Saturday 13 July 2013

Greatness Of SaiNath

Sai Baba began to make preparations for grinding wheat. He spread a sack on the floor; and thereon set a hand-mill.
He took some quantity of wheat in a winnowing fan, and then drawing up the sleeves of His Kafni (robe); and taking hold of the peg of the hand-mill, started grinding the wheat by putting a few handfuls of wheat in the upper opening of the mill and rotoated it.
 He lived on alms!’ Some people who had come there thought likewise, but none had the courage to ask baba what He was doing. Immediately, this news of Baba's grinding wheat spread into the village, and at once men and women ran to the Masjid and flocked there to see Baba's act.Four bold women, fro m the crowd, forced their way up and pushing Baba aside, took forcibly the peg or handle into their hands, and, singing Baba's Leelas, started grinding. At first Baba was enraged, but on seeing the women's love and devotion, He was much pleased and began to smile. While they were grinding, they began to think that Baba had no house, no property, no children, none to look after, and He lived on alms, He did not require any wheat-flour for making bread or roti, what will He do with this big quantity of flour? Perhaps as Baba
is very kind, He will distribute the flour amongst us. Thinking in this way while singing, they finished the grinding and after putting the hand-mill aside, they divided the flour into four portions and began to remove them one per head. Baba, Who was calm and quiet up till now, got wild and started abusing them saying, "Ladies, are you gone mad? Whose father's property are you looting away? Have I borrowed any wheat from you, so that you can safely take the flour? Now please do this. Take the flour and throw it on the village border limits." On hearing this, the women felt abashed and whispering amongst themselves, went away to the outskirts of the village and spread the flour as directed by Baba.
 Hemadpant asked the Shirdi people - "What was this that Baba did?" They replied that as the Cholera Epidemic was spreading in the village and this was Baba's remedy against the same; it was not wheat that was ground but the Cholera itself was ground to pieces and pushed out of the village. From this time onward,the Cholera Epidemic subsided and the people of the village were happy. He was much pleased to know all this; but at the same time my curiosity was also aroused. He began to ask myself - What earthly connection was there between wheat flour and Cholera? What was the casual relation between the two? and how to reconcile them? The incident seems to be inexplicable.

The Hindus think that a bath in the holy Tirth of Prayag, where the Ganga and Yamuna meet, is very meritorious and thousands of pilgrims go there, at periodical times, to have the sacred bath there. Once, Das Ganu thought that he should go to Prayag for a bath, and came to Baba to get His permission for doing so. Baba replied to him - "It is not necessary to go so long. Our Prayag is here, believe me." Then wonder of wonders! When Das Ganu placed his head on Baba’s Feet, out came or flowed streams, of Ganga - Yamuna water, from both the toes of Baba. Seeing this miracle, Das Ganu was overwhelmed with feelings of love and adoration and was full of tears. Inwardly, he felt inspired, and his speech burst forth into a song in praise of Baba and His Leelas.

Philosophical Significance of Grinding:-
Apart from the meaning which the people of Shirdi put on this incident of grinding wheat, there is, we think, a philosophical significance too. Sai Baba lived in Shirdi for about sixty years and during this long period, He did the business of grinding almost every day - not, however, the wheat alone; but the sins, the mental and physical afflications and the miseries of His innumerable devotees. The two stones of His mill consisted of Karma and Bhakti, the former being the lower and the latter the upper one. The handle with which Baba worked the mill consisted of Jnana. It was the firm conviction of Baba that Knowledge or Self-realization is not possible, unless there is the prior act of grinding of all our impulses, desires, sins; and of the three gunas, viz. Sattva, Raja and Tama; and the Ahamkara, which is so subtle and therefore so difficult to be got rid of.

We trust in  GOD. There is only ONE God, Who is omnipresent omniscient, omnipotent. The main  purpose is to reduce pain and sorrow and to enhance joy in all beings by means  of prayers, Yagnas.  To enlighten the devotees with spiritual education and  through services like Annadanam (Feeding the needy, plants ,ants, birds and  animals). Ordered by Sri  Sai Baba of Shirdi Himself to the  founders.

Sai baba strongly believed in uniformity of religion and he never distinguished anyone on the basis of caste, creed or religion. He always made it a point not to return empty handed those who had come to him in their hour of need and grief. He performed miracles to alleviate the suffering of poor people. On one occasion he restored the eyes of a blind elderly and on another occasion he lighted a lantern with water when there was no oil to burn it.

Sai Baba made eleven assurances to his devotees:-

  1. No harm shall befall him, who steps on the soil of Shirdi.
  2. He who comes to my Samadhi, his sorrow and suffering shall cease.
  3. Though I be no more in flesh and blood, I shall ever protect my devotees.
  4. Trust in me and your prayer shall be answered.
  5. Know that my spirit is immortal, know this for yourself.
  6. Show unto me he who has sought refuge and has been turned away.
  7. In whatever faith men worship me, even so do I render to them.
  8. Not in vain is my promise that I shall ever lighten your burden.
  9. Knock, and the door shall open, ask and it shall be granted.
  10. To him who surrenders unto me totally I shall be ever indebted.
  11. Blessed is he who has become one with me.

He protected and protects now also, all His devotees.Just think of Him---that will do ----Like Lord Krishna said in the Gita, you can worship Him with a flower, a leaf and even a drop of water.Only your devotion matters!

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