the prakaram and the shrines of Natarajar, Saneeswarar and Bairavar are on the opposite side.

Maha Mandapam:-

By moving through the Maha Mandapam in two ways, we can worship both the Moolavar (Lord Balasubramanian) and Lord Arumuga.

From a spot called Maniyadi, we can worship Lord Balasubramanian. Opposite to Maniyadi, Parvathi Amman and Kariyamanicka Vinayagar can be seen. Veerabagu Devar is at the left and Veera Mahendra Devar is at the right side of the Moolavar.

Second Prakaram:-


In this prakaram, a small Dakshinamoorthy image is at the southern side. At the western end of the prakaram is Noottretu Lingas, or the 108 Lingas. The shrine for Soora Samhara Moorthy is situated next to the108 Lingas and also the shrine of Arunagirinathar, author of Tiruppugazh, is situated in this prakaram. Next to it is the flight of steps leading to Mela Gopuram. Mela Vasal Vinayagar is seated opposite to these steps. At the northern side of the prakaram,the shrine for

Perumal is situated. Here Perumal is in a standing position. Next to this shrine, in the Santhanasala rock, we can worship Lord Ranganathar in a lying posture and Goddess Gajalakshmi by his side. Also we can see Sridevi, Boodevi, Neeladevi and the images of 12 Alwars.

Shanmugha Vilasa Mandapam:-

The principal entrance to the temple faces south. The magnificent Shanmugha Vilasam is the front extension to the main temple. The mandapam is 120 feet long, 86 feet broad and supported by 124 columns. Those who observe fasting, stay in this mandapam where sea breeze blows refreshingly. This mandapam was originally made of white stones. It was later renovated with granite stones by Mauna Swamigal. The granite roof of the mandapam, without the support of pillars, bears testimony to the excellent architectural technology of the ancient days. Looking from the Shanmugha Vilasa Mandapam one can worship Lord Senthilandavar with his consorts in the Maha Mandapam.

The seashore temple of Subrahmanyam at Tiruchendur is one of the delightful spots sanctified and venerated by every Hindu.

As one of the first spiritual centres for the salvation of man, His shrine has been an attraction for Hindus for ages. This sacred house of God is in the extreme southwest of the Indian peninsula. The rising sun bows in adoration of it each morning as he rises from the rippling expanse of the ocean, and spreads light and life over every living object.

Bordered by the sea on the East and the North, the temple walls on these sides are washed by the foaming waves of the Gulf of Mannar. The date of the temple is hidden in the Puranic past. The nucleus of the structure however has been here for more than 2,000 years as the Tamil Classics inform us.

Two Murugas :-

 Lord Muruga who came here to extinguish Soorapadman appears as Lord Subrahmanya with four arms. A notable aspect is that He appears in an ascetic posture holding flowers in His right hand performing Siva Pooja. His tapasya should not be disturbed; so, there is no paved corridor for Him. His primary Utsava Murthi, Shanmugar, is in a separate sanctum facing south. There is a corridor to go around and worship Him. The same pooja and other protocol offered to the Prime Deity is given to Him also.

The Darshan of Pancha Lingam :-

 Lord Muruga performed a ‘thanksgiving’ Siva Pooja after he won Soorapadman. He, in this same form appears with a lotus flower on his right hand. Like a Siva devotee, He wears a matted hair on His head. On His left rear-side wall, there is a Lingam. The ‘Deepa Aaraadhanai’ (worship with light) is first given to the Lingam and then only to Murugan. In the sanctum of Shanmugar also there is a Lingam behind the deity. Both these Lingams are in darkness and could be seen only in the Deepa Aaraadhanai light. Besides, adjacent to the sanctum of Muruga on the right side is the sanctum of ‘Pancha Lingam’. The tradition is that the devas come to worship them during the month of Maarkali. Opposite to the Prime Sanctum of Muruga are found Nandi, the carrier of Lord Siva and the Divine Peacocks.

Ganga Pooja :-

 Everyday, after the noon Pooja, the priests carry milk and rice in a vessel, in a procession with the usual musical fanfare and immerse it in the sea. This is known as ‘Ganga Pooja’. In the ‘Saravana Poigai’ here, a sculpture is presented with Lord Muruga as six kids crawling on six lotus flowers with the ‘Karthigai’ girls at the center.

Nazhi Kinaru:-

Any visit to the temple will not be complete without visiting Nazhi Kinaru. The Nazhi Kinaru is a rare natural phenomenon where there is a 14 sq.ft well and inside this well is a small 1 sq.ft well. The water in the larger well has sulphurous smell and is brackish, but the water in the small well is clear and sweet-tasting. According to the legend Lord Shanmukha's troops were thirsty and Shanmukha planted his spear or Vel at this spot and caused fresh water to gush out from the brackish water well.

About 2 kms from the Muruga temple there is an ancient Shiva temple named 'Shiva Kolundeeswarar'.

Valli Guhai (Cave):-

A little removed from the main shrine is a sandstone cave dedicated to Valli, Lord Muruga's consort.

Greatness of
Lord Muruga:-

Lord Muruga won and accepted Soorapadman on Sashti (sixth day) of the waxing moon (bright) night (valar pirai) of the month Aippasi. This day is celebrated as ‘Kanda Sashti’. This incident happened at Tiruchendur and hence, the ‘Kanda Sashti’ festival is calebrated in this place with all grandeur.

The Mahabharatha asserts that the day of the birth of Lord Muruga is the ‘Kanda Sashti’ Day. In the Kanda Purana, Kachiappa Sivaachaariyar says that the Devas, in order to become powerful to challenge the asuras, carried on a vow by soliciting Lord Muruga to be in the ‘kumbham’ (sacred pot) for six days. Lord Muruga blessed them likewise. This incident is remembered as ‘Kanda Sashti’ and celebrated after Aippasi New Moon Day. 

The offerings to Lord Muruga :-

At Tiruchendur, every day 9 times poojas are performed for Lord Muruga. During these poojas different naivedyams (food offerings) like dhal pongal, kanji (gruel), thosai, appam, ghee-rice, balls made of cooked greengram and jaggery are offered. To a poverty-stricken man, a person who has won poverty will point to the patron’s place and pacify the man saying that his poverty will be annulled if he goes there.

Prayers and thanks giving:-

Those who face impediments for their marriage, pray to this Lord; they are blessed with good wedlock. We can conduct abishekam to the Lord and His Spouse and offer new clothes. Devotees fast during Kanda Sashti, visit the temple and witness the grand celebration of Lord Muruga winning Soorpadman. They will break their fast, only after witnessing this celebrations
Prayers Devotees specially pray for their weddings and childless parents for children.

Temple timings:-

The temple is open from 5 am in the morning to 9 pm in the evening.

Poojas Offered    Timings
Subrapadam    05.10 hrs
Viswaroopam    05.30 hrs
Dwajasthamba Namaskaram    05.45 hrs
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam    06.15 hrs
Uchikala Abishegam    10.30 hrs
Rakkala Abishegam    19.15 hrs
Ragasia Deeparadhanai    20.45 hrs
Palliarai Deeparathanai    20.55 hrs
Nadai Thirukappiduthal    21.00 hrs.

Temple Festivals:-

Vaikasi Visagam - (May to June)
Avani festival (August - Septmber)
Skanda Sasti Festtival - 7 days (October - November)
Masi festival - 12 days (February - March)

These festivals are the important festival celebrated at Thiruchendur Murugan Temple. The Skanda Sasti Festival is celebrated in a big scale by a unique called as Soorasamharam.

The temple virtual poojas in Thiru chendur are performed daily as per Kumara Thandiram Murai, Nine Kalams of Pooja . There are 10 sub temples annexed to this. Among them the following temples are very famous. Arulmigu Kanchi Vijaya Kachi Konda Pandeeswarar Temple, Arulmigu Venkatachalapathi Temple, Arulmigu Veiyulu Kandambal Temple.

Sashti Yaagam :-

 At Tiruchendur, on the first day of the ‘Kanda Sashti’ festival during early morning, comes Jeyanthinaathar (Lord Muruga) with His spouses Valli and Deivaanai, representing the Prime Deity. The yaaga commences in the hexagon shaped sacrificial fire altar (yaaga kundam) for the victory of Lord Muruga. Around the altar, Lord Siva, Goddess Sakthi, the four Vedas, Lord Muruga, Valli, Deivaanai, Mahavishnu, Vinayaka, the seven Gurus, Vaastu Brahma, the Devas, the Sun, the Ashtadik Balakas (the guards of the eight sides), the Dwara Balakas (the Entrance Securuties) – all these devathas are made to rest in the kumbhams. The yaaga is conducted till noon and after the pooja Jeyanthinaathar goes to the Shanmugavilaasa Mandapam. On the sixth day, the Lord without His spouses, comes to the seashore and kills Sooran. After this, the
Victorious Lord with Valli and Deivaanai returns to the yaaga saalai.

Abishekam to the Mirror :-

 Jeyanthinaathar then comes to the sanctum of Mahaadevar at the paved corridor. At that time, a mirror will be placed before Him. The priest will conduct the abhishekam to the image of Jeyanthinaathar reflected in the mirror. This is called ‘chaayabhishekam’. ‘Chaaya’ means ‘shadow’. This abhishekam is performed to cool down the victorious Lord Muruga. The tradition is that Lord Muruga Himself enjoys seeing this Mirror Abhishekam. The Lord returns to His
sanctum and with this, the event of Soorasamharam (the annihilation of Soora) comes to an end. On the next day that is on the seventh day, the holy wedding of Lord Muruga and Deivaanai is performed. Lord Indra not only gives in marriage Deivaanai to Lord Muruga for having defeated the asura but also renders service by becoming the holy peacock. This marriage happens at Tirupparankundram, the first ‘patai veetu’. At Tiruchendur, the holy wedding between Lord Muruga and Deivaanai is performed on the next day to ‘Kanda Sashti’ since it is the place where Soorapadman is vanquished. During the morning of that day, Deivaanai would go to the ‘tapasu mandapam’ and will do her tapasya to get married to Lord Muruga. In the evening
Kumaara Vitankar ( another Utsava murthi), representing Lord Muruga goes to the tapasu mandapam seated on His peacock vehicle, garlands Deivaanai and gets engaged. During the midnight, both reach the ‘Tirukalyaana Mandapam’. There the wedding is performed. The next day, the Lord with Deivaanai goes on street procession. The next three days the Lord in the
‘Tirukalyaana Mandapam’ will be on the ‘oonjal’ (swing) and bless the devotees.

Turmeric Bath (‘manjal neeraatu) for Lord Muruga :-

During the festivals in the villages, the maidens enjoy by pouring turmeric water on the young boys on whom they have a customary claim for marriage. In a similar way, in this place also the

‘Turmeric Bath’ is conducted to Lord Muruga. On the last day of the ‘Kanda Sashti’ festival, Lord Muruga with His spouse Deivaanai goes in street procession. At that time, the devotees receive the Lord who has had His wedding in their village and to contain the rage happened due to the battle with Sooran, joyfully pour turmeric water on the Lord.

 Triple Lord Muruga :-

 Lord Muruga is an incarnation of Lord Siva. He as a Guru to His father taught the meaning of the ‘pranava mantra’ OM. He imprisoned Lord Brahma since Brahma did not know the meaning of the same mantra. After extinguishing Sooran, He was the one to marry Lord Vishnu’s daughter. He was bound to the affection of His uncle, Lord Vishnu. Thus, Lord Muruga is related to all the three Lords, Trimurthis. To indicate this, Lord Muruga at Tiruchendur
appears as an incarnation of Trimurthis, Lord Siva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma during the festivals conducted in the months of Aavani and Maasi. On the 7th day evening of the festival, He is adorned with red dress and appears as Lord Siva.

At the dawn of the 8th day, He is dressed in white and graces us in the form of Lord Brahma and during the noon He appears in green dress signifying Lord Vishnu. At Tiruchendur, the Rajagopuram is on the western side of Lord Muruga’s sanctum. 

Here, Lord Muruga faces east looking at the sea. The Rajagopuram should be opposite to the Lord in the east; since the sea is there in the east, the Rajagopuram is erected in the west. As the threshold of this gopuram is higher than the rostrum (peetam) of the prime sanctum of Lord Muruga, it remains always shut. During the ‘Kanda Sashti’ festival in the midnight of the Divine Wedding day, this door will be opened. At that time, however, the devotees will not be allowed to enter through that door.

Four Utsava Murthis :-

 Generally, there will be only one Utsava Murthi for the Prime Deity of any temple. But, in Tiruchendur,
 there are four Utsava Murthis, Shanmugar, Jeyanthinaathar, Kumaara Vidangar and Alaivaay Perumal. The specialty is that all these four have separate sanctum each. Kumaara Vidangar is called ‘Maappillai Swamy’ meaning the ‘Bridegroom God’.

Santhana Malai (Sandal Hill) :-

 Of the six ‘patai veetu’ of Lord Muruga, it appears as though Tiruchendur alone is located
in the seashore and the other five are hill-temples. In reality, Tiruchendur is also a hill-temple. This temple is situated in the Sandal Hill at the seashore. Hence, this sacred place is called ‘Gandhamaadhana Parvatham’. In course of time this hillock has disappeared. Even now, near the sanctum of Perumal in the second paved corridor and near the ‘Cave of Valli’, we can see the Santhana Malai bulging out as a small mound.

 Nearest Major Town/City:-

Tirunelveli - 59 km from Tirunelveli to Thiruchendur.

How to Reach:-

By Air:-

 The devotees from Chennai, other States and Foreign Countries arrive Madurai by Air. From Madurai frequent bus and train facilities are available to reach Tiruchendur.
By Train:-
The Southern Railway is operating train services from Tirunelveli to Tiruchendur from 6.50 A.M., 9.20 A.M., 1.20 P.M., & 5.50 P.M., Similarly trains are running from Tiruchendur to Tirunelveli from 6.50 A.M., 1.20 Noon, 3.50 P.M., and 5.50 P.M.
By Road:-
TTiruchendur is situated on the Kanyakumari-Tuticorin-Rameswaram coastal bus route. Kanyakumari 85 km, Rameswaram 325 km,

Chennai 670 km.

1 comment:

  1. Ya slokamidham padatheeha bhakthya,

    Brahmanya deva nivesitha manasa san,

    Prapnothi bhogamakilam bhuvi yadyadishtam,

    Anthe cha gachathi muda guha samyameva

    To get more details about mantras, bhajans, pujas and chants,download mangaldeep app and get all benefits,
