Saturday 22 August 2015

Navagraha Shrines Temple in Tamilnadu

                                                 Navagraha Shrines    

The Navagraha Believers in astrology and the influence of planets over individual destiny will find Tamil Nadu is a great destination. Indian astrology believes that the planetary positions of the nine planets in a geocentric orbit determine the way a person will live, progress and exemplify one’s life to others before death. Nava means nine and graha means planet. There are nine temples located in Tamil Nadu representing each planet in the Navagraha. All nine of them are located within a sixty-kilometre radius around Kumbakonam in Thanjavur district.

Tamil Nadu is the only state where the temples dedicated to the nine celestial bodies are located in such close proximity.

Planet Temple :-

Surya (Sun) - Suryanar Koil
Chandra (Moon) - Tingaloor Koil
Chevaai (Mars) - Vaitheswaran Koil
Budhan (Mercury) - Tiruvenkadu
Guru (Jupiter) -  Alangudi
Shukran (Venus) - Kanchanoor
Shani (Saturn) - Tirunallar
Rahu - Tirunageswharan
Ketu - Keezhperumpallam

Surya(sun)-Tirumangalakkudi Koil:-

The devotee can worship all the planets as presiding deities.The SUN is the prime deity. Usha devi and Sri Purusha devi(Chaya devi) are the consorts.Sun god holds two lotus flowers in his hands It is king of kings in the Navagraha planets.Sage Kalava Muni was suffering from severe leprosy.  He worshipped all the planets begging total cure.  All the planets graced the Rishi with what he wanted – the cure from leprosy.  Lord Brahmma strongly objected to the response of the planets to Rishis penance on the ground that in accordance with the orders of Lord Shiva, the planets were to give the effects of good and evil deeds of the individuals and that that the planets had violated this rule by directly giving boons to a devotee and cursed them to suffer from leprosy themselves. The planets came down to a white wild flower jungle (Vellerukku vanam) and performed penance on Lord Shiva for relief. Stay there offer worship from the first Sunday of Tamil month Karthigai for 12 weeks in total of 78 days on Mondays, they have to take bath before sunrise in Cauvery and offer prayers to Prarivaradhan and MangalaNayaki with in 2 1/2hours after sunrise, they have to have curdrice in 'Arka leaf' amd eat the same. On the other days they have to be in fast to release themselves from the punishment. Lord appeared before them and said that the place belonged to them and allowed them to grace the devotees worshipping them enduring a variety of hardships.

Angaraka(mars)- VaitheswaranKoil:-

The Angaraka shrine here is also of great significance and is indeed unique to this temple. A bronze of image of Angaraka is housed in this shrine and is taken out in procession on a goat mount every Tuesday. Angaraka represents the planet Mars and is described as one with a fiery red complexion attired in red and as the overlord of the zodiac signs of Aries and Scorpia and as being the strongest in the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

Jupiter-Alangudi Koil:-

Alangudi This is regarded as a Guru sthalam or Jupiter where Lord Dakshinamurthy is held in great reverence. The shrine attracts a large number of devotees when Jupiter transits between zodiac signs. Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva, is said to have been reborn on the banks of the Amrita Pushkarini within the temple precincts before being reunited with Shiva.

Venus–Kanjanoor Koil:-


Venus is associated with beauty , jewellery, fine clothing and brings health and happiness, marriage and children. The adverse effects of Venus like betrayal by women  can be overcome through prayerhere. ThisShiva sthalam is associated with Sukran or Venus and is maintained by the Madurai Adhinam. It is located in a quiet hamlet of Thiruvaavaduturai.This shrine is also referred to as Palaasavanam, Brahmapurai and Agnisthalam. Brahma is said to have had a vision here of Shiva's wedding with Parvati. Men visit to pray for the well being of their wifes.

Budhan(Mercury)-Tiruvenkadu Koil:-

This Temple is 60 kms from Kumbakonam and 6 Kms away from Mayiladuturai, the presiding deity of the Temple is lord Shiva and is worshiped as Aghoramurthy. The Temple dedicated to lord Budhan occupies a prominent place in the temple, Budhan is known for wisdom, intellect, and beauty. A favorite place for children, seeking blessings for good education. The Temple complex is considered oldest as some of the shrines are in existence for over 3000 years.

Shani(saturn)-Thirunallar Koil:-

Thirunallar  is the only temple that is dedicated to Lord Shani or Saturn. When the planet Saturn transits between zodiac signs, literally millions throng this shrine. The legendary King Nala is said to have been relieved of his afflictions, which were due to the malefic influence of Saturn, after worship in this temple. Of the numerous tanks theertams, the Nala theertam is the most important one. By bathing here, it is believed that one is washed off all kinds of misfortune and afflictions.

Chandra(Moon)-Kailasanathar Koil:-

The Kailasanathar temple known as the Navagrahastalam associated with Chandra the moon, is located in the hamlet of Thingaloor not far from Thiruvaiyaru near Thanjavur in Tamilnadu. This is an ancient Saivite shrine, associated with the life of saint Thirunavukkarasar. The saint moved by Appoodhi  Adikal's devotion is said to have miraculously restored to life who was got killed by a venomous snake bite while the saint was being hosted.  It is situated in the Kumbakonam-Thanjavur route near Thiruvaiyaru (4 Kms away from Thiruvayaru). This temple is famous for Moon God (chandra Bagawan).

Raghu–Thiruganeswaram Koil:-

Raghu is a shadow planet depicted with a human’s head and a snake’s body. He gives victory in all fields and begetting children.The negative effects of Raghu can be relieved through prayer at this temple.

This vast temple known is for its shrine to Rahu, one of the nine celestial bodies in the Navagraha. A legend has it that the mythological serpents Adiseshan, Dakshan and Kaarkotakan worshipped Shiva here. Legend also has it that King Nala worshipped Shiva here as in Thirunallar.

Ketu-Keezhperumpallam Koil:-

This place is just around Myiladuturai and around 57 Kms from Kumbakonam, the temple is located in a small village ….as legends have it, Ketu is supposed to be the tail legendary Sarpa that helped the Samudra Manthan or churning of ocean for Amrutha. Kethu is prayed for removal of ill effects of Ketu dosha….the devotes are blessed with prosperity. The presiding deity of the main temple is lord Shiva.

Suchindram Sthanumalaya Perumal in Tamil Nadu

                                          Suchindram Sthanumalaya Perumal

The place got the name of Suchindram, according to the Sthalapurana, as Indra was relieved of a curse. The term "Suchi" means purifying and the place where Indra was purified got the name of Suchindram. According to the believers, Indra even now visits the temple daily for performing "Ardhajama Pooja" in the night.

Suchindram (Suchindrum) is the famous Shakti Peetha where it is said that the Upper Teeth of Maa Sati fell and the idols are Devi Maa as Narayani and Lord Shiva as Sanghar or Samhara Bhairava. Some times the goddess is popularly known as Kanya Kumari or Bhagavathy Amman, and looks extremely beautiful after early morning Puja. Samhara Bhairava is present in a nearby village, Suchindram, he is locally called Sthanu Shiva.

The temple is dedicated to Sri Sthanumalayan. The word denotes Siva, Vishnu and Brahma as. Sthanu represents Siva, Mal represents Vishnu while Ayan represents Brahma, means Siva, Vishnu and Brahma in “One Form”.

It is said that Thanumalaya Swamy temple is the only shrine dedicated to the Trinity in India. The present structure of the temple is the work of a number of persons spread over a number of centuries. It is a complex of many beautiful structures constructed at various times and is one of the best specimens and a store house of the Dravidian style of art and architecture.

About Temple:-

The temple is an architectural marvel, as it is well known for exquisite workmanship in stone. It possesses many musical pillars, which have been carved out of single granite blocks and rise to a height of 18 feet.
Suchindram temple is a rich storehouse of art and sculpture in stone. The gopuram itself is a gigantic structure depicting mythological stories from Indian scriptures. The moment one enters the temple through the gopuram (which is 134 feet high) one comes across the hollow trunk of a tree estimated to be over 2,500 years old. The trunk has been plated to preserve it from decay. In that hollow there are 3 lingams representing Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara (the trinity of the Indian scriptures) and the image of Anasuya who turned them into babies is at its centre [for this legend see below in the three last paragraphs]. A small decorative shrine has been erected in front of it.

By its side the figure of Shiva’s white bull Nandi looks towards the sanctum where the Trinity are represented in the form of a linga which has sixteen moons (Chandrakala), one over the other under the canopy of the serpent Naga. The white bull, of gigantic stature, is said to be 800 years old. It is made out of a paste of holy chalks; consequently its colour is milky white. There are ornamental carvings on the neck.

Here all the Trimurtis (Brahama, Vishnu and Shiva) are in the same shape of a lingam; it is believed that at midnight Lord Indra comes and stays till dawn to worship them. This is why daily rituals in this particular temple are over by dusk, leaving the night free for Indra to worship.

At the entrance to the main temple are figures of two gigantic doorkeepers, Dwarapalakas. Their physical features are robust and awe-inspiring. On two other pillars close by are two gigantic Yalis. The Yali is a mythical lion creature with elephant’s trunk; it was considered to be the most powerful animal in the world, but unfortunately this strange species is now extinct! In front of the sanctum sanctorum below the ceiling is a Champakaraman Mandapam (pillared forechamber) with 32 exquisitely carved pillars.

The entire stories of Anasuya [see end] and of the Ramayana have been carved on the northern and southern sides respectively. By the side of the sanctum is the main deity, Vishnu (made from eight different minerals), fixed to the wall. The figure is cased in silver and no water is poured over this image; it is to the processional Suchindra Perumal, that daily ablutions are offered.

A number of images of female lamp bearers, known as Deepa Lakshmi, are attached to each pillar around the corridor. Unfortunately, the Muslim religious iconoclasts -Tipu Sultan, Chanda Saheb and Baha Saheb - who plundered this temple in olden days, disfigured and mutilated the beautiful Deepa Lakshmi sculptures by cutting off their hands, noses and breasts (towards the inner part of the temple, the management has reconstructed the mutilated portions). The features of these lamp-bearers vary from pillar to pillar, showing different styles of dress and hair decoration. In them different designs of ornaments used in olden days can be seen. Only one Deepalakshmi was not disfigured and mutilated (the one facing the god Siva) apparently out of fear of the god’s wrath.

In the northern corridor there are four ‘musical’ pillars, each one in the form of slender cylindrical rods cut out of a single block of granite stone; these produce different musical sounds when tapped. Two of the musical pillars have 33 cylinders and the other two 25 cylinders. One pillar of 33 cylindrical rods gives the sound of Jalataranga, the other of Tambura (musical instruments). One of the 25-cylindrical-rod pillars gives the sound of Mridangam (drum) and the other of the sitar (the harp). The carving of these stones to produce different musical notes and the skill shown in shaping the cylinders with 33 and 25 rods from a single block of granite using the crude chisels of ancient times is marvel. The four pillars were intended to produce sounds which could create a musical symphony in praise of the Lord.

Beside these four ‘musical’ pillars, two other pillars face each other. These are the sculptural depictions of Ramavarma, king of Travancore State, and his brother, Martanda Varma. The two royal devotees were always followed by their cashier and another servant. After each offering, the king would have to wash his hands in water from a special jar; a towel was then needed to wipe his hands. The sculptured servant holds a water jar in one hand and a towel in the other - always ready to offer service to the king. It is a Hindu custom to offer remuneration to priests for the performance of religious rites but because kings do not carry money with them, the cashier follows them; his duty is also to give money to those begging. In the sculpture the cashier is followed by a deer and by Kundodaran - his attendant, holding a bowl on his head - to receive the alms. The features of Siva are considered excellent and life-like. On the left side of the same pillar, the wife of the Rishi of Darukavana is seen dropping alms into the bowl with a spoon.

On the pillar of the Chitra Sabha entrance is a carving of Krishna with flute in hand. On the left of the pillar is a carving of a tree beside the tank where the Gopis (female cowherds) of Vrindavan went to bathe naked, leaving their clothes on the bank. Krishna, as a boy in sportive mood, took away their garments and hung them on the branches of the tree. In the carving a gopi is shown in full naked glory and another gopi, in an attempt to recover the clothing, is climbing up the tree to implore Krishna (who sits on one of the branches with his flute), to return the same. This scene, carved with meticulous detail on one block of stone, is considered to be a masterpiece of Dravidian sculpture.

There are numerous idols of Vinayaka, the god of success. Beyond the Navagraha Mandapam (pillared antechamber) lies the temple of Maya Ganapati containing an image of Maya Ganapati - Ganapati (the elephant-headed god) with his legendary wife Maya, the illusionary one. As well as holding Maya by one hand he holds a water pot in his trunk. This Vinayaka has ten hands holding different insignias. There is yet another Vinayaka known as Sakshi Vinayaka (that is, Vinayaka who witnessed the redemption of the curse on Indra). Vallabha Vinayaka is the most peculiar, holding by his left arm his wife Vallabha. There is also a stone with Pali inscription of the Buddhist emperor Asoka; a Tamil translation is given on another side of the stone.

There rare female form of Vinayaka (Ganesha) here is known as Vigneshwari, or Vallabha Ganeshaani, as described in the Mantra Shastras. This Ganeshaani murti in sukhasana pose at Suchindram is one of only a few, the others being at a 10th century temple dedicated to 64 yoginis in Bheraghat, near Jabalpur, and one at the Tanumalaya Swami Temple in Suchindrum,

 Kerala. In Tibet, this female form of Ganesh is worshiped as Gajanani.

The southern corridor is a very long one where mass feeding of pilgrims took take place in olden days. The large rectangular-shaped stone vessels held the different curries served to the large number of people who used to assemble. In the northern corner of the western prakaram is a small temple of exquisitely carved wood, with figures of Rama and his consort, Sita.

About Hanuman Statue:-

he Hanuman statue in Suchindram was buried in 1740 AD fearing  an attack by the Tipu Sultan and was forgotten. It was rediscovered in 1930 and restored for public viewing.


There are many legends associated with this temple. Anasuya, the wife of Aarti Maharishi was famous for her chastity and her devotion to her husband - an embodiment of a Hindu wife. She could perform miracles by sprinkling the 'paatha theertham' (water with which she washed her husband's feet) to bring rain to a parched earth or to transform objects to her desire.
When the three Devis, - Goddesses Luxmi, Saraswathy and Parvathy heard through Sage Naradha the powers of this earthly woman they wanted to test her chastity. They approached their husbands Lords Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva to test Anasuya's devotion to her husband. The three Moorthys transformed into three old mendicants and went to the hermitage where Anasuya was living and sought alms from her. When Anasuya was about to serve them food they told her that they had taken a vow whereby they could not accept alms from a person wearing clothes. As it was a sin to refuse alms to mendicants she prayed to her Lord and sprinkled a little 'paatha theertham' on the three old beggars. They were all immediately transformed into babies and throwing off her clothes she offered them food.

The Goddesses learning what had happened pleaded with Anasuya to grant them 'maankalya biksha' (gift of married life) and to give them back their husbands. Anasuya showed them the three babies. The Devis ran to the cradle and picked one baby each. Anasuya then prayed to her Lord to restore them back to their original form. Lo and behold! Brahma was in Luxmi's embrace, Siva in Saraswathy's lap and Parvathy cuddling Vishnu. They accepted that Anasuya's fame as the chastest woman on earth was justified. Thus the Thrimoorthy came to be represented by the Lingam at Suchindram; the bottom represents Brahma, the middle represents Vishnu and the top Shiva.
There is another lore associated with this temple. Once Indra was infatuated with Ahalya, the wife of Rishi Gautama. One night he came to the hermitage where Gautama was living and crowed like a cock indicating the approach of dawn. Rishi Gautama thinking that dawn was imminent awoke from his sleep and went to the river for his ablutions prior to commencing his prayers. Realising that it was too dark for dawn and too early for morning to break he returned to his hut. In the meantime Lord Indra took the physical appearance of Rishi Gautama, approached Ahalya and satisfied his desire. Rishi Gautama returning from the river was enraged when he saw his wife in another man´s embrace and cursed the man's entire body be covered with 'yoni' (the female organ) and his wife Ahalya to become a statue of stone. Lord Indra in order to get rid of this curse went to Gnanaranya and prayed to the Three Moorthys to rid him of this curse. When he was rid of his curse and transformed into his original form he built a temple and installed the Lingam to represent the three Moorthy - Thanu-Maal-Ayan, and the name of the place came to be known as Suchi-Indran (the place where Indran was purified).

Temple Festivals:-

Navaratri are celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion two times a year. On the other hand, Shivaratri is also a major festival being extolled with great joy and happiness. But two major festivals that account the major attraction are the ‘Suchindram maargali festival’ and the ‘Rath Yatra’. During these festival, some people keep fast (not eating any food) as a respect and dedication towards god worship.

Ashokssthmi is the most import ant festival of the hilly goddess celebrating for three days. Following the every year based calendar Mesha sankranti and Raja sankrajti are also important ones for her as a goddess of tantra sastra. A large number of devotees visit the temple and worship to the deity during these days every year.

About Rath Yatra:-

The chariots of Sthanu-Mal-Ayan temple are very beautiful, and the center of attractice at the annual Car Festival here. The chariots come out at the end of a 10-day festival, which begins on the day of Sathayam, in the month of Markazhi (December/January). Lakhs of devotees come to enjoy the festival. Another processional festival is held in Chiththirai (April/May), when the deities are taken out on the cars to give darshan to the devotees.

While Their Lordships' original temple chariot was destroyed during the invasion of Khan Chanda Saheb, many devotees sacrificed their lives in protecting the remaining chariots, thus forcing the invaders to retreat. Afterwards, the Devi (Amman) car was made the major chariot. Each year it is accompanied by the chariots of Ganesa and Swamy, and each of the chariots bears one member of the Trimurti.
The chariot is made of wood and is carved with beautifully detailed sculptures, many of which feature the pastimes of Krishna and Rama lila. Each year, the upper portion of the car is remade with fresh poles and fabrics, and taken out on procession.

Temple Timings:-

Open 7:30 am

Close 7:30 pm

Thursday 20 August 2015

Nagercoil Nagaraja Swamy Temple in Nagercoil

                                                        Nagaraja Swamy Temple

This temple is situated at a distance of 12 miles from Cape Comorin, in the midst of paddy fields. The following is the traditional story of its origin.
In the fields where the temple now stands, one day, a worker, while harvesting the crops, came across a granite stone and, as soon as the sickle came in contact with it, blood came out of the stone. This being an unusual happening, the news spread like wild fire and it became the talk of the town as this incident could not be attributed to any known phenomenon.

At this time Pambummekkattu Nambudiri from Cochin was passing through this place on his way to Suchindram. On hearing about the incident, he visited the spot and recognised the stone as Vasuki (Ananta) the Serpent King. He immediately conducted archanas and other offerings and informed Kalakkat Rajah, who was then ruling over the area, about this. In the meanwhile, a thatched shed was erected over the idol.
The Rajah then arranged to construct the present temple and wanted to shift the idol to it. But the Serpent King appeared in a dream both to the Rajah and to the Nambudiri and conveyed his desire to remain where he was.

Accordingly he was left where he was originally found by the worker, and Anantakrishna was installed in the new temple. Gradually it was realised that as the serpent in the form of Kaliya was inimical to Krishna, it was not desirable to allow the Serpent King and Lord Krishna to be installed close to each other. So Siva was installed in the middle to avoid any possible conflict. Thus the three Gods came to be where they are now.

Another version is that the temple belonged to the Jains, even though no previous history is known in this connection. This belief is supported by the fact that the carvings of Mahavira and Parswanatha are seen on the pillars of the temple. The beautiful main gateway reminds one of Chinese architecture. It is believed that this temple came under the Hindus only from the sixteenth century.

People throng here every Sunday and on Anuradha days with offerings of milk. It is said that many serpents live all round the
temple. But there has been no fatal case of snakebite within a radius of one mile from the place. The earthen prasadam taken from the place where Lord Nagaraja is installed (on bare earth where it was originally found) has never diminished in quantity even after its use for many many years. It is also remarkable that this prasadam will be white in colour for six months in the year and turn light black for the remaining six months.

Legend of Temple:-

Nagas are children of Kashyapa and Kadru. Among the prominent nāgas of Hinduism are Manasa, Sesha, and Vasuki.

The Nairs of Kerala and the ethnically related Tulu Bunts of Karnataka are clans which are believed to have originated from the serpent dynasty.

Legends says that the nāgas also carry the elixir of life and immortality. Garuda once brought it to them and put a cup with elixir on the ground but it was taken away by Indra. However, a few drops remained on the grass. The nāgas licked up the drops, but in doing so, cut their tongues on the grass, and since then their tongues have been forked.

Nagas are snakes that may take human form. They tend to be very curious. According to traditions, Nāgas are only malevolent to humans when they have been mistreated. They are susceptible to mankind's disrespectful actions in relation to the environment. They are also associated with waters — rivers, lakes, seas, and wells — and are generally regarded as guardians of treasure.

They are objects of great reverence in some parts of southern India where it is believed that they bring fertility and prosperity to their veneration. Expensive and grand rituals like Nagamandala are conducted in their honor (see Nagaradhane).

Nagercoil  Nagaraja is believed by devotees as a deity who redeem the misery of childless
couples.By worshiping the deity here several childless couples are blessed to have children.
He is also a deity who grants prosperity and good health to the devotees.
There are several snake idols and a Ganapathy idol placed on the basement of a Peepul tree in the temple compound 
and it is auspicious to circumambulate those idols( that peepul tree) to get remove our 'Sarpadosham'  sins due to the harm
done to the snakes previously,Curses of snakes  etc.
Offering  small images of serpents made of  silver to be placed in the temple,offering 'Noorum palum'(a pooja ritual)
etc can be done to get  relieve our sins and to get the bliss.Those who are suffering from the bad effects of 'Rahu' and 'Kethu' according to astrology will be relieved  by doing worship in this temple.
There were  some arguments that this  temple belonged to Jains previously but was taken
over by Hindus.

'Mahendragiri' near Kanyakumari is referred as the abode of Nagas in the Valmiki Ramayana.There is no epigraph to find the chronology of the temple.Images of Jain Theerthankaras 'Parsavanth and Mahavira' are carved on the pillars of 'Arthamandapa' in this temple.The main gateway of this temple known as 'Mahamerumaligai' resembles
Budhist monastery.Deities of Lord Shiva and Anathakrishna are enshrined here.It has
to be assumed that this temple is simply an embodiment of the four creeds Saivam,Vaishnavam,Jainism and Budhism and it is a very ancient 'Nagaraja Temple'.

Dieties in the Temple:-

The Nagaraja temple situated at Nagarcoil is dedicated to the Lord Nagaraja. Nagercoil got its name from the five headed serpent shrine of the Nagaraja.

Besides the presiding deity, the idols of Lord Shiva and Anantha Krishna are also enshrined in the ardhamandapa of the temple. The figures of Jain Thirthankaras Parsavanth and Mahavira are carved on the pillars of the mandapa.

Ashta Naga:-

The eight revered nagas are referred as ashta nagas they are Shesha, Vasuki, Takshaka, Karkotaka,Shankhapala,Gulika, Padma and Mahapadma. It is said about the colurs of nagas that Vasuki is pearl white, Takshaka is red, Karkodaka is black with 3 white stripes in his hood, Padma is pink as lotus with white streak and coral ornaments, Mahapadma is white with trident mark in head, Shankhapala is yellow with white streak in hood, Gulika is red with crescent mark in hood

Vasuki or Naga raja, The King of the Nagas.
Ananda or Aadi Sesha, The serpent on whom Vishnu does yoga nidra(Ananda shayana).
Karkotaka, controls weather.
Padmavati, the Nāgī queen and companion of Dharanendra.
Paravataksha, his sword causes earthquakes and whose roar causes thunder.
Takshaka, tribal king of the Nāgas, whose kingdom was called as Takshashila.
Ulupi, a companion of Arjuna in the epic Mahabharata.
Manasa, the Hindu goddess of Nagas; the curer of snake-bites and the sister of Vasuki
Kaliya, a snake punished by Krishna in Yamuna river.
Matali, charioteer of Indra; Matali was also the charioteer of Rama during the Lanka Battle.

Prominence of the Shrine :-

 This temple is a Parihara Sthalam for people who has a Naga Dosha.  Every month Karthigai star days are  celebrated with special poojas.  Outside of this temple complex there is a temple tree and Statues of snakes (Naga - Cobra) are kept.   Turmeric and Milk Abhishekam for these snakes by devotees will bring them good.  Main Deity at this temple is Nagarajar.  Opposite of  Nagarajar there is a stone pillar and sculpture of “Naga Kanni” (female form of Cobra) is carved in it. In the Karpagraha where the  main deity Nagarajar is residing is surrounded by sand pit.  As this was place originally paddy fields always water was coming out of  the ground.  So poojari gives sand mixed with the water as a “Prasad” at this temple as oppose to sandal paste or kumkum in other  temples.  Durga statue at this temple was found at the Naga Theertham.  So the Devi is called as “Theertha Durga”.  As per beliefs, if  devotees take bath in Naga Theertham on Tuesday during the “Raghu kalam” and worship the god with milk abhishekam, ghee lamp and  lemon lamp their Naga Dosha will go away.

Temple Timings :-
                                   Morning 5:00 A.M. to 11:30 Noon.
                          Evening 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.

Opening time 5.00 am
Uchikala Abhishegam 10.00 am
Uchikala Pooja 11.00 am
Sayaratchai Pooja 6.30 pm
Arthajama Pooja 7.45 pm

Every year in the Malayalam month of 'Thulam'(Sep-Oct) 12 days special pooja will be done including 'Ayilyam Star day' by the Thantri of Pambimekkattu Illam.
Ayilyam star day  on every month is auspicious here and all Sundays are also auspicious.Annual festival is in the month of 'Makaram'  for 10 days and 'Arattu' will be on
'Ayilyam star day of Makaram'(Jan-Feb).Ratholsavam(pulling temple car) is an attraction during  the festival.