Thursday 11 July 2013

Various Temples in Puri Jagannath Alayam

Lakshmi Temple:-
A small temple dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, situated near to Jagnaath temple, plays a very important place in Rath Yathra. It is assumed that the marriage of Lord Siva and Goddess Parvati is occuring on the sixth day of bright fortnight of Jyeshta, during May-June, on the day known as Jyestha Sukla S
asthi. On this occasion, Goddess Lakshmi happily invites the couple Shiva and Parvathy in this temple.

This Lakshmi temple stands for the well being of people in Puri and is attracted by many devotees visiting Puri. This is one of the many important small shrines surrounding the Jagannath temple.

Kasi Viswanath Temple: The Kashi Vishwanath temple lies just to the immediate left of the Baisi Pahacha(22 steps).The temple is presided by Lord Shiva and it is customary to have a darshan of Lord Shiva and worship Him before proceeding on to have a view of Lord Jagannath.

Ramachandra Temple: A small temple of Lord Shri Ram lies adjoining to the Kashi Vishwanath temple. Adorned here are the images of figures of Lord Rama, Lakshma, Sita and Hanuman. Adjoining to this temple are the images of Abhaya Nrisimha and Sidha Vinayak in a small temple. .

With this, the inner temple compound begins. The compound is comprised of different temples, kitchen and Anand Bazar.

Agneyswar Temple: The Agneyswar temple lies to the left of the inner enclosure. Lord Shiva is worshipped here as Agneyswar. The Lord is popularly believed to be the guardian deity of Kurma Bedha – The inner enclosure/wall.

Satyanarayan Temple: The image of white robed Lord Vishnu is installed on the southern side of Kurma Bedha and named as Satyanarayan. This image of Lord Satyanarayan is carved in black marble stone.

Kalpabata : A huge Banyan tree with history dating back to the Puranic times lies in the inner enclosure and is known as the Kalpabata. It is commonly believed that all the wishes of the devotee made under the tree are fulfilled.

Kalpa Ganesh Temple: A Ganesh temple situated just under the Kalpabata is known as the Kalpa Ganesh.The image carved in white marble stone is popularly believed to be the fulfiller of wishes of those devotees who chant the Bija Mantra of Ganesh for 108 times here.
Sarbamangala Temple: An important place of worship for tantric practices, the Sarbamangala Temple is situated just at the backside of the Kalpa Ganesh temple.

Panchu Pandab Temple: The Panchu Pandav temple has been constructed as a memoir to the visit of The Pandavas to this place which according to some ancient Oriya scriptures happened during their Vanvaas. Five Phallans/Lings of Lord Shiva were installed variously in five different temples by them as Lokanath, Yameswar, Kapalamochan and Nilakanth & Markandeswar. The temple of Markandeswar is the largest.

Ananta Basudeb Temple: In this temple the image of Anant or Basudeb is being worshipped here.

Bajreswari Temple: Ma Bajreswari, the Sakti of Indra, who is popularly known as Indrani also finds her place in the temple enclosure.She is worshipped in the Brajeswari Temple.

Madapams in Temple:-
There are many Mandapas or Pillared halls on raised platforms within the temple complex meant for religious congregations. The most prominent is the Mukti Mandapa the congregation hall of the holy seat of selected learned brahmins.[48] Here important decisions regarding conduct of daily worship and festivals are taken. The Dola Mandapa is noteworthy for a beautifully carved stone Torana or arch which is used for constructing a swing for the annual Dol Yatra festival. During the festival the idol of Dologobinda is placed on the swing. The Snana Bedi is a rectangular stone platform where idols of Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra are placed for ceremonial bathing during the annual Snana Yatra.

Koili Vaikuntha:- Located in between the outer and inner compound wall of the north-western corner, Koili Baikuntha is popularly believed to be the place where Lord Sri Krishna was cremated. Following the Nabakalabera (change of images) that takes place in every 12 years, the old images are buried here at a depth of 20 feet.

Niladri Bihar: A museum displaying the life, incidents and happenings of the Lord is situated in the Western gate of the temple with the help of clay models. This is called the Niladri Vihar.A small Entry fees is charged to visit this Museum.

Snana Mandap : There is a 30 feet high pavilion known as Snana Mandap in the northern side of the outer enclosure of the Jagannath temple with a throne in the middle. It is the bathing platform meant for the deities. The length and breadth of this bathing platform is 76 feet. During Devasnana Purnima (sixteen days before the commencement of the famous Ratha Yatra every year) the deities, Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra are physically taken in a procession to this pavilion for bathing.

Anand Bazar : Anand Bazar is situated towards the northern side of the inner enclosure apprehable through the eastern entrance of the of the temple. All types of Bhoga cooked rise Abhada), Dali (cooked pulses) Mahura, Besa (different types of cooked vegetable, Khata (sour dishes), Sugar (cooked green leans), different kinds dry Bhogas like Khaja, Ladu and Cakes and sold here.

:Towards the southern and western quarters of the Outer enclosure, extensive gardens to meet the daily worship requirements of the Lord like Tulsi, Flowers etc have been developed. Visitors are allowed here on payment of a minimal amount as fees.
 Its  perfection  by the time  the present temple of Lord Jagannath was built. The idea of building the huge temples   with   three sections  (Jagamohana, Bhogamandapa and Natyamandapa) before the Vimana, the main temple has  already gained ground  in Orissa. Jagannath temple  is the  first expression of  full fledged Pancharatha type of Kalingan style of architecture.

       The pancharatha style consists of  two  anurathas, two konakas and one raha. The idea of   constructing a temple is to install a deity in it and to offer all comforts divine as well royal. The deity is regarded   to be a royal personage and therefore   he is provided with all   facilities  to live in a palace-like building with a huge audience hall (Jaqgamohana), dining hall (Bhogamandapa) and a dancing hall (Natyamandapa). Besides, he is further provided with   horses, gold, jewellery, silken clothes and  a lofty abode (Vimana) for his residence

There is a sacred banyan tree which is revered as a manifestation of Vishnu, the ocean - Balarama and a pool- the king Indradyumna. Piligrims here are required to offer worship first at a Shiva temple, and then at the banyan tree and then at the shrine to Balarama before proceding to worship Jagannath. And then Subhadra is to be worshipped next..

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