Friday 29 November 2013

Adhi Kumbeswarar Temple Kumakonam in Tamilnadu

Adhi Kumbeswarar Temple Kumakonam:-

The famous  temple in Kumbakonam is Adi kumbeswarer temple. In this place  the  sacred  Amutha Kumbam has its resting for sacred rise. Because of this, this place is  named as Kudamooku  and in due course Kumbakonam and then Kudanthai. The temple situate  in the midst of the populated area of  residence  and business attracts large gathering of devotees every day. The structure  of building is monumental and carries the glory  of historical period. The temple is beautiful in structure and of art. The Rajagopuram is fantastic and is rich in structure and height. There are 3 prakaram in and around the temple of course three Gopuram for each prakaram. In the east side Amman temple is located and the deity  is Mangalambigai.
The main idols of the temple are Adi Kumbeswarar, Sri Mangala Nayaki, Lord Ganapati & Lord Muruga (Karthikeya) and Kiratamurti. The unique feature of this temple is the 27 star sign and 12 sun shines that are sculptured in a large block of stone. The other major parts of the temple are Marriage hall and Mangala Theertham.

The Linga is broad at the bottom and narrows at the top in the shape of a needle. There is a Nadaswaram (a musical instrument) made of stone which is well maintained. A lion carrying some stones on head in the front hall of the temple stands as an example of the Tamil sculpture art.
When the world was facing destruction due to the devastating tsunami, Lord Brahmma approached Lord Shiva to know wherefrom He had to restart creation.  Lord Shiva suggested that Brahmma make a magic pot with the sand collected from various sacred places and float it in the flood water and also taught the procedure of leaving it on the water.  The pot stopped at a place.  Lord Shiva shot an arrow on the pot.  The nectar spilled and spread on all directions.  That nectar mixed with the sand and became a Linga.  This Linga is Kumbeswarar.

Origin of Adi Kumbeswarar:-

When it was time for the destruction of this world a huge Pralaya came up. In order to save the vedha's Amirtham (Tamil language) and tools necessary to create lives on earth, Lord Brahma collected all these things and put them in a mud pot and kept the pot safety on the top of the Mount Meru (mythology).

Pralaya kalam (ie) the period of non stop heavy rain came and the pot of Brahma was washed away by the flood. In due course moving in the south direction it came to halt at a particular place. Then for the wish of all Devar's (ie) heavenly people Lord Shiva broke the pot with an arrow. Immediately Amudham (ie) the liquid given eternity flowed from the pot and formed two tanks. One is known as Mahamaha kulam and the other is Potramarai kulam. The remains of the pot and Amudham joined together to form Lord Kumbeswarar otherwise called (Shiva) in the Adi Kumbeswarar Temple. In the name of the broken pot (ie) Kumbam (Tamil language) that place was called Kumbakonam. The city of Kumbakonam, is linked to several instances & puranas in the Hindu mythology. Mythological legend has it that there was a deluge after the Dwapara Yugam; a pot of nectar and the seeds of creation were placed in a pot (kudam) and set adrift in the deluge. The drifting pot settled at Kumbakonam giving its ancient name Kudamookku. Kumbakonam is also colloquially known as Kudanthai,

Legends of Adi Kumbeswarar Temple:-

It is considered that post deluge and just before the advent of Kaliyuga the celestial pot that contained the nectar came to rest here. Lord Shiva disguised as a hunter, shot an arrow at the pot that was held by Lord Brahma and broke it. Its contents spilled all over resulting in the revival of life. Kumbham means the pot and Konam means crooked. The place where the nectar fell is known as the Mahamaham tank. The temple belongs to the 7th century and has been expanded by Nayaks during the 15-17th century. The temple is the largest Shiva temple of Kumbakonam. It has a 9-storeyed rajagopuram and three concentric compounds, elongated along an east-west axis have triple set of gopurams.

Deity Kumbeswarar is in the form a lingam. It is believed that it was made by Shiva himself when he mixed nectar of immortality and sand. Manthrapeeteswari Mangalambika is his consort and her shrine is kept parallel to the left of Kumbeswarar shrine. The temple has a colonnaded hall as well as sacred vehicles which carried deities during festival processions. Navarathiri Mandapam has 27 stars and 12 rasis carved in a single block. Subramanya idol have six hands instead of 12, stone nagaswarams and Kiratamurti.

There are six major Shiva temples in Kumbakonam, all related to the pot of nectar shattered by Shiva as Kiratamurthy. These are:

1. Adi Kumbeswarar – the pot of nectar itself,

2. Nageswarar – the bilva leaf in the pot fell here,

3. Someswarar – the thread tying the pot (also known as Kudanthai Kaaronam)

4. Abimugeswarar – the coconut in the pot,

5. Gautameswarar – the sacred thread (also called Yagnopaveeteswarar), and

6. Bana Pureeswarar – it was here that Shiva broke the pot with an arrow (Baanam).

(An interesting thing about this legend is the similarity with the legend of Gokarna, and the lingam that Ravana brought from Kailas. For more details, see my blog on Gokarna)

Adi Kumbeswarar Temple :-

Kumbeswarar Temple is a famous Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva located at the center of the Tamilnadu town Kumbakonam, India. The famous Hindu festival of Mahamaham is associated with this temple.

The huge temple with built over an area of 30187 sq ft is reported to be more than 1300 years old. This temple covering an area of about 4 acres in the heart of the temple town of Kumbakonam.

The Raja Gopuram at the east rises to the lofty height of 128' with nine  terraces, a symbol of grandeur and splendour of the deities as also the  majesty, immensity and all pervasiveness of the universal consciousness. In the northern and western sides there are  small Gopurams and the Mottai Gopuram at the South. Four prakarams line this temple and are lined with local shops, that it is hard to visualize the spread of the temple by looking at its entrance.

At the  eastern end of the first circumambulatory path of the Mulavar shrine in the Southern  side there abide the sixty three saivaite saints. In the northern part there  are Bhairava, Kalabhirava, Jvarahareswara, Chasta, Sivalingam, Govinda  Dikshitar and his consort Nagammal and ChandraSurya. In the South there are the  Big Four of Saivism, 63 Nanmars, Sapta Kannikas. In the west there are  Vinayaka, Bhikshatana, Subramanya Kartikeya Shrines and continuing there are Tejo  Linga, Akshaya Linga, Kotilinga, as also Annapurani, Gajalakshmi, Mahalakshmi,  Saraswati. At the center of the northern circumambulatory path there is Navaneetha  Vinayaka and to the west is the chamber of rest and respite of the Lord and Sri  Ambal and to the east abides Sri Kirathamurti holding the bow and arrow facing  south in the standing posture. He is the principal Deity of this temple.

The  centre of attraction at the inner circumambulatory path is the shrine of the  Mulavar at the Sanctum sanctorum. The Mulavar Sri Parameswara in the self -  originated linga form abides in all splendour and grace facing east. At the  entrance of the Arthamandapa the sentinels - Dhwarapalakas - Chandi and Mundi  stand in vigil on either side. At the Mandapa - Swami Mandapa - western to this  and in its southern side there is Aarukula Ganapati. At the centre of the  mandapa there abides the Nandi followed by the sacrificial altar and behind  this is Nandi made of brass, all facing Sanctum sanctorum. Passing through the  southern gate of Mahamandapa we have the statue of Soma Skanda facing east.

Western  to the Sabhamandapa in the souththere is SabhaVinayaka and at the entrance  towards Mahamandapa there are sentinels on either side and continuing we have  NandiDeva and Kasiviswanatha. Northern to this mandapa Lord Nataraja abides in  all glory and grandeur persecuting the cosmic dances.

At the  Navaratri Mandapa situated inside the second circumambulatory path -  Mahamandapa - Nandi abides facing the Mulavar and behind it there is the  sacrificial alter. Southwest to Nandi there abides Vallabha Vinayaka and at the  northwest there is Shanmukha with six faces and twelve hands. Northern to Nandi  abides Navagraha shrine.

Southeast  to second circumambulatory path is situated the temple kitchen and at the Northeast  the Yagasala. Southern to the Yagasala there abides Lakshmi Narayana Perumal and eastern to this there is the flag mast of the temple.

At the  outer circumambulatory path in the southwest, Kumbha Muni Siddha abides in meditation,  upon the Gopura in bas - relief. Vinayaka of this shrine is called Adi  Vinayaka, in the northwestern end there is Adhi Linga shrine facing east. To the  east of this circumambulatory path at the gateway of Kailasagopura are Mutra  Vinayaka to the left and Balan Dandayuthapani to the right. Northwest to the  Rajagopuram there is Mangalakupa a well and adjacent to it is the elephant shed  and the Tirukkalyanamandapam. Southern to the Rajagopuram is the flower garden  west wards to the flower - bower abides the Vannimara Vinayaka shrie facing  east.

The Navaratri mandapam bears a carvings of the 12 zodiac signs and the 27 asterisms. This temple also houses two nadaswarams made of stone. Many images in this temple deserve mention, especially those of Kiratamurthy and Subramanyar. The Kalyana Mandapam hall in the temple, is the seat of the Tirukkalyana Utsavam.

Kumbeswarar is represented as a Shivalingam fashioned out of earth - (said to have been made by Shiva in the guise of a hunter - Kiratamurthy). Shiva is also known as Amudha Kumbhesar and Amudheesar. The Kumbariya Vinayakar shrine is situated near the tank, while Aadi Vinayakar is worshipped in the temple. Moorka Nayanaar is one of the 63 Nayanars associated with this temple.

 Sri Mangala Nayaki -  Sri Manatrapeesteswari:-                                 

Conferring all auspiousness to these who worship her with all their hearts, the deity of this kshetra is called sri Mangala Nayaki and as the deity shines lustously at the mantra peeta ,one of the distinguished Sakthi peetas, the deity is famous as Sir Mantra Peeteswari. Moreover as the deity relieves all the diseases of the votaries, She is called the dispeller of diseases and disabilities. one of the big Four of Saivism, tirujana sambandar calls the deity as Valar Mangai in his Thevaram.             

        " May I salute the Divine Mother who is the aggregate form of the mantra consisting of 51 alphabets, who is the form of Mahayaga in the Sri Vidya Worship, who is beloved to the Lord Amudesa, who possesses sixty four sciences and who ascends the Muladara lotus.

        May I adore Sri angalambiga the auspicious of forms, the Mother of all the alphabets of the (mantras), the one who confirs all auspiciousness and who ascends the swadhistana lotus.

        May I worship Durgatartha Pradha Devi who is omniscient, who ever extends the knowledge supreme, who is ever concious of our desires and aspirations and skilful enough to fulfil them and who ascends the Manipuraka lotus.

        May I tender my extolment respectfully to Ganabhedhini who is Kali dispelling all our threatening malicious on slaghts caused by Bhutaganas who is the incarnation of the nectar of compassion and who ascends the Anahata lotus.

        May I tender my reverential respects to Rik Vibhendhini who eradicates all diseases, who removes all poverty and impoverishment and who ascends the Visuddhi Lotus.

        May I greet respectfully Sarvepsita Pradha Devi who fulfils our aspirations by conferring all kinds of prosperity, who extends bliss to us and who ascends the Ajna Lotus.

        The incarnation of all the mantras! the Mantresi!. The one who occupies the left part of Sri Kumbesa! the one who abides at Kumbakonam ! May you extend to me all auspiciousness". 

        Sri Parameswara extended the left –half of His body to Sri Ambal at Tiruchengode. Likewise in this kshetra, he conferred His 36,000 crores of mantra saktis to Sri Ambal thereby making Her supremely glorious to become Sri mantra Peetesvari. Sri Ambal added Her own 36,000 crores of mantra sakthi to that extended by Her Lord and consequently making it thereby to be 72,000 crores of mantra saktis and shines lustrously and blesses us all as the foremost of the Sakthi Peetas of our land. The body of Sri Ambal from tip of the – toe to head – crest illumines as 51 symbols of sakti. While some of the deities of other Sakti Peetas are symbols of their specific Sakti Peetas, this deity, Sri Ambal in this temple is the agglomeration, assimilation and absorption of all the symbols and essences of the Sakti Peetas pooled together and hence this kshetra is the Premier of all the Sakthi Peetas in its benediction.


Anticipating the arrival of Sri Parameswara and Sri Ambal to this Kshetra, Vinayaka reached this stala and was awaiting the Supreme Deities there and hence he was known as Adi Vinayaka.


 Just before starting for Surasamhara, Kanda visited this Kshetra in the manifestation of Arumukha and worshipped the Lord and Sri Ambal for his victory in the warfare. So he was famous as Shanmugha.

         Moreover the Puranas point out that Kanda manifested as Shanmukha with six faces and six hands. Such a rare phenomenon is to be seen on the western side of the inne circumambulatory path at the Kartikeya Shrine. Such a kind a phenomenal apperance of Sri Shanmukha is nowhere to be found.

History of Kumbakonam:-

The earliest history of Kumbakonam could be traced to the town of Pazhaiyaarai, 8 kilometres from Kumbakonam which was the capital of the Chola Empire in the 9th century AD. Records from around the same time mention the nearby township of Kudanthai which grew into the present-day Kumbakonam. Kalki’s Ponniyin Selvan; a semi-historical novel bring out the 10th century A.D., gives a detailed description of Kudanthai and elevates it to the status of a regional headquarters of the Chola governors.
During the Chola Empire rule this place had a local sabha with political autonomy to decide the administrative matters of the town. Krishnadevaraya, the emperor ofVijayanagara visited the town to attend the famous Mahamaham festival.
During the Maratha’s rule Sankaracharya came as a refugee because of Hyder Ali and the person who gave asylum to him was Kabir. A ghat and a street in Kumbakonam were named after Kabir. The societal pattern formed in this town and the supremacy of the Brahmin community during the Maratha and the British rules were documented in the Encyclopædia Britannica.
Research on the name Tirukkudantai with other equivalents such as Kudavayil and Kumbam forms part of a chapter. It also mentions the negative connotations attributed to the place Kumbakonam as “a cheat” and “a crooked person” in the Winslow’s dictionary (1862) and the Tamil lexicon. Later this was corrected and the historical reason behind this was also explained in the book.


 A Unique feature here is the depiction of 27 stars

and the 12 Zodiac signs carved on a large block of stone in the Navarathri Mandapa.

This temple comprises of three Praharas and three Gopurams in the eastern, northern and western directions. The East Gopuram consists of 9 stories with a height of 128 ft.

There's also a fine collection of silver vahanas,

vehicles of the deities, used in festivals,

and pancha loham

(compound of silver, gold, brass, iron and tin)

figures of the 63 Nayanmar poet-saints.

Moorka Nayanaar is one of the 63 Nayanars associated with this temple.

Temple (Holy) Tree (Sthalavirutsha):- tree

Sacred Tank (Theertham):- (Mangala theertham ):-

If there is a tank held to be more sacred than Ganges, it is only the Mahamaham Tank at Kudandai. As Kumbamelas are celebrated in this Tank. The Mahamaham Tank of Kumbakonam is Located near the Head Post Office. This Tank covers an area of 6.2 acers and is in a shape of a pot. The Tank is surrounded by 16 small Mandapams and a "Nava Kannika Temple" in the Eastern side.

Kumbakonam Navganga Kund:-

Kumbakonam comprises of the Mahadharam lake. This lake is considered very sacred by the devotees. Taking a bath in this lake is considered very sacred during the Kumbha fair. Devotees visiting this place take baths and purify themselves in the same lake. It is also known by the name ‘Navganga Kund'. It is believed that during the auspicious time of the Kumbha fair, nine rivers meet and take a bath in this lake. They bless the devotees and purify them.

19 Holy Theerthams around the tank periphery and another theertham at the centre.

1. Vayu,

2. Ganga,

3. Brahma,

4. Yamuna,

5. Kubera,


7. Esaniam,

8. Narmadha,




12. Cauvery,

13. Nagam,

14. Niruthi,



17. Varunan,


19. Kannia

are names of the Theerthams believed to be located inside this tank.

Other Temples in Kumbakonam:-

Brahma Temple:-

Bramman temple is a Hindu temple located at Kumbakonam near Utchi Pillaiyar Koil. The prime deities in this temple are Shri Bramman, Shri Vedhanaraya Perumal, Shri Narasimha moorthy, Elumalayaan Srinivasa Perumal and Shri Aandaal. There are many mythological stories behind the existence of this temple. These stories also relate to the establishment of this temple town.

Kasi Viswanathar Temple:-

Kasi Viswanathar Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva located in Kumbakonam near Mahamaham Tank. The temple has a nava kanniyar (Nine rivers) in the form of deities worshipping Lord Shiva and hence the temple is referred as 'Nava Kanniyar' temple.

Nageswarar Temple:-

Nageswarar temple is also known as Nageswara Swami Temple in Kumbakonam is one of the most impressive and the most ancient Shiva temples in Kumbakonam. The orientation is structured in such a way that it allows sunlight inside the temple, right on the sanctum only during the Tamil month of Chithirai (April/May).

Ramaswamy Temple:-

Ramaswamy Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Rama, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu located in Kumbakonam. The temple has beautiful architecture pieces and has been built by the Nayakkar kings. Govinda Dikshitar, the prime minister of the Nayaks, constructed the temple.

Sarangapani Temple:-

Sarangapani Temple is a Hindu temple located at Kumbakonam near Utchi Pillaiyar Koil. The main deity is God Vishnu. The Vaishnava deity, Sarangapani, an incarnation of Hindu god Vishnu appeared to a sage called Hema Rishi, who performed penance.

Airavateswarar Temple:-

Airavateshwarar temple is found at Darasuram, 4km of west from Kumbakonam. Airavath is that the Holy White Elephant. This temple made by Rajendra Chola is that the example of twelve Century Chola design. this can be temple is one in every of the tourist a part of Kumbakonam.
Chakrapani Temple:

Chakrapani temple is found at regarding one.2km North Ramaswamy temple. the most deity is Chakraraja with Sudharsana Chakra. The necessary and peculiar purpose regarding this temple is that "Vilva Archana" that is often performed for God Shiva temples is additionally performed here for the God Vishnu.

Someswar Temple:-

Someswar temple is found at south a part of Sri Sarangapani Temple. The temple faces east with 5-tier tower at the doorway. The architectural vogue and component of this temple resembles the Dravidian design of thirteenth Century of the Chola amount.

Opening Schedule:-
5.30 a. m to 1. p.m., 3.p.m. to 10.p.m.

Visit Timings:-
5.30a. m to 1. p.m., 4.p.m. to 10.p.m.

Pooja Schedule:-  

7 a. m to 1. p.m., 4.p.m. to 10.p.m.

The temple priests perform the puja (rituals) during festivals and on a daily basis. Like other Shiva temples of Tamil Nadu, the priests belong to the Shaiva community, a Brahmin sub-caste. The temple rituals are performed six times a day; Ushathkalam at 5:30 a.m.,
 Kalasanthi at 8:00 a.m.,
Uchikalam at 10:00 a.m.,
 Sayarakshai at 5:00 p.m.,
Irandamkalam at 7:00 p.m.
and Ardha Jamam at 8:00 p.m.

 Each ritual comprises four steps:-
 abhisheka (sacred bath), alangaram (decoration), naivethanam (food offering) and deepa aradanai (waving of lamps) for both Kumbeswarar and Mangalambikai. The worship is held amidst music with nagaswaram (pipe instrument) and tavil (percussion instrument), religious instructions in the Vedas (sacred texts) read by priests and prostration by worshippers in front of the temple mast. There are weekly rituals like somavaram (Monday) and sukravaram (Friday), fortnightly rituals like pradosham and monthly festivals like amavasai (new moon day), kiruthigai, pournami (full moon day) and sathurthi.


The great Mahamaham festival, attracting lakhs of people from far and wide, is celebrated in honour of Lord and it takes place once in 12 years. It is celebrated on the conjunction of the moon with the Maha nakshatra and Jupiter crosses one Rasi or sign in about one year. It comes to Simha Rasi or Leo every 13th year and it is considered specially sacred. It is believed that on this auspicious day the tank receives supplies of water from the Ganges and eight other holy rivers and all the deities are said to remain present here on that occasion.
Lord has a number of festivals round the year. Every year in the month of Maasi (Feb-Mar) a festival is conducted and the image of Lord Kumbeswara is taken out in a procession. It is celebrated for 10 days during that period.

Others include, Theppam festival during Panguni (Mar - Apl), Sapthathanam during Chitirai month (Apl - May). During this festival Lord's idol will be carried in a palanquin to nearby villages. Marriage festival for Lord Adikumbeswarar and Goddess Mangalambigai will be conducted during Vaikasi (May - Jun). Daily poojas are conducted six times from morning to evening.

Aavani covering August-September is the Malayalam New Year Day when Sun will be in Leo that determines the weather of the year throughout.  The practice of fasting during the Sundays of this month praying to Sun and Nagaraja for protection of the crops from creatures as rat etc. is followed since ancient days.

During the devastating pralaya floods, Lord Shiva placed all ‘creation materials’ in a pot (Kumba) and saved them, hence Lord is praised as Kumbeswarar.  Special pujas are performed in this temple on Aavani Sundays in August-September.

Devotees enter the temple through the Rajagopuram, pass the long Mandap, Bali Peeta and the Kodi Maram (flag post), seek the blessings and Sri Nandi Deva and worship Lord Kumbeswarar.  They then go through the prakara worshipping the 63 Nayanmars, Saptha Mathas, Kamadenu, Bhava Linga, Mahalinga, Lord Dakshinamurthy and Lord Valanchuzhi Vinayaka.  They then have to proceed to Mother’s shrine through the shrines for Lords Bikshadana, Muruga, Akshayalinga, Sahasralinga, Mothers Annapoorani, Gajalakshmi, Mahalakshmi, Saraswathi and Lord Brahmma.  There is a glass room where Lord is in a reclining posture.  Then are the shrines of Mother Ashtabhuja Durga, Navaneetha Vinayaka, Kiradhamurthy, Bhairava, Kala Bhairava, Jurakeswarar, Sastha, Great soul Govinda Dishithar, Nagambal.  After worshipping Mother Mangalambika, devotees leave the temple after worshipping at the Navagraha (nine planets).  It is believed that following this worship procedure would bring all the boons wished by the devotees.

How To reach:-

By Bus:-
Tamil Nadu state transport corporation buses connect Kumabkonam with almost all cities in Tamil Nadu. Regular buses are available from Trichi, Chidambaram and Chennai to Kumbakonam.

By Rail:-
 Tamil Nadu state transport corporation buses connect Kumabkonam with almost all cities in Tamil Nadu. Regular buses are available from Trichi, Chidambaram and Chennai to Kumbakonam.

By Air:-
 Tamil Nadu state transport corporation buses connect Kumabkonam with almost all cities in Tamil Nadu. Regular buses are available from Trichi, Chidambaram and Chennai to Kumbakonam.


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